The doors of the Los Angeles Convention Center are just creaking open, which means that E3 2016 is about to get into full-swing – but before we turn our attention to all of the news coming from the show floor, we figured that it would be fun to look back at the past couple of days of pressers, and rate them.

Electronic Arts
It says a lot about EA's not-E3-but-E3 press conference this year that the biggest shock the publisher had to offer was when it rolled out Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho for an awkward exchange with Peter Moore. The hosting was decent and the pacing never really sagged – but that's because the briefing never got out of first gear. Both Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 excelled, but they're known quantities, and the absence of any meaningful Mass Effect Andromeda information really put a dampener on things to the point where an annual token indie nod couldn't really lift our spirits. An extended Star Wars sequence teasing titles coming in 2018 accentuated one scary point: outside of its usual smattering of sports games and shooter sequels, EA's really got nothing coming out in the immediate future.
Grade Awarded: D-
Bethesda's decision to open with Quake was inspired – until it turned out to be a multiplayer-only PC shooter co-developed by Saber Interactive. It was more or less all downhill from there. Okay, so this briefing wasn't that bad, but it lacked the pizzazz of the previous year. PREY's reboot, helmed by Arkane Austin, was a wishy-washy reveal – proof that the project's in production and nothing more. And while a handful of audience members revelled in The Elder Scrolls Online announcements, we'd hazard that those same few were the only people to care. Dishonored 2 did legitimately dazzle, but the publisher's attempts to turn it into 2016's Fallout 4 fell flat; the game looked good, but its plodding, ponderous gameplay was tedious to watch. And with the rumoured Wolfenstein sequel reduced to a mere Easter egg, this presser had the same problem as EA's: the publisher simply didn't have much to show.
Grade Awarded: D-
When it comes to E3 press conferences, you can usually bet on a solid showing from Ubisoft, but there are almost always several dips in the action, or a few announcements that fall horribly flat. This year, though, things weren't quite so predictable, as the French publisher really struggled with one problem in particular: pacing. Ubisoft's presser lasted almost two hours, and in hindsight, its running time could have easily been halved with very little effort. Far too much waffle cancelled out some decent gameplay from promising looking titles, although fans of South Park will no doubt have appreciated the depth of South Park: The Fractured But Whole's segment. Standouts included moody war-'em-up For Honor, which has real potential, and an even better look at the recently revealed Watch Dogs 2. These, though, were bright spots in a very lethargic, almost all too casual conference.
Grade Awarded: D+
For our money quite easily the best press conference of E3 2016, Sony's offering was all about the games – and that's exactly what fans wanted. Right from the start, this was a breathless showing, as the company wheeled out one trailer or gameplay demo after another. Sony nailed the pacing aspect of its event, and although there were a few dull moments, like the PlayStation VR montage and the unsurprising Skylanders sucker punch, they weren't enough to damage the impressive momentum that stunning showstoppers such as God of War and Horizon: Zero Dawn had kicked into gear. Add Insomnaic's Spider-Man title to the mix alongside some solid Days Gone gameplay and a suitably mental teaser for Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding, and you've got the recipe for a cohesive, classy presser, oozing with quality throughout.
Grade Awarded: A-
These are our grades, but what are yours? Review all of the press conferences in the comments section, and remember to vote for your favourite in our poll.
Which of the following do you think won E3? (124 votes)
- Bethesda
- Electronic Arts0.8%
- Sony
- Ubisoft
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[ Words: Robert Ramsey, Sammy Barker ]
Comments 62
i thought you said ALL where is the Microsoft Rating (i know it's a rival system but still, it happened)
@FullbringIchigo I knew this would be the first comment as soon as I clicked 'Publish'. We graded/reviewed the pressers relevant to PlayStation.
Sony blew them all away. The Microsoft conference was great too, but Sony still had the upper hand. The pacing was just perfect all the way through.
@get2sammyb Good answer as I was going to ask the same (plus NIntendo!)
Sony won, not by excel (it was good but some points were really off), but by default. This E3 was really disappointing, it'll help to put low expectations on e3 2017, but the biggest gaming expo be so flat is very worrying, and maybe 2017, if not for Nintendo and Sony exclusives, it'll be an empty year.
My thoughts:
EA: F. Showed us absolutely nothing we didn't already know about except that indie. Sports titles and shooter sequels do not a press conference make.
