Gamers are so resistant to new ideas these days that it's a legitimate shock we're not all still playing 8-bit sidescrollers on controllers that resemble plastic bricks. The brief section on PlayStation VR during Sony's press conference this week brought out all of the usual suspects in our live chat: flop, flop, flop.
Well, now's your chance to actually, y'know, try it. Starting tomorrow in North America, the platform holder's rolling out demo stations at more than 30 Best Buy and GameStop stores. The firm promises that by 24th June, that number will have increased to 300 outlets. There's a good chance that you'll be able to get your eyes on this peripheral soon, then.
You can find out which shops near you will have demo stations by entering your ZIP code (why are they called ZIP codes, US readers?) into this website. Playable games will include EVE: Valkyrie, Headmaster, Superhypercube, and Battlezone. We'd implore you to try the latter game, as that one really blew us away earlier in the year. More demos will be added over time.
So then, now's the time to make up your mind. Is virtual reality really as awful as you're all expecting – or is there the nugget of something special here? Even if you remain unconvinced, we'd be surprised if you didn't come away somewhat impressed after experiencing the technology first-hand. It is incredible stuff.
[source playstation.com, via blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 29
I hope I get a chance to try it at Eurogamer later in the year. Particularly keen to give EVE: Valkyrie a go.
Like I said I haven't really been convinced for all the hype about VR and mainly cuz most of the games look like party games or mini games rather than a full title that would keep you interested for at least ten hours rather than five minutes but if the booths start appearing in the UK too I am more than happy to be convinced otherwise
Never been interested in VR, never will be.The fact I get motion sick sometimes makes the decision to avoid it even easier. I hope for those who do want it that things go well. Right now much of the software is unimpressive.
i'm not complaining, i think it looks pretty neat it's just something i will NEVER be able to afford so i'm not that interested in it
"ZIP" is an acronym coined by the United States Postal Service that stands for Zone Improvement Plan. Calling the code by this name had about as much impact on mail delivery efficiency as Blast Processing had on the Genesis, and I believe the USPS doesn't even own the trademark anymore, but the name has stuck.
@get2sammyb Doesn't UK have Zip codes?
It says all the Gamestop and Bestbuy near me will have VR to try starting the 24th. Gamestop will have it on Saturdays(except for one which has it on a Tuesday) and Bestbuy on Friday and Sunday.
The limited time frames make me think there will actually be someone there who knows what they are doing to help show off the headset.
Well, these ones will never make it around here, so I cannot care.
It is not lack of interest in new experiences, they need to be appealing and affordable.
Im sold. Rigs, far point, resident evil and golum are my games of interest
Oohw and one more thing what's wrong with PlayStation Europe... I have never have the optioneel to try it out.
I'd be interested in trying it, but all the nearest locations are a little out of my area.
@Tasuki no we have Post Codes to help with Mail delivery, same basic thing
One big success of Sony's conference this year was to give more reasons for people to adopt VR. Sony's VR device isn't one that's interested me that much, but with the announcements including Resi 7 and the like, it's given made me wake up and want to give it a whirl at the very least.
I'm interested in vr but the experience has to be a lot better than gear vr considering gear vr is $100 and ps vr is $400. I think ps move is needed for full immersion because the first thing people do when trying the gear vr is to touch thing in front of them in vr with their hand.
I'd like to try it but even if I was blown away and bought one I just know it would be on a shelf gathering dust after so many weeks/months.
@get2sammyb any news on demo units in the UK. I feel we have a huge install Base in this country and a rich heritage within the gaming industry. However we always seem to be an after thought when it comes to consumer connection. I would love my local 'Game' store to have a demo unit, I honestly can't see it happening though
I'll be getting one this October VR is definitely going to change the way we play games, you really do have to try it to understand why some cannot wait for it.
Smart! Let the evidence speak for itself. Let consumers test and judge for themselves, and not be swayed by cynics who have never tried it. Word off mouth and sharing real life experience is a powerful advertising tool. Can't wait for them demo booths to appear in Europe.
I hope they have plenty of Clorox wipes. I'm sure that it will be nasty with sweating.
Even though I still don't have a PS4 yet, I'll be sure to check out PSVR for myself.
Sadly it looks like I'll have to wait until June 24/25, oh well XD.
@Tasuki They're called postal codes here.
@TeslaChippie Thanks for the explanation which I probably should have just Googled.
Is PushSquare based in America? For some reason I assumed you were all English! Haha. Do you get all the US updates first too? You always seem to mention the NA sales etc. Any idea if the EU (if we even get them) correlate to your NA ones? I always get excited when America get sales, thinking that I'll get them too!
Aw, yeah! One of my local Best Buy's is running this tomorrow afternoon and the timing is perfect for me!
I want to be on board, really I do, I've always daydreamed about VR worlds and technology and now that it's here, I can't get around the peripheral costing more than the game console. If it happens, it will likely be the PSVR as it costs roughly the same as an Oculus Rift and features a similar experience without the finicky drivers and other expensive needed upgrades my computer needs at the moment. The HTC Vive is very cool, but lack of a large enough play area and the outrageous price tag make it less likely I'll be owning one this generation.
May not be going to one of these 'experiences' though, as I already have a tendency for shying away from crowds, let alone being hooked up to a helmet with dozens of meatbags watching me flail and cry when I get scared. I'd rather play in the comfort of my locked bedroom with my pants off.
I will be persuading friends to try it out because they are not sold on PS VR. Myself, on the other hand, I'm very excited.
Dear Americans, please share your thoughts with us on what you thought of VR when you get a chance to have a play! I have mine on preorder but having doubts if I should keep it, if they decide to do roadshows in the UK, I will queue to try it out. In the meantime, please tell us your impresssions
"it's a legitimate shock we're not all still playing 8-bit sidescrollers"
PS Plus would like a word...Admittedly this hasn't applied for the last couple of months, but it still made me laugh.
I just tried it!!!!!!! IT'S UNREAL!!!! I tried "Heist" and I can't even comprehend how amazing and futuristic the experience was, how it sent me to another place.
You appear in a SUV with a hitman guy in a suit driving it. You use a move controller in each hand as your hands. They worked PERFECTLY 1-1 movement!!! The attention to detail in the SUV was insane!!! You could open the glove box, the doors, the visors, Grab objects like sodas. You can lean out the open door. After the hitman kicked out the Windshield I stood up in the car and leaned out and looked back. It freaked me out like I was going 90mph down the highway! Then a guy appeared on the dash and you used your right hand to pick up clips and pop them in the gun in your left hand!!!!
Your virtual hands were at the perfect distance like real life. It's hard to explain how real it was, but I was not in that GameStop anymore, I was in a SUV in a gun battle.
Btw the Headset was lightweight, The sound was amazing in 3d, and the graphics looked sharp and clear!!!! It's an INSTANT day 1 buy!!!
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