The internet's still reeling from the news that PS4K seems to be the real deal, but the details just won't stop dripping. On the latest Giant Bombcast - the podcast of Giant Bomb, the publication that initially revealed the contents of the PS4K technical documents - it's pointed out that Sony "won't allow a display buffer of lower than 1080p" on the supercharged console. In other words, games that take advantage of the PS4K's additional power will be required to run at a minimum resolution of 1080p.
While it's worth mentioning that the majority of titles already available on PS4 have no trouble reaching 1080p anyway, it's nice to see that Sony's putting its foot down with what should certainly be a minimum requirement in this day and age.
Likewise, the Japanese company will also be ensuring that games never run at a worse frame rate on PS4K than they do on a standard PS4. To put that into context, a release like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which has some frame rate issues here and there, will need to stay above the mark on PS4K. Consequently, this means that developers won't be able to overdo it in the visual effects department to a point where they damage the title's frame rate. Sounds good to us.
So, are you on board with PS4K yet? Are you happy that Sony will supposedly be ensuring each title's quality on its upgraded system? See everything more clearly in the comments section below.
Comments 68
Yup, this is good, though it won't change much for existing PS4 owners, as 90% of games are already 1080p. Still a positive mandate to have.
@JoeBlogs I agree.. and it better not drag the already redonkulous loading times, which is also what I wanted from the ps4, but Hitman and bloodborne are still unplayable IMO because of load times - and the machine is 2 years old now!
Does sound good, but atleast I don't feel like I have to go and spend another £350 on a new PS4 just to play new games again already. Maybe if at any point I need to get a new PS4 then it will be worth it but for now I'm good.
So how long until the "Neo Remasters" start lining the shelves?
That's a joke, you don't need a remaster when a patch will do. But that said, it may help games like Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 with their DLC sales and maybe more people picking up the game later. I don't know if I'll ever have a 4ktv, but it might be nice for a smoother frame rate on my 52" 1080p tv. Waiting to see the price and final specs before making any decisions.
So how will games determine if it's a ps4 or a psNeo? For example if the frame rate on a ps4 is 30fps but the new psNeo is say 60fps on a certain game then how is that determined? will there be downloads to make use of the extra processing power and how big would these files be for the Neo?
I ask this as I heard there are no ps Neo exclusive games as Sony don't want to split the platform like that.
I am going to say this is a bad move on Sony's part. Publishers are already looking to put as little money into games as possible, I don't see Activision deciding to make a special "mode" for one of their games out of the goodness of their heart to pander to the few people who have this new machine and adhere to Sony's "minimum requirements ". I'm calling this thing DOA before it's even out. The only way I see it selling is if it replaced the current ps4 altogether which they apparently aren't doing either.
That's great, but Sony better make sure games are still playable on the old PS4 as well, otherwise, you might as start letting developers make 'Neo' exclusives. I'm going to wait until I know more about this before fully deciding where I stand one way or another. The thing is happening so there's no way around that and for now I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt but Sony better say all the right things when this is officially unveiled and damn well better follow through on not screwing those of us who bought it early who can't or won't be upgrading (to be fair, I probably will upgrade but it won't be right away, others I know can't afford to upgrade and some simply refuse). Though I won't bring the doom and gloom, I'm still not 100% sure why Sony is doing this. There has to be something people there know that we don't in regards to what Nintendo and MS are doing. As I've posted before, I'm sure VR is the biggest factor but it can't be the only one.
@Alphatitans It'll just run the correct code depending on which version of the console you put your Blu-ray in.
@Ps4all Until we've seen the marketing initiative it's hard to say, but I think it'll hit harder than you anticipate if they get the messaging right.
Games should have been running at 1080p anyway so I am happy for this.
And adding on to your question regarding file sizes. If they are in fact bigger - and it wouldn't be surprising if that's the case - can we please get the option to use external harddrives up to at minimum 4TB? It's 2016 and the competition had this basic feature on day freaking one.
