Missed the earlier Deus Ex: Mankind Divided livestream? Then you've come to the right place. The stream showcased around 18 minutes of new PlayStation 4 gameplay, detailing how main character Adam Jensen can tackle his objectives in different ways depending on your play style. All in all, it looks pretty good, even if the demo itself was a little slow.
The stream also highlighted a few of Jensen's new augmentations, showing how they can be used in both stealthy and combat scenarios. If you've been eager to see more of Adam's arsenal, then the video's worth a look - especially if you're already thinking about how you want to handle your first playthrough.
Are you looking forward to Mankind Divided? Please don't remove your limbs for the sake of being a cyborg in the comments section below.
Comments 16
Looks great. Still don't like the way it cuts to black and plays an animation when you do your special, seems oddly disjointed. But the rest looks like everything that made HR great and more.
I asked for this
This is looking really good. HR was one of my favourites of last gen, so I can't wait to get my hands on this.
I'll probably play mostly non-lethally, like last time
I enjoyed the last one immensely.
Lets hope the ending doesn't suck again tho
I'm pretty sure Human Revolution had the best level design of the entire PS3 era
@DASchenk yea, that level design was awesome. I think this could be just as good or even better. I'm quite excited for this.
Looks fantastic. I should really beat the original Deus Ex before this game is released.
Oh wow, this looks amazing. I've owned Human Revolution for years, but never got around to playing it. Maybe I ought to change that...
I've never played this series before. Is it always first person? I thought it was a third person game for some reason.
Looking like what I wanted after the brilliant Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Just a couple more months to go.
Not sure about this at all, the HUD is reminding me kinda of Division and Watchdogs
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Ubisoft wish they could make a game as badass as Deus Ex
@ztpayne7 It's a first person game, but at certain points it'll switch to a third person view, like when you're in cover or performing a takedown.
Looks great can't wait.
Nice, it has that same atmospheric music like in HR.
David Sarif's voice is different, i remember him sounding like Gob from Arrested Development.
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