We asked 2K Games if it would kindly make a BioShock remaster for the PlayStation 4, and it looks like it's responded. As if it ever had a choice, eh? There were rumours eons ago that BioShock: The Collection would wrench its way to Sony's new-gen system, but they never materialised. Now, though, the Brazilian ratings board has classified the title for the PS4 and PS3, indicating that it's about to climb into the bathysphere one more time.
While it's not an official confirmation, it's rare for a ratings board to classify a title that doesn't exist. So far, the BioShock series consists of BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock: Infinite β all of which would presumably make the cut as part of this package, alongside their respective DLC expansion packs. Y'know what, while the airship has well and truly sailed on remasters, this β along with perhaps Dragon's Dogma β is the last one that we'd really like to see.
[source portal.mj.gov.br, via gematsu.com]
Comments 37
Would buy!
Missed these first time around, so would be interested. Would also pay for an AC collection remaster, as missed those too (missed last gen altogether).
Always wanted to get into Bioshock on the 360 but never got round to it, so I'd probably pick this up at some stage in the future.
This is what I like about remasters, you're getting 3 games with all the DLC for the price of one standard game, idk how people can complain with that. (If it does include all that)
@itshoggie Should stress that the contents of the package aren't confirmed, but I'm not sure why they'd do a collection if it didn't include everything.
So glad this collection resurfaced. (grins)
I remember some time ago, don't remember what source, showed what the first bioshock would look like with PS4 graphics.
I have 3 remaster I still want. This, the me collection, and either skyrim or an es collection. The last one I doubt we will ever see mainly because people begged and pleaded for morrowind to get an update for years and it never happened.
@get2sammyb ah I know that, I'm just saying that I don't know how people can complain about remasters like this when they include so much (IF it actually does happen)
Never played the DLC but loved the games so I would buy this in a heartbeat.
Mass Effect trilogy remaster
I can't wait to play those games again
Oh cool. Well I don't own a PS4 (the only non-Nintendo console to ever enter my house is a PS3 I and my brother bought together to play FIFA), but I love these games and would recommend them to everyone who has yet to play them. I bought the 3 of them from PS Store for 15β¬ as the first games I bought only for myself on that console and was blown away. I'm not that into FPS or gritty things (hencee my Nintendophilia ) but I loved every single bit of my Rapture experience. I actually have yet to complete Infinite as it was the one I liked less, despite having some awesome graphics and atmosphere (Columbia excited me way more than Rapture before I got to play them, but it turned out the other way around).
If you haven't played these games yet, GO AND FREAKING PLAY THEM!!!
Wasn't there an Easter egg in one of those ME trailers? One that could imply we'd get a remaster of the trilogy first. It'll have to come soon then, cause Andromeda is coming within a year if everything goes as planned.
OT: Although I don't like remasters on principle, I keep on buying and enjoying them Especially collections offer so much value for money. This year we have a Twilight Princess and Valkyria Chronicles remaster I'm looking forward too and some of the best games this gen are in fact remasters. Today while playing SFV my kids wanted to play SF too, so I booted up the PS3 again for them to play USFIV and boy do I love that console. I still play on it regularly and I just wish I felt the same about my PS4; with the PSone, PS2 and PS3 it was love on first sight, the PS4 is more like an arranged marriage where I have to learn how to love it.
The PS4 brought me some fine games so far and when I'm using the PS3 I sometimes go mad when I visit the store and such, but judging on all the remasters or the happiness when BC was announced on the One I have the feeling I'm not the only one who is mentally still stuck in the PS360 era.
I enjoyed the series but don't have much desire to buy again.
Rapture > Columbia
I think there is a not so fine line between charging $40 or $50 for a 1 game port like GoW3 or TLoU a couple of years after release and bundling a collection of old games (Bioshock is 9 years old this year) together for that price. I still haven't played Bioshock, only the 1st 3rd or so of Infinite, so I probably wouldn't be in a rush to pick these up, but I think the series is worthy of a bundle w/o complaint. If they want to release each game separatly for $50 (TP HD on my mind) then that's another story entirely.
I really hope this happens!
I enjoyed these games whether I would play them again on PS4 I am not sure. I got all the DLC in sales for the PS3.
Wouldn't buy but I'd hold out some hope if this does do well that maybe Levine and his team would return for another game in the series. 1 and Infinite were two of my favorite games last gen. Infinite would've been my likely GOTY winner for 2013 had it not been for The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto V. Bioshock 1 would've taken it in 2007 but Super Mario Galaxy came out that year.
Eh I'd grab it at the right price but it's not near the top of my list I just want the bioshock dlc really.
Best news I have had all day. I loves me some Bioshock. Means I get to shake my Letuce on the PS4.
Yes pls! Nice to play it on hi-def instead of my ps3/old pc days.
@Rudy_Manchego outstanding reference. Infinite was my game of the year, even after 4 playthroughs, having it on steam, this collection is a must buy for me on ps4.
I would love to play bioshock infinite on the ps4, as i missout on it for the ps3. I love bioshock 1,2 but not enough to play the games again
My chance to finally play Bioshock 1 and 2
Started Mass Effect 1 just a couple of weeks back after having never played them loving it so far and I've the other 2 ready to play as well , I bet by the time I've finished them there'll be a remaster !
I own the original BioShock but only did about 20% of it (like most games I own) . I'd be interested in getting the remastered trilogy for PS4 so I can do the 20% again.
BioShock was one of my favourite games of Gen 7 and one of the games that defined the gen 7 era in my opinion. I was disappointed by BioShock 2 though as I thought the game's story wasn't anywhere near as good and brief too. Its a game I use to show how the addition of an MP appears to have seriously impacted on the campaign - and it was a very poor MP. Infinite doesn't feel like a BioShock game to me. By moving to the much brighter and more open setting in the sky, it lost a lot of the claustrophobic and atmospheric setting of Rapture. I didn't buy any of the DLC and I would 'possibly' buy a remastered trilogy IF it includes ALL story DLC - just to play those. Its almost worth buying just for the first BioShock.
Its NOT the only game(s) I would be interested in getting the remaster treatment from gen 7 - Mass Effect trilogy, Dead Space 1-2, Red Dead Redemption, Resistance trilogy, Batman: Arkham Asylum/City... to name a few
That one guy who's still whining for BioShock Vita
If it's a proper remaster then it might be worth looking, I suspect a new BioShock is due to be announced though without Ken Levine and Co I'm not sure how good it could be.
Im not a COD fanboy in any way shape or form, the last few I haven't even bothered with, but surely a MW trilogy remake is the