Whilst this is good...I still think we need to work toward steady and improved frame rates. I'm worried that as 4K becomes more popular...we'll continue a push into 4K gaming with barely 30fps. I really hope developers can sit comfortable for a while and start getting 1080p and 60fps as the normal...even if it's in the PS5 era.
Perfectly reasonable but have zero interest. Happy with my 2TB upgraded bog standard system. Should last me all gen.
Basically what this is saying is that a game can't cut back on its frame-rate to hit high resolutions on the PS4k. For example a game at 1080/60 on the PS4 could run at 1440/60 on the PS4k but couldn't drop to 30fps to hit native 4k. Its also stating that the minimum spec for resolution will always be 1080p on the PS4k - This gives developers a bit of leeway. On a 1080/30 PS4 game for example, they could increase the resolution (1440/30 for example) or increase the frame rate to 1080/60.
On games like Uncharted 4 (MP) or SW:BF - both 900p, these would have to be boosted to 1080p first and foremost. As they are both 60fps, its logical anyway to boost the resolution. Developers though couldn't look at increasing frame rate until they have boosted resolution to hit at least native 1080p first.
lol good luck to Sony policing that frame rate policy
That's sounds cool for everyone who wants/demands games like that. But I'm humble, I simply play games for the fun factor. I'm not interested in a Neo/4K.
Will all of the Ps4k games that are 1080p be upscaled to 4k? If so has anyone seen a 1080p game upscaled to 4k in motion ? I can imagine it to be a little bit blurry.
Why? If a developer wants to do upscale 720/900p due to the level of graphical detail, let them. Their hands are kinda tied this way.
@sub12 All its stating is that the PS4k will have to have a minimum 1080p native resolution. That doesn't mean that the PS4 will be native 1080p in every game so we could see games drop to 900 or even 720p and be upscaled for the PS4 but native 1080p on the PS4k.
If it can't run native at 1080p on the PS4k, its really going to struggle on the PS4!
@sub12 'Cos 720p looks like ass in this day and age - irrespective of how many graphical bells and whistles you're using.
Can I start cursing without having to censor my comments now?
1080p indeed should be a minimum requirement, and asking people to fork out an additional $400 to guarantee that (and still not guarantee 60fps) is a bit much. And "most" games on PS4 that run 1080 are either remasters, indies, or can't maintain a solid 30fps.
I'm really starting to doubt wether Ps4k is worth another 400quid. I'm mean it's hardly a startling leap is it?
@Gamer83 You can say 'ass'.
@Bazza78 I think that's totally fair enough. You don't have to upgrade at all. Your current PS4 will do everything that PS4K can do.
@get2sammyb @Gamer83 And don't forget 4k off. I'm planning on using that in every PS4K post. "Sony tells MS and Nintendo at E3 - 4k off posers!" ; "Sony tells Canada to '4k off, eh' as new PS4K is only available at launch in US"
I really need to see what a 1080p upscaled 4k, game looks like in comparison,to what we have on ps4 now, if there is a striking difference, i may yet still bite...
@get2sammyb Sony you ASS
@MadAussieBloke more like "companies shouldnt be allowed to charge $400 for a unremarkable upgrade on a piece of hardware i've owned for years, and previously already purchased for $400!!!"
@MadAussieBloke yes but is the performance gap that big? I've seen a boatload of 1080p games on ps4 already.
