Not everyone's happy with their PlayStation Plus subscription at the moment, with the quality of the Instant Game Collection being the biggest point of contention. While we recently outlined some of the issues that Sony may be facing with regards to the service, we thought that it would be fun to share with you three believable perks that the platform holder could introduce to make the membership that much more enticing for existing members. These are intended as additions to the current slate of services and are features that we reckon the manufacturer could implement without increasing the current cost.

Branch out with PlayStation Video rentals
Unless someone mentions it, we usually forget that the PlayStation Store has a video section. The aptly titled PlayStation Video currently lets you buy or rent movies and television shows, so why not try to tie it into PlayStation Plus subscriptions?
Okay, we get that PlayStation Plus is primarily for people who enjoy playing games – but Sony could add some real value to the service if it branched out. Giving subscribers the ability to rent a movie from a growing selection once a month seems like a simple, effective way to sweeten the deal to us, while also providing a half-decent reason to visit the PlayStation Video section a little more often.

Exclusive entry into monthly prize draws
Everyone likes winning stuff, right? One very obvious perk for PlayStation Plus members could be the ability to enter exclusive prize draws. The rewards could range from small things like PlayStation Network credit and downloadable games, through to much bigger prizes such as Champions League tickets or collector's editions. The impact to Sony's bottom line would be negligible, and while there'd be no guarantee that you'd win, limiting entry to PlayStation Plus subscribers only would certainly narrow the pool.

Try before you buy with free PS4 game trials
Sony already tested the waters with this concept back on the PlayStation 3, but we reckon that it's a pretty neat idea that would be worth reviving on the PS4. Essentially, it'd be nice if PlayStation Plus subscribers could take new-gen games for a quick spin before buying them.
This would likely involve some sort of timed trial period, where you'd get an hour or so to play before the content's locked out. Ideally, Sony would add new games to the available selection of trials on a monthly basis, and over time, we'd have a pretty varied collection to rummage through.
Of course, the main issue with this suggestion is that you'd potentially be dealing with some big downloads – and then you might not even buy the games in question. Still, the practicality of trying out a title that you're interested in before opening your wallet would surely be an attractive addition to your subscription.
Which of the above perks would you most like to see added to your PlayStation Plus subscription? Are there any other believable bonuses that you'd like to see Sony consider? Level up your membership in the comments section below.
Which of the following perks would you most appreciate? (118 votes)
- Monthly access to free PlayStation Video movie rentals
- Entry into PlayStation Plus exclusive prize draws
- Free one hour game trials for blockbuster PS4 releases
Please login to vote in this poll.
[ Words: Robert Ramsey, Sammy Barker ]
Comments 42
Sorry not interested in any of those
None of those would add value for me,I would just think they are waste of resources.
Definitely these will not harm Sony instead add more sexappeal to psplus. I remember psplus demos on ps3. That was great idea!
Maybe if you can try anything would be superb! Remember onlive? It was fun Just Pick a game and try it...of course , there were no download, was little different.
I've been hoping for some type of Video rental integration since PS+ started in like 2010.
One hour trials and exclusive drawings don't really interest me. Maybe it's just because I like to take my time, but 1 hour isn't nearly enough for me to get an idea if a game is worth the money.
Another 'obvious' integration should be PlayStation Now. It's not something I'd pay for, but I'd be happy to use that service for free in some type of limited capacity.
@ohhaime Fair enough, but assuming they changed nothing about the current service and its future direction, but were added as bullet points... That's be good, right?
None of the above. Monthly prize draws are boring, especially with such a large pool of potential winners. Need something that involves the community more I think. Risky though I'll admit, as some take this online gaming thing a bit too seriously sometimes.
Since Plus became mandatory for anyone wanting online play (aside from the odd exception), the quality of the service has definitely been on the decline.
A free rental a month wouldn't hurt, honestly. It could bring attention to their own Sony Pictures Entertainment movies. If people liked them enough they might purchase them. Win/win for Sony. Not much to lose.
