Do you remember Homefront: The Revolution? A bit of inside baseball here: your humble host was too busy animating cacodemons to chase up our review which should have been live today. In other words, even though it's written on the Push Square Towers white board in block capitals, we still forgot about it. Surely the game's better than that, though, right? Er… Our coverage should be up imminently. Assuming that we don't forget again.
Polygon - 6/10
Perhaps the saddest thing about Homefront: The Revolution is that it's capably developed. It's not buggy (at least not in the PC version I played) and runs smoothly. The guns feel fine, the lone vehicle (a motorcycle) is easy to control. But there's never a moment that feels like it's reaching for something more than a check-the-box open world shooter.
Video Gamer - 6/10
Despite its problems, Homefront: The Revolution isn't the disaster many would have anticipated, and it gets a lot right. If you're after a Far Cry game this year but don't want to throw sticks at mammoths, then it's worth checking out.
Games Radar - 3/5
An interesting change of pace for a first person shooter that has some nice ideas and mechanics, but can't quite get everything to sing.
IGN - 5/10
Though its world has some great aesthetic devices and a cool concept, ultimately all of Homefront: The Revolution's elements feel repetitive, unpolished, or downright unnecessary. Over the length of its campaign it fails to deliver a satisfying - or even fully functional - shooter experience.
Will you be revolting against Homefront: The Revolution, or succumbing to its regime? Front up in the comments section below.
Comments 28
Jimquistion gave it a 1/10 though I don't particularly like his reviews or views for that matter.
Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC for me this week.
Kind of surprised about Homefront given the mostly positive previews, I was expecting lots of 7 and 8's.
I haven't played it so can't really comment, but 1/10 seems really harsh. From what I've heard/read about Homefront, it's just very, very average.
1/10? Somebody got their panties in a bunch and was politically offended.
I'll also supplement The Fallout DLC with Kirby: Triple Deluxe (don't judge me!, just because I'm 30 and playing Kirby......shut up!, I go to the gym on the reg,....it's a great game, haters......)
@sub12 Ain't nothin' wrong with Kirby!
@JoeBlogs Yeah, he can score the game as he wants to, that's his prerogative. But for me, a 1/10 is, like you say, barely functional. But whatever.
@get2sammyb well he did say in a tweet that it was worse than the Arkham night pc port and that's saying something
Wow, worse than I was expecting, to be honest.
Had hoped this would stand out a bit more, for the developers sake but looks like it is just Ok ish. You need to work hard these days to make a shooter stand out from the crowd.
Videogamer gave the pc version 6/10. They were pretty scathing of the PS4 version. The reviewer later tweeted to say avoid buying PS4 version
Played this at EGX last year and was seriously unimpressed. Nice to see they've fixed the performance issues since then, because it had a slew of inexcusable stutters. Shame all the same.
sigh did anyone read the review on Eurogamer where the guy was offended by the word Nork (which is short for North Korean)? I really hate what this world is becoming man.
Jim Sterling is a clickbait artist.
@Flurpsel That's political correctness for you. The leftist self hate agenda is doing well. You can see it's destructive nature in Europe
@Flurpsel oh so it must be okay to call the American rebels in the game red necks then?
@Sanquine Do we have to bring kind of stuff here? I come here to read about video games, not for someone's beliefs about a "leftist self hate agenda."
On topic, poor old THQ had a lot riding on the original title, but it wasn't enough to save them. I remember there was a big marketing push when it came out, and it must have cost THQ a lot of money that they couldn't afford to spend at the time.
Sounds pretty middle of the road, Maybe I'll check it out when it hits $30 or cheaper, weird to think this studio was crytek UK which was free radical which made awesome stuff like timesplitters way back when.
I heard "norks" in the preview video, all i could then think of, was that he was fighting an army of breasts.
Had little interest when the original came out, was however intrigued to see what they'd do this time and again it seems to come across in reviews as a generic fps, in a field of generic fps's... shame really, but not too surprised.
This makes me a sad cat because it's a fun concept (RED DAWN the videogame) that could've been something special. An open world FPS where you're not a badass super soldier, just an ordinary civilian fighting off much better equipped enemies with whatever weapons come to hand.
In my dream world imaginary Homefront, it's all about raiding enemy supplies, sabotaging their operations, and setting up traps and ambushes with your rag-tag band of resistance fighters. While never fully knowing who to trust, always watching out for informants and collaborators.
That would be something different.
i'll get it. seems to me the reviews are being based off political agendas rather than anything else.
Hahaaa screw you open-world first person shooter!
@Cron_13 If there is one guy I trust in gaming journalism, its the Sterling.
But of course its all opinion, I just trust the guy because pretty much every game he has praised I loved and every game he hates I didn't like either. (only 2-3 exceptions)
Once you find the critics with the same taste in gaming and same world view as you, you can basically focus on their reviews.
@Kamikaze_Krunch Thats the first thing people say when its about a game they think is (or want to be) good but is universally panned
You do know there are mediocre games in the world, right? A game getting a 5 or 7 (which isn't even that bad) doesn't necessarily mean there is a political agenda XD
Ya, I hate when reviewers try to "make a statement" by exaggerating a game's faults to make it appear as the worst game ever made. Metroid Other M comes to mind. Excellent, excellent game. Yet 1/10 by some reviewers because "reasons". Don't like her emotions so, game is obviously the worst to ever hit the market.
I'm not buying Homefront though. Looks very very average. And btw, Triple Deluxe was ok imo, but that Planet Robobot is looking choice.
@AyeHaley Doesn't matter, that is really me to find out if I don't like it. Not everyone likes the same game. It really wouldn't surprise me if I liked this game. Lots of reviews that rated a game bad, I ended up liking. It's like listening to critics on movies. I read the review to get an idea, but it's pretty easy to pick apart any review and to tell the difference that the critic either likes or hates the game. Then again knowing me I will watching a few user youtube videos on it and see how bad the game plays before buying. Story wise, pfft you show me a fps with a good story that isn't rehashed over and over in the gaming world. The only thing at this moment I really would care about is the gameplay.
People loved Crisis on the PC and I thought it was one of the most shallow games gameplay wise, nothing special at all besides the graphics, but people will definitely argue it with me.
I come from the year 2013 to remind you of Bioshock Infinite.
Not to disprove your point. Almost every FPS does have a rehashed story.
but I'm really not interested in the story as is. Also for bioshock infinite, yes it has a good story, some FPS games do, but I thought the gameplay was kind of bad, at least the controlling of the character, I didn't care much for the gameplay aspect of Bioshock at all.
Put it this way, if I buy an FPS game, it's most certainly not because of the story.
@AyeHaley, in most cases on pretty much all the websites out there scoring on a 1 to 10 chart, a 5 is below average, 7 is an okay game but still meh (in terms of the ratings). You really have to read the review and try to match the rating with the written review as well is dissect the review. lol
@bbq_boy No, but it should be okay to cal them "amrebs", for American Rebels.
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