@MadAussieBloke nah Mgs 1080p 60fps , Doom 1080p 60fps,Tomb raider 1080p 60fps. Vanilla ps4 is capable of this
@MadAussieBloke i'm not "whining" i am analysing the facts, an debating the pro's and cons
As the guy from digital foundery "When you see games like Uncharted 4 running on Ps4 , then it's obvious that the ps4 is only starting to reach it's maximum potential and still has a way to go"
@MadAussieBloke @Bazza78 Well that's the thing now isn't it? We don't know what the new PS4 will cost in relation to the old PS4, and we don't know what it will have hardware wise. Xbox 360 had a ton of models with slightly different specs - Arcade, Elite- PS3 launched at $500 and $600, WiiU at $300 and $350. If the new PS4k is only $50 more and has a 1TB vs 500GB HDD well then the rest of the specs don't matter. I can see early adopters being POd, but that's their comuptance for being so uppity about being superior early adopters. Early PS4 purchasers should think of WiiU owners, that console is DOA after only 4vyears, the old PS4 will play new games for many years to come. PS4K isn't neccassry, it's a luxury for UHD TV owners.
I think Sony will continue to treat original PS4 owners right. Better than PSTV owners. Better than PS 3D Display owners, and that 24" display was $500! What a waste. Better than Vita owners. Probably better than $400 PSVR owners who need a $50 camera. PS4 owners really don't have much to legitimately whine about, their PS4 is still a functional ongoing debice.
I guess many people 's main gripe is that the Ps4 NEO, is what the Ps4 should have been in the first place.
No 60fps?
The NES managed that.
At least Sony are putting in some standards, but 60fps should be the requirement here.
So what is the error code PS4K will give current PS4 games without NEO MODE LOL
@GraveLordXD Both the Ps4 and Xbone came to early and half baked.
Whilst you are all 'complaining' that games already hit 1080/60, a lot are still only 1080/30. The PS4k 'could' make all these games run at 60fps (if that's the way the developers wish their game to run). It doesn't mean that ALL these games will necessarily have the resolution increased. The point of the PS4k is that games will have to be a 'minimum' of 1080p. A game that already hits 1080p could have an increase in resolution and/or frame rate. It maybe possible that a 1080/30 game on PS4 runs at 1200/60 for example on the PS4k.
The developers maybe 'happy' with 30fps and increase the resolution to 1440 instead. There are a number of games that are at 900p - games like SW:BF both Killzone and Uncharteds MP, Assassins Creed previous 2 games. IF these are 'patched' to 'Neo's' standards, each would be 1080p. Those games that are already 1080/60 - MGSv, DOOM, Tomb Raider etc are more likely to get a resolution increase. as the 'frame rate' already hits 60. If these are a bit 'unstable' at 60, these will be 'locked' - they can't drop below.
We could see games that run 1080/30 on the base model, give players a choice of higher resolution or frame rate on the PS4k for those without 4K TV's. Every game hitting 1080/60 maybe....
We don't yet know any details of its media capability but it could have a 4k Bluray player - saves buying one of those separately. It could have more 4k streaming options like Netflix (which Sony promised), Amazon and even Sony's own. With the extra power we could see faster boot up times and loading too.
The Polaris GPU (which hasn't officially been confirmed but the specs match) is also far more efficient so power consumption could drop too - maybe not that much of a concern or many I bet... but also run cooler and quieter too. It is so efficient and low power consumption, it can run VR without the fan coming on!
I've been getting some flack on this site for my pro-PS4K comments but I've gotta say:
I, for one, welcome our PS4K overlords.
Better frame rates alone are worth it to me. If the graphics also get a boost? Sold. It could also help with pop ins, could have better AA, things like that.
Also, while I don't have a 4K TV yet (I've been actively avoiding getting one until I had a source to hook into one) I'll get one eventually, and it'd be nice to be able to play 4K BR's.
@Bazza78 I believe they released too early for the technological advancement that was due but also on time to continue bringing us our gaming experience. Without that release date, we could have lost out on a lot of games. They could have made consoles using the older technology and thrown raw 'power' into the consoles, however they would have been a lot bigger and a lot more expensive too - probably more than double (£800-£1000) for a similar performance to the PS4k. With no 'knowing' how the next wave of software and hardware would progress/develop etc, it would have been a massive gamble. Even though Sony (and others) were looking at VR, I bet they had no idea what the 'ideal' specs would be. I bet they had no idea of what the new hardware and internal architecture of these GPU's could do in conjunction with their new API's - something that developers are likely to employ in their games, it would have been commercial suicide to build a Console to cover these advances a few years ago...
