This is now the worst kept secret in games: BioShock: The Collection is coming to the PlayStation 4. After leaking on approximately eight ratings boards, a Taiwanese classification site has now decided to upload the title's box art as well β and to be honest, as far as BioShock covers go, this is by far one of the best ones that we've seen.
There's no word on a release date just yet β it's still technically unannounced β but you can rest assured that this compilation will include BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, and all of their respective DLC packs. Y'know, we thought that we were over remasters, but this is one that we can get right behind. Mass Effect next, yeah?
[source gamerating.org.tw, via twitter.com, eurogamer.net]
Comments 44
I'm oddly hyped for this. Down to play all three of these again.
I love these games and will gladly pay again for them. I don't agree with everything being remastered but these were, for me, one of the high points of the last generation.
@get2sammyb me too
Never played the first or second one (I know, I know), so I'm looking forward to giving it a go with this collection.
As far as the Mass Effect quip at the end of the article, yes please. It's quite literally the only game series I want to see remastered on PS4.
@Rudy_Manchego Agreed.
@FlaygletheBagel You're in for a treat.
Just bought Mass Effect trilogy recently in the sale and am plodding through the first one slowly and loving it , be just my luck for it to be remastered.
@MinerWilly Glad you invested in the trilogy - it's probably in my top 3 favorite game series of all time. Mass Effect 1 is great. Mass Effect 2 is a masterclass in game design though. If you're liking 1, I think you'll love 2.
Played the first one again last year and it has aged really well and even still some of the graphics had me in awe. Cannot wait for this collection to drop..
Did anyone else think BioShock 2 was the best one gameplay wise? I loved all the traps you could set.
This series is up there with metro in my opinion, absolutely love this series. I'm in if they're well done.
@get2sammyb the weapons were top notch, but the story felt lacking. It just didn't have that spark that the first one did. Plus, naysayers be damned, the multiplayer was pretty fun too.
@FlaygletheBagel Yes, you're certainly in for a treat. I find the first two bioshocks far better than infinite. I liked the clastrofobic feel of being underwater.
@AhabSpampurse Yup, I agree entirely with everything you said.
Just noticed the videogame section in my library yesterday and Bioshock Infinite (PS3) was among a few other good M rated games. I may never need to pay for a game again.
Well as long as I'm willing to keep playing PS3 games, no PS4 games yet. Kids section did have a good selection of Wii U games, all the ones we already own. And KH 1.5 HD. Don't think I could finish that in 7 days though.
Of all the trilogies I played last gen, this is the one where 1 > 2 > 3.
Mass Effect was 2 = 3 > 1 and Dead Space was 1 = 2 = 3.
I'd love to be Isaac Clarke again, with the lights and particle effects of the next gen.
Like that boxart. Never played the series so this is a maybe.
@MinerWilly that reminds me, now my 360 is dead i need to rebuy those
on topic if your liking the first you will love the second and don't take any notice of the haters of the third because the ending was fine
I'm sure some will be on the "what??? another remaster???" train, but I'm ultra psyched for this. Infinity was probably the last AAA title I played on my PS3, and I remember thinking MAN would this look good on a PS4. If they up the graphics even the tiniest bit, it'll be one of the most beautiful games around.
I also never finished the second game (wasn't my cup of tea) and this will encourage me to finally do so.
I would love to play Bioshock Infinite in VR.
Bioshock is one of those games I've never played...don't tell @get2sammyb. Is it worth playing the collection?
@Simon_Fitzgerald Hell yeah! The first Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite are exceptionally good.
BioShock was one of my games of last gen! I was a bit disappointed with 2 and 3 didn't really have the 'atmosphere' of Rapture. I didn't buy the DLC because I didn't really enjoy the 2nd and 3rd enough to warrant buying it. I would certainly consider a complete remastered package though with all the DLC as I hear Minervas Den and the Return to Rapture DLC were good but mainly because I can enjoy Bioshock again!
so pretty <3 now give us Mass Effect.
Wow that box art is amazing!!
Great games, some of my favs. I never played the DLC though and of course the guy who made the DLC for 2 famously went on the make gone home and every says the dlc is amazing but I never got round to it. Plus I only played infinite once and its in my collection already but that box art!
I thought the graphics were decent on the games when they were launched. I did enjoy the games. One was the best then 3 and then 2. I have all the DLC but not played it. Can not see myself buying it again for the PS4. I have lses time for remasters as there are currently a lot of games which I am yet to play.
Do remasters collate trophies from their last gen counterpart, or will we have two lists PS3/PS4 for each game? I've never double dipped so not sure.
I have a huge backlog currently, like many of you, but I loved all three of these games on last gen and I am definitely going to pick up this remaster to replay them all along with the DLC that I did not get around to. My favorite was Bioshock Infinite! Crazy, I know, but I absolutely loved the atmosphere, colors, and gameplay over the other two games.
@dryrain @BAMozzy I agree with you both 1 was the best. Infinite was pants, didn't even get passed half way.
My hope rises, and that cover art. Please let there be a steelbook edition of that cover art. My final 2 remaster requests? Me trilogy, Skyrim remastered (won't happen, and I can live I guess...) that games got to be the worst kept secret ever, 2k please make it official, the sooner the better. Though right now litterally all my gaming time is wrapped up in the division which is my personal game of the year at this early point.
I don't understand why people have such an issue with remastered games. While not all remasters make sense, alot of them do. With game development costs going through the roof, remasters can help drum up some much needed cash, aswell as gauge peoples interest in possible sequels. The money earned from said remasters can then be put towards future projects. Nobody is forcing us to purchase them but, I love getting remastered games that are done in the right way ie trilogys and or all dlc.
I wasn't a massive fan of the Bioshock series and I have never finished one but, if this has updated graphics aswell as being priced right I may have to have another crack at them.
Really clever artwork, simple yet shows everything you need to know.
Ya, I'm all for remasters of actual great games in compilations. Too bad I just bought all 3 games on 360 anticipating BC support. Bought the ME Trilogy CE on 360 also hoping for full BC support.
@FlaygletheBagel @get2sammyb i haven't played any of the bioshock and as for mass effect i literally just brought the trilogy pack yesterday so cant wait to get into them i haven't played any of them ether
@Shellcore The trophy lists for remasters are usually new (separate from PS3 ones)
@Dan_ozzzy189 Loved Metro, very underrated
@themcnoisy Really? I liked infinite the best of the bunch.
@Jake3103 Then go get an Oculus Rift, already a vr Bioshock Infinite version announced for it, launch title to I think.
@Doctor_BK Agree 100% Infinite was one of my favorites of last gen, just a great game all around.
I've been itching to replay the series again, and this rumor couldn't come at a better time. If it is announced, hopefully it'll be released within the next six months.
Oh boy. Ohhhhhh boy. I'm going to play the heck out of these.
@SonyInfinity I don't have a PC, I'm afraid. I do all my gaming on console. If it's coming to rift, through, they may release it on PSVR at some point.
I haven't played these games yet.
I didn't play any of them during the PS3 era, even with getting Bio shock 3 free from PS+. If the price point is good say 39.99-49.99 I may jump on this when I finish some stuff to have some fun this summer. But, this now is on my watch list.
Seen as I've never played these on last gen, I'd probably get this at some stage but yeah, definitely need a Mass Effect collection on PS4
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