Bethesda: D. I loved Dishonored, so the Dishonored 2 gameplay was actually a plus for me. Prey is...a thing. Skyrim remastered will be nice. Other than that, painfully obvious that Beth just didn't have much to show.
Ubisoft: C. I didn't watch all of this, but from what I did see there are some solid games coming. For Honor looks interesting. Nothing mind-blowing though.
Sony: A. Awesome press-conference. Loved how they just showed game after game after game. Horizon is officially my most anticipated game now.
Microsoft: B-. Full disclosure, I own an Xbox One and a PS4. I don't think they blew the doors off like some people thought they did. Take away the Scorpio announcement (which isn't coming for a long time, and we still don't know that much about it), and the conference had a lot less spark to it.
Good job, Sony. You win!
I know Bethesda wasn't amazing, but it wasn't nearly as bad as EA. Prey and Dishonored looked very good, the fact that id is taking back doom multiplayer, even skyrim remastered looked great. And they didn't talk about bloody football for half an hour.
@get2sammyb D- for Ubisoft? Really?
I think you've been eating too much salad cream. There conference was great, WD2, South park, Steep and that medieval bearded man with the Kane game. Yes the couch was a bad idea, the director dude and a touch too long on game demos. But those games are all great. B+
@themcnoisy Agreed, plus Aisha Tyler is a great host!
@themcnoisy The games were generally okay looking (although none were really my cup of tea aside from Southpark, Steep could be good will keep an eye on that), the problem was it was way way too long. Should have been half that length. And the Ass Creed/Watch Dog movie bits could have been cut entirely!
So yeah, just bad pacing really and a few bits of iffy content.
C if it cut the movie trailers
@kyleforrester87 #assfilm
@Anchorsam_9 Yes she is. Agreed.
@get2sammyb I'm glad I wasn't the first to post as I would have made that comment too no doubt.
Of those above, Sony's was very much the clear winner. It was by far the best of all the other's (not inc MS) with EA's the next best but still lagging very far behind. Bethesdas for me was the worst with Ubisofts just above because the presentation was more entertaining - thanks to Aisha.
Marking out of 10
Sony 9 - A few 'duff' games, some absentees and Kojimas was just weird!!
MS 8.5 - solid, if a bit safe, lots of variety and that bombshell ending
EA's 4 - TF2, BF1 but expected more from ME:A, SW etc
Ubisoft 3 - Entertaining but lacked any real gaming substance for me
Bethesda 1 - Self praising but offered nothing that interested me
EA should have been an F honestly
Microsoft = B+
Sony = A-
Ubisoft = C-
EA = D+
Bethesda = D+
You guys should review Microsoft next time, or Nintendo if they show face......just a little review blurb at least.
@themcnoisy We gave Ubisoft a D+.
@sub12 There's no point. If I wrote that Gears of War 4 lacks imagination and ReCore looks like Grade A garbage — my honest opinions — people will just say we're fanboys and "of course a PlayStation site would say that". Better to stay on topic.
How about Square's conference? From what I could see that was even worse than EA or Bethesda. Seems some fair ratings anyway. Sony may have earnt a solid A had they shown us some Bandicoot footage.
Sony had best E3 two years running now. God of War and Spiderman for the win!
But gosh dang, for bowing out Nintendo really impressed me with Zelda Breath of the Wild. One new game but it sure is a good one!
And MS, not bad. Not great but not bad. Forza Horizon 3 and Halo Wars 2!
And lots of games we already knew about but looked great nonetheless. Horizon Zero Dawn, Monster Hunter Generations, Final Fantasy XV, Scalebound, ReCore, Last Guardian.:.
Not such a bad E3 after all
@get2sammyb Gears of War 4 was effing boring to watch xD
Microsoft had very little in games
about Microsoft.c -
Have somebody on your team with some prior Xbox / Nintendo experience review it.
But the most important question is: do schools in the UK rate students with letters like in the USA or numbers like the rest of Europe?
@get2sammyb I agree you are damned if you do and damned if you don't but I do think its a shame that you feel that you cannot express an honest opinion and have an open discussion about the Xbox and its games.
I know Phil Spencer got a lot of criticism for saying he was looking forward to playing Uncharted 4 but by saying that yo me, it shows he is not afraid to express his honest opinion and a gamer at heart...
I must admit, I do have a few concerns about Gears 4 now its new hands but the franchise was quite revolutionary when it started. The co-op gameplay suffered the same issues that all E3 co-op game play has - awful, cheesy dialogue. It doesn't appear to have moved forward into the new gen era. ReCore was always an 'outsider' for me - the concept 'could' have been interesting and exciting but the game-play looked awful. It really doesn't come up to the standard I expect this gen, the standard of AAA's from other publishers and a long way off from Sony's. very average at best... And that's from someone who likes 'shooters', action/adventures and an Xbox gamer too...
@sub12 You do realise I don't just play PlayStation, right? Heck, I used to write for Nintendo Life a billion years ago.
@FullbringIchigo yeah this makes no sense to not rate Microsoft.
@clvr We're letters here too, like in the U.S., only we also have A*s, which is an entire grade above an A, so here it would go A-, A, A+, A*-, A*. I'm not sure if any of this actually matters to you, but hey, it can't hurt to know these things!
If I were to grade the conferences (including Nintendo but not Microsoft cause I didn't watch it), it would be:
EA - E - Basically nothing I cared about
Bethesda - D - I never had a PS3 or Xbox, so I'm happy they're remastering skyrim, but the rest was awful
Ubisoft - C- - There was nothing I really wanted to buy, but it interested me a lot more than the other two, mainly due to Aisha Taylor
Sony - A* - Perfect really
Nintendo - B- - I'm a bit biased, cause I love Zelda, but they clearly went quality over quantity, and whilst that nowhere near reaches Sony's standards of quality and quantity, they showed off Zelda brilliantly without spoiling a thing. It looks amazing, and kept me engaged for a long time.
@get2sammyb a billion years is an exaggeration, that's when bearded Kane stick medieval guy was a child. I will ask him.
Ok D+, I still think ubis was okay. We were just expecting a better presentation. It was a bit pants, like a pilot for a talk show which never sees the light if day as its too amateurish. Ditch the film directors, have a more focused play section and it would of been an 8/10.
@BranJ0 thank you for your reply, I honestly thought noone would take my question seriously XD
And I appreciate the bonus detail, I would have never imagined such thing as an A* existed
On a side note, I can barely contain my hype after seeing Breath Of The Wild. I already know it's gonna be my favorite game ever
To be honest, no, I thought you had probably just played Sony since the PS1 and dabbled with Sega a bit in your youth,........that's not a knock, I came to that opinion because you never really reference anything outside of the Playstation ecosystem in your comments, barring Sega on a occasion (Shenmue and what not).
Sony obviously won but the biased is obvious here. Ubisoft was long and unnecessary but they did show a lot of good games and are one of the only companies consistently pushing new ip.
To rate my own...
I didn't watch ea because they don't have a single game that interests me but it's clear nobody liked it.
Bethesda would be a c. At least they showed something new. They were doomed, no pun intended following an excellent showcase last year.
Ubisoft would be a c plus. I'd give it a b if not for all the stupid interviews, we don't need someone to introduce every game, that's what the rest of e3 is for. Still they are the only one pushing as many new ip as Sony and taking risks. Plus aisha is fun.
Microsoft is a b. Honestly their best yet, I was nervous Sony couldn't top. Releasing an Xbox slim shouldn't be praised. That machine should have never been so big to begin with. Also who wants to buy a slim if another console is coming next year?
Sony is an a. They killed it. Perfect pacing, kojima, release dates, and awesome games. I love Lego games but didn't think star wars deserved show time with so many other games we've heard nothing about. Also strange to split up days end, should have just been 1 big segment at the end, made it slightly anti climatic.
Which press conference was the best? Obviously Sony's. It was paced perfectly and had some amazing games to show off.
Favorite game of the show? Honestly, after today, I'm inclined to say The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It may be the one thing Nintendo really had to show off, but it's incredible looking.
And if you had put the Xbox conference grade in there and God forbid scored it lower than Sony's there's a select group of clowns who would raise hell because that's their sole purpose for visiting the site. I'm glad you guys avoided that. It amazes me the people who want their MS or Nintendo love ALL THE TIME constantly visit here and I never see some of them at Pure Xbox.
Anyway, out of these Sony wins easy but the announcement of Xbox Scorpio gives MS the overall win.