This is what it should have been from the start.
Sony: We expect all PS4K games to run at 1080p.
Me: You're about one decade late to the party, but, whatever.
@rykkchii Bloodborne unplayable? Hahaha GTFO
Not since its first update.
@AyeHaley Still, I wouldn't mind a 60fps November update. Not one bit.
Oh, and for Dark Souls III.
@rjejr I know you are trying to be funny, but a serious answer would be never.
Neo modes can be patched into older games, but the chance of that happening is pretty slim (see trophy support being added to pre 2009 games). I would be willing to pay a (small) price for a "DLC Neo Mode" for previous games, if it means that it makes financial sense for developers to revisit older games and add support.
@GraveLordXD The industry is fine - it's producing thought-provoking titles while back in the 80s all games where pew pew pew. The problem is you. You're growing up. I know because I'm 36 and I'm thinking about my life instead of God of War VI. Consider yourself lucky - other gamers stay manchildren forever.
I don't think many games will go for an FPS bump. Clearly this box is being released just so PS4 games can look better on 4K TVs. Also if it has an Ultra HD bluray drive it will help Sony get that tech into homes in the same way the PS3 did last gen. I think this is purely a resolution thing.
I'm more concerned that they make sure the frame rate of the base console never goes below that of the Neo.
As long as I can still play the same games on my ps4 I couldn't really care less about all this 4K stuff. Maybe in the future if there is some sort of ps4 slim I may pick one up. I only got my ps4 a year ago so don't feel the need to "upgrade" and never really thought I needed to until next gen I have better things to spend my money on.
@thedevilsjester RE: "I know you are trying to be funny, but a serious answer would be never."
I know, that's why my next sentence was what it was.
So how long until the "Neo Remasters" start lining the shelves?
That's a joke, you don't need a remaster when a patch will do.
@GraveLordXD Just because your grandparents haven't fed up of video games doesn't mean you shouldn't or won't. As for the pitiful marketing schemes, it's what happens when the developing costs rise while the product price stays the same. Lots of people cry about DLC too, while they forget that DLC were made in order for the vanilla product to maintain its 60$ pricetag instead of going 70 or 80$. They basically made a compromise. "Base product costs 60$, and if you like it, fork out 20-40$ more in order to get the full package." Considering the fact that I buy really few DLC add-ons, I win - whether in the opposite case (no DLC, but all vanilla games cost 80$) I would lose money in the long end.
Language -Tasuki-
@GraveLordXD "If anything all this tells me is never buy another console the first few years, if at all"
That's pretty much my philosophy. I've been waiting a long time to get a PS4, now maybe I'm waiting for PS4K. And if Nintendo announces NX will have FFXV at launch I may buy an NX instead and wait for the PS4k to drop in price next year. NX would also need Pikman 4, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Zelda NX w/in the "launch window", which is a lot of "ifs". E3 should sort it all out though.
As for the whining, people always whine, I'm kind of used to it. I was REALLY annoyed that a week after I bought a Wii U for $349 Ntineod announced a price drop, after saying all year they wouldn't drop the Wii U price b/c the Gamepad was too expensive.