That said I voted for the hour trial, as I think that would be of more value to me personally. There are big games that don't have demos. It would be nice to try before we buy. There have been many times when a game is on sale but I don't pull the trigger because I can't try it first and don't want to spend $30/40 on a game I might not end up enjoying.
We all have different tastes and while a game might have great reviews, that doesn't mean I'll like it. The reverse is also true, and a trial might get people to try games that might not have reviewed as well that they might really enjoy.
Let's face it, when a game is getting mostly 6's and 7's out there, we might not want to plunk down $20/30/whatever on it as we've kind of been "warned". This would get some people around that hurdle. We all have our guilty pleasures, and this would allow us to find more of them.
I reckon prize draws would be pretty sweet. Give away one prize of something like a ps4k and vr, and 50 prizes of 100 quid to use on the ps store. Dead easy
Monthly subscription format just doesn't work for me, I play online very scarcely. There should be an option where you could buy like say 20 hours of online game time, and it only ticks down whenever you actually play online.
Personally none of these appeal to me. I can't say that I am 'happy' but I am not that 'unhappy' either. Obviously I would prefer that the IGC games appeal more to me than currently but I don't buy PS+ specifically for that. If I had to pick one, I would go with the prize draw - just because I am more likely to benefit. I have SkyQ so won't watch video's and don't have interest in try before you buy - that's just a demo!
I voted for free trial but none really appeal ,I'm happy enough with how it is now. The games will get way better over time , just like on ps3. Remember those themes and garbage ps1 games for PSP !
I'd take one hour demos, hell, I'd even take take 20 minute demos. They seem to be scarce nowadays and called 'betas'!
I would love the option to even get movies here in Europe (netherlands).
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi true, but I pay yearly so 100 quid is my sub paid for and one aaa game or a few decent indies. Wouldn't say no to that.
None of the above would have got the most votes!
What they could do is stop giving PS3 and Vita games with Plus. Put the resources into PS4 games. It's been long enough. I could do without my downloads for PS3 and Vita. I almost never turn them on anymore.
@JohnKarnes I agree about dropping PS3 and Vita games. But these are just some extra rewards we think Sony could reasonably offer for members.
Video rentals is a very good idea but for whatever reason the Video store is not available in many European countries like where I live so I don't really know what is available except maybe the infamous "Powers" series. Amazon Video does not work here either. No i-tunes or x-box tv series. Seriously I tried to buy via Digital Download the Arrow show but couldn't do it anywhere due to "region". Guess I may get the blue ray sometime. Recently I heard that Netflix opened but I have never tried it nor will I try it on the future.
No PS Video in Ireland so I'll rule that option out. Xbox does a reward system, been awhile since I've been on it so I've no idea how it worked. The trials is a good thing as well.
@get2sammyb The problem I see with the Try-Before-You-Buy model is that who on earth is going to download 25-50 GB to try a game for an hour or so? I would rather just drive a few minutes to my local GameStop (or other used game store with a similar policy), buy the game used, and have 7 days to return if it I don't like it for any reason.
I think the movie rental idea is great though. Either give credit for a single movie of your choice, or have a small selection of "free to watch" movies for the month.
If I could suggest one: For each unclaimed PS+ game each month, you get a token and you can use those tokens to get money in your PS wallet to buy games. (Probably need to raise the price of PS+ to make this work though)
"Of course, the main issue with this suggestion is that you'd potentially be dealing with some big downloads"
I forgot about that and would actually like that taken a step further. I'm sure some know, on steam, you can refund a game within 24 hours. otherwise I'm good with trying out a game for an hr.
No to prize draws since it's something i can't actually use, no lottery type features lol
You cant have prize draws - Im not putting my cash in so someone can get free champions league tickets!
Give me free access to PlayStation now (essentially backward compatibility) included in my psn and I'd be as happy as a pig in s£@t 😉
why not use the playstation now system where instead of downloading you stream the game for the hour and access is cut off after times up. You then download when you buy it. Just an idea, mightnt be practical tho.
@TomKongPhooey PSNow is a huge bandwidth hog and wont give you a very good indicator of the games performance (is that big frame dip bandwidth or the actual game?)