People are burnt on the Ubisoft open world template, I think that's part of the problem. I'd agree some of the venom spewed their way is unfair at times though and I've been guilty myself. Admittedly when I do buy a Ubisoft game, more times than not I have fun playing it.
Sony won E3 conferences easily (I do think Ubisoft was better than given credit for), but new Zelda is by far Game of the Show.
I agree, worst yet other games have adapted it. I couldn't finish ac syndicate, first one ever and I still haven't played far cry primal and I platinum ed the last two far cries.
Of what I saw I'm thinking watch dogs will be the only game they showed using this format, however they did manage to sneak it even into the crew.
Either way based on games and new ips alone they are much better than a d minus.
I liked what Microsoft and Ubisoft had to show, was underwhelmed by Sony (I was last year, too, so I assume I'm an outlier and a lot of their big games just don't appeal to me), and fell asleep during EA's.
@Gamer83 To be fair, though, I don't see a lot of anybody over at Pure Xbox...
Microsoft always has tight, well directed press conferences, but Sony's conferences are pretty much always the most memorable the last half a decade because they address what it feels like to be a gamer; Microsoft aims for the mind, Sony goes straight for our hearts
No doubt. If I were rating it I'd probably have Ubi's conference at a 6 or 7. I do like to give points for trying new ips. And like you commented, Ubi will try new ips, how it plays out is anybody's guess but at least Ubi tries. Also, I actually really liked Watch Dogs 1 (feel like I'm one of 3 or 4 people who didn't absolutely loathe it) so the sequel is pretty high on my most wanted list.
Which is a shame. Pure Xbox is a good website.
I think last year was highly over rated, I think this year is brilliant though. However I don't care about final Fantasy or persona...
The hate for watch dogs is ridiculous. It was a good game, maybe it didn't deliver all that was intended but it was easily a 7.5 out of ten maybe better. People act like it was filled with bugs and broken. Hating watch dogs and ubisoft in general is the hipster thing to do.
Last year's Sony conference was definitely a bit overrated. I thought it was still very good, but I'm sorry, they knew they didn't have as much to compete with MS so they went for the cheap nostalgic route and delivered a retro gamer's wet dream. If only I could care about Shenmue and Final Fantasy VII the way some people do, and The Last Guardian... Wasn't interested when it was announced for PS3 nearly a decade ago, here we are in 2016 and it looks like a PS3 game. I'm happy for people who wanted these games, but to me a conference can't be the 'best of all-time' based on a remake, a kickstarter project and re-announcement. The talk last year should've been Horizon, which seemed even better to me with this year's showing.
PlayStation is my preferred gaming platform but because of that I'm always a little more critical as I'm much more entrenched in this ecosystem and want to see it at its best. Last night's show was legitimately great, all credit where it's due. God of War is back and seems better than ever. Days Gone, while not the Bend game I hoped for, certainly looks interesting. A Spider-Man game by Insomniac? Sign me up right away. After playing the demo, I actually add Resident Evil 7 to the list of nice announcements as well. This one seems like it could be really good though I can't be 100% confident because this is the modern Capcom. But in all in all, Sony delivered a lesson in how to present a conference and when you have great first party content along with a who's who of third parties, it's tough to go wrong. The VR part was lost on me, but I know that's just my problem and some people are really looking forward to it. I think RE 7, provided it turns out well, could be one that helps sell some PSVR headsets. There's millions of people who love to scare themselves silly and VR provides an even more immersive way to do that.
A-? serious? SOny's presser was easily an S+
I would ask everyone not to talk about who "won" E3, I think using that phrase is a little trivial. However, here are my grades:
Bethesda: B-
Ubisoft: C
Microsoft: C
Sony: A
EA: Participation award.
I do find it funny that Sony seemed to show more game footage of anything Star Wars than EA did.
Glad you didn't include Microsoft's one because I(and most PS Fans) have no interest in whatever they do SONY's was excellent and I will probably watch it again later
@get2sammyb oh please don't get the wrong idea i wasn't moaning, with this being a PlayStation site it wasn't a surprise it wasn't on the list
i was just wondering what your thoughts on the XBOX and Nintendo events were that's all
Only just seen Sony's. Pacing was probably better than Microsoft's but some of the Microsoft games have me really excited.
Is it just me or was practically every game a third person one on PS 4....