And this is what I have to say about Sony - they haven't said they would never release a PS4K, they haven't said any games coming to PS4 are now coming to PS4k only - sort of like they did w/ The Last Guardian which was supposed to release on PS3 in 2011. If Sony had spent the past 10 months denying PS4K then all of a sudden release it, then yeah, it's on Sony. But I don't think they have lied about anything. I can't name a single game PS4 won't get fo rpeoel to beupset about. An deveyr PS4 owner should be aware that Sony kep tadding bigger and bigger HDD to PS3 - 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80Gb, 120GB, 320GB, 500GB, 12GB - so no sony fan can say Sony never changes things. Sony also removed Other OS. And dropped BC from PS3, all those early adopters got BC, I don't recall those early adopters complaining about them having BC when late purchasers didn't? They didn't complain then, they shouldn't complain now. Sony has always updated it's hardware, always - PS1-PS3, PSP - PSPgo, Vita - lame screen Vita. PS4 update was going to happen. Is this more than usual? Yes, perhaps, but we don't really know yet. Was some update inevitable? Yes, yes it was. Unless and until current PS4 owners get screwed out of something - PSVR support or a big game like God of War 4 they don't have any sympathy from me.
hopefully i can swap out my 2tb hdd to the ps4k without issues, and yes i will be getting it, i was planning to get a ps4 for my kids anyway for xmas,
Developers have been complaining about how the PS4 isn't that capable a piece of hardware. We can pretend all we want that PS4 still has a lot of untapped power, but if that were the case, devs wouldn't have been asking for more power and the PS4K wouldn't be a thing. No generation has ever had three pieces of technology more outdated on day one than this gen, that's a simple fact. That said, from a PR perspective it probably would've been better to wait and announce PS5 early in 2018 and release it in November of that year.
Couldn't agree with what you said about early adopters. For now all we know is that all games are coming to both PS4s. So anybody saying the current PS4 is now 'obsolete' or that you have to upgrade is a complete idiot.
This sounds essentially like when the xbox 360 launched without hdmi and then whoever decided to upgrade their xbox later (no doubt when it got the rrod being launch 360's) got a version of the 360 with hdmi and could see the extra clarity when they used it on their hdtv, didn't effect any games developed all systems played all games just fine
they should rather have a 30 fps requirement!
This is the PlayStation I thought we were getting 2 years ago
@itshoggie This.
But I must admit Sony is sooo Smart. They couldnt do that "now you must deliver two versions of every new game" with vita. Also Microsoft with Xbox may have problems.
Im curious how Long they planned it
Still waiting how gt sports will do on ps4.
@Sunnyviji I do not think that you can use your ps4 hd in a ps4k without formating it. The data is encrypted with a hardware key ... ie. only your ps4 can read it, the ps4k will not.
They would have to add a migration tool, but this would make breaches in the DRM.
Do triple A games not run at 1080 currently?
thanks for the the info bro, so i guess that i use the back up feature to save the screenshot, game vids, saves and games, and can you back up each section/games individually, also would you have to pay any addition fees to have say a digital purchase on both the primary and secondary ps4's?
Backup should work. You do not (yet) need additional licenses for your secondary PS4. I do not expect this to change with "neo"
As far as I know you first have to upload your trophies to the cloud or they are lost, they are not part of the backup.
@BowTiesAreCool the ones I have/know do
Its not a Xbone ...
thanks again bro, much appriciated
@Gamer83 "Couldn't agree with what you said about early adopters."
Is there supposed to be a "more" in there - "couldn't agree more" - or did you not agree w/ my calling early adpoters whiners? My sour grapes sometimes gets the better of me.
Oh, and what you said yesterday about the Horizons delay pretty much mirrors my thoughts on Zelda U. Nothing ever releases "on time" when it simply has a "year" as a date. All a "year" means is - "It's not coming out this year, we don't know when its coming out, but we're as sick of the old "When it's done" cliche as you are, so we're just letting you know we're working on it." So instead of saying all that, it's just "year+1".
Mmm I don't know it kinda seems like a New 3DS kind of move and it didn't work that well for Nintendo...
Yes, it was supposed to be 'couldn't agree more.' It p*sses me off how often that crap happens where I miss a word.
@Gamer83 Sorry to p*ss you off. On the bright side, it's funny you typed p*ss after your discussion with Sammy saying it was ok to type ass.
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