How bout a reward point system that can be redeem for PSN credit...
I personally rent games from playstation video all the time. It is very convenient and you don't have to worry about returning it and late fees. Plus, if it is a Sony produced movie it becomes available for rent or to own BEFORE it is available anywhere else. It's a really great service and my family loves it. I got to see Revenant in HD a full week before it hit rental thanks to playstation video, pretty cool if you ask me.
I'd like to see some PS Now integration. Either include the service somehow or offer it at a discounted rate. I know that would tempt me into it.
The one thing that i want is an option for a $25/yr sub, just to play online. You don't get access to the free games. The games are total crap and I hate paying $50/yr just to be able to play online. That seems fair to me.
All of the above for me, I don't have any issue's paying £5 a month to play online i've paid it for well over 10 year's now with no complaint's and any added bonus's would be welcome. If I had to choose one it would probably be the prize draw as I don't buy digital anymore and let's face it if Sony offered a selection of movie's to rent for free they wouldn't be blockbuster's they would probably be anime (not really a fan) and after the grief they get from the free game's they would be setting themselve's up for more of the same.
@ApostateMage Yea, this beta thing is really starting to grate. Especially now it is used as a preorder incentive in some cases. "Includes invite to closed beta". Great....I miss demo discs.
how about making PSNow part of the PS+ subscription and dropping the free games altogether?
Or they could return to offering the same product that we all fell in love with when it launched.
I don't think the ideas are bad at all. I would welcome any of them as something fresh and added value. But was hoping that by dropping PS3 and Vita games, a larger budget game could be tossed into the IGC a little more.Its very hard to use logic on the internet when many will always be unhappy and demand more.
Interesting ideas and not adverse to any. Personally, I think even larger discounts for selected periods in the PS Store would be a good use of resources.
I like the movie rental idea, and raffles are always fun, although I would never win so that doesn't matter much to me. I wouldn't use the trials, but I'm sure some people would like them. How about for people that pre-order digital games, let them download and play them a day or a few days early. Again, that wouldn't affect me since I buy physical, but some people would love that.
Yeah I think having free access to Now if you're a Plus subscriber would be nice, even though it's not available in Ireland
A free movie rental each month would be a nice addition, but they'd probably change it to where they decide on the movies (and they would be old releases or horrible b-rated straight-to-video movies). The thing that would be really nice, is giving Plus members exclusive discounts on new releases...or even TV Show Passes (but I would also like to be able to download the videos onto the PS4, rather than having to be connected to the internet just to watch them).
The trials on the games would be nice too...they used to do it on PS3.
Other than that, the discounts on certain games work, but they could continue it a little better to entice people...why not exclusive download games for only plus members...that could entice people a little more, or even add the exclusive themes that they did for PS3 owners (remember when they gave free themes and avatars to plus members on PS3?)
I know I left my subscription run out a few months ago, and have no worries about getting it back at the moment (there's a few games that were free, that I can now purchase to keep for good), but it's not that bad considering what you get. Maybe later on, they'll allow each player (not as a group, but as a single person) to pick the game that they would like free for the month...even if it means you only get to keep it for the month, that would be a good deal.
It's still early in the system's lifecycle, and it took Plus a while to get going with retail releases on PS3, so maybe, by the holiday season, we could see better freebies and more exclusives.
@whywai88 That would be a nice addition too, but they'd probably just say to buy and get the Sony Rewards instead...even though that's about impossible to save up enough points on there, before they expire.
I let my PS Plus sub expire about 6 weeks ago and haven't missed it for a second.
Not even vaguely interested in any of those options.
I voted for prize draws, purely because I'm not interested in the other 2. I just renewed my PS+ for another year, mainly because of online gaming; which we used to get free on ps3. I've pretty much given up on the free games. I think what Sony are doing is very cynical.
I don't believe I'll be renewing my PS+ subscription next year. The free games are never particularly good, the discounts are subpar, and I don't play online often enough to warrant it. I think I'm just going to go with a monthly subscription whenever a game I'm interested in with online multiplayer comes out. Would've prefered if Sony had continued offering free online play to non-PS+ members.
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