As a multigamer, for me the best was Microsoft's (best lineup and only a few weird moments like Minecraft) and second Sony's (good pace, many games). Nintendo's 2016 show has been their worst show ever. I feel like I wasted a whole afternoon watching stupid Pokemon footage and new Zelda's overworld exploration without any surprise at all nor any free games as a sorry for not supporting your Wii U consoles three years after launch.
EDIT: I did not watch the others.
@VanillaLake zelda was F* brilliant. NX here i come although i think VR (Ps) will come first because thank the gods my gf is doing a playthrough of Uncharted 4.
@Cron_13 don't change a winning formula. I think Sony isnt known for fps other than resistance which is done thanks to that horrible vita game.
@gamer83 THANK YOU. I was sooo annoyed that within the chat N fanboys were talking about Sonys conference. Zelda was superb i mean i want a NX now but it's show can't compete with Sonys. Horizon is equal if not better. And holy F spiderman made by imsomniac... If seen what they have done with sunset overdrive ( walkthroughs) and it looks like a lot of fun. Don't forget the excellent resistance games.
@Neolit Watch Kinda funny greg and collin always do an PlayStation show called ps i love you xoxo
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
@Neolit Great another kinda funny fan. Do you also watch the gamecast with Tim ( Let Tim host) and the producer /suducer Nick?
@Sanquine The way Breath of Wild was presented was kind of boring (and I'm a big Zelda fan). It did not excite me at all... but that's just me.
This whole E3 thing lacked any new JRPGs, Strategy games and Fighting games. All of my favorite genres. I don't like being negative, but I found it a waste of time.
I maintain an open mind and low expectations which is why I enjoyed Sony's presentation from start to finish. Everything else was mediocre at best. I guess this is the open world generation (more or less), so, there's a lot to choose from. RE7 was my favorite highlight along with more Battlefield 1 and Watch Dogs 2 footage. Those three I'm looking forward to.
Good article @get2sammyb.
@Gamer83 I think one of the reasons that some of the users from NL came over here was Tom put up an article in NL's news feed about Push Square covering Sony's E3 presentation which obviously they saw, I didnt see one for Pure Xbox though. Also some of those clowns were doing it to stir up trouble (obviously) and as someone mentioned Pure Xbox just doesn't get that many posters in the forums and such, I always just see the same group post, which if you are someone looking to stir up trouble it's not going to work so well with a small user base.
Also hardcore Nintendo fanboys feel that it's cool to dis Sony which I am thinking is because of the whole Nintendo Play Station debacle.
@Tasuki Which is funny because some of them were like kids when it happened. I was to young to care about the break up/ Nintendo dumping Sony for philips. All i cared about was tekken 2 what a game at that time.
It seemed like most of the sh*t talking going on in the live chat for Sony's conference was drowned out by those of us who were there because we're PlayStation fans but yeah, I noticed some nonsense going on.
Enough of that though. To get back on topic, if you're a big Insomniac fan and haven't had a chance to play Sunset Overdrive yet, that's unfortunate. Extremely good game. I also love their Resistance games and want to see them get a chance to make more some day but Sony owns the IP.
Zelda was still the best thing to happen.
@Sanquine Right but it still is a hot topic especially for Nintendo fanboys. I still see people posting youtube videos about it and of course with that prototype reveal last year it brought it back in the spotlight. As you pointed out though most of them were kids or heck not even born then so they don't know the whole story, just what fanboys of both sides say. In truth both companies were guilty of shenanigans and trying to get the better deal. Sony wanted control of certain Nintendo IPS and instead of talking it over Nintendo pulled their stunt. But fanboys of both sides want to blame the other for the split.
@Sanquine Nintendo Life, PushSquare and PureXbox are connected and Tom mentioned Sony and Microsoft's conferences. Like @Tasuki said, PureXbox is the most peaceful place of the three, you don't read any Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft trolls there and all the comments are meaningful, but it also has less posts than PushSquare and of course than Nintendo Life which can be crazy (the Nintendo conference chat was hot all the time, almost impossible to follow even though the conference was the slowest and most boring of them all). For me it's great to have three websites connected as I became a multigamer recently.
@VanillaLake i want to become a multi platform but i have limited time. Some folks play every platform and truly i look up to those people because i can't divide my attention on several games on different platforms
However, i will get a xbox one and a NX eventually. Depends when i start working ( student)
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