One area we always criticise with Sony is the fact that it doesn't always put its best foot forward. Gravity Rush 2 legitimately looks sensational, and yet it's not doing a great job of getting the title in front of console owners. Fortunately, IGN invited series creator Keiichiro Toyama to its E3 2016 live show, where it's shown a huge slice of footage from the game.

And what a game this is shaping up to be! The excellent open world traversal remains intact, but with the addition of new "gravity" modes for Kat, refined combat, and a much busier world, this is looking like something very special indeed. It's just a shame that the platform holder's not shouting about it from the rooftops really, because it should be.
Comments 21
This game is gorgeous..
Sony should be going daft about this and Persona 5 - both look undeniably brilliant.
@ShogunRok i really missed this sort of games on the press conference
I loved Gravity Rush on Vita. This looks gorgeous. Looking forward to play with gravity again.
This does look nice.
It's time I gave the first game another playthrough. Last time I played it was when I first got my Vita.
They are idiots at Sony sometimes and this is one of these times....
coming this year?
I'll bet that Sony will show off Gravity Rush 2 at TGS 2016, along with Knack 2 (the original was better received in Japan).
Well, that sounds like another Ratchet and Clank situation.
It's sad how people other than Sony are putting more effort into promoting their game.
There are enough conferences in the year to off all their properties. At least that's what I'm guessing is their aproach
I'm really happy to see you guys talking about it! The game looks absolutely incredible! The graphics are beautiful, the combat is greatly improved, and it's nice to see a more vibrant triple A game not based around guns. This is easily my most anticipated PS4 game... with the possible exception of Horizon Zero Dawn.
Why talk about it now when they have TGS for that?
@sinalefa Here's hoping it ends up doing as well as R&C did, though.
Should have put this in the show instead of the stupid Lego game. As if anyone needed to be told that a Lego version of The Force Awakens is being made. This game genuinely needs exposure. I don't want this franchise to die because Sony is allergic to showing off Japanese games in its conference.
But yes, this game genuinely looks amazing. The mix of cel-shading and 3D is gorgeous.
@naruball Why not both? But seriously TGS doesn't get as much coverage in the West, so missing out on showing it at E3 is missing out on putting it in the eyes of a lot of people. Understandable they don't dedicate lots of time to it, but a minute or two to make sure everyone has heard of it wouldn't hurt.
When is the expected release window?
Yeah, point taken - I still don't think it would have hurt to include the game's 60 second (!!!) trailer in the press conference.
@JaxonH Still due out 2016 as I understand, but they'll probably push it into early next year for marketing reasons. It obviously isn't going to stand up against the holiday juggernauts.
I agree and this is what drives me crazy about Sony. There is a ton of variety on PS4 but Sony just wants to shove Uncharted 4 and similar experiences down everybody's throat. Considering that right now Uncharted 4 is my early Game of the Year pick and outside of Gears 4 I don't think anything else can come close to it for me, I don't mind those types of 'experiences.' But the thing is when you have games like Gravity Rush, or Ratchet & Clank, you should be screaming from the mountain tops. These games aren't Nintendo IP that have been around for over 2 1/2 decades and don't need advertising to get by. Sometimes a game needs a marketing push. Gravity Rush is not a console seller, but it's a damn good game and the sequel is one Sony should be getting people ready for. What will likely happen is the game releases, gets lost in the shuffle and then Sony, after not doing a damn thing to help it, will say 'well, nobody wants that kind of niche game.' Which is the same exact lame ass excuse used for why it wasn't shown during the E3 conference. 'It's an American show, Gravity Rush is a niche Japanese game.' So what? Bloodborne and Dark Souls are actually niche too but both manage to reach millions of people because they actually got marketing pushes.
When Sony wants to throw it's weight behind something it does a great job. I just wish it would happen for more than Naughty Dog games these days. I'm a huge fan of Naughty Dog but its not the only first party studio that deserves some love. Sony should recognize this and I wish the fanbase would wake them up to it rather than allow them to get away with lame ass excuses. And all that money spent on VR which will dropped at the first sign of trouble? Could've been spent to advertise Ratchet & Clank, MLB The Show, etc. The only other game I've seen Sony push so far this gen like they pushed Uncharted 4 was inFamous: Second Son and that's only because it was the first major exclusive after the PS4 launch day. Sony does a lot right, but there's also stuff it can still get much better at. The PS4 itself has been marketed brilliantly. The marketing for software less so, at least going by what I've seen from Sony in North America. Maybe it's better in Europe.
I agree, sony should've shown this in there e3 conference and judging by this they will probably send it out to die.
@Gamer83 What you said is spot on. It will be ridiculous if Sony make no effort to make sure people know Gravity Rush exists, then Sony sees poor sales and think "It's definitely that no one wants it that is contributing towards bad sales, nothing to do with the fact we didn't advertise it" then cancel the series altogether. I understand not advertising it as much as Uncharted 4, but Sony could easily use it's mediums like the PS Blog and conferences. And was I happy that last year they showed it and TGS AND Paris Games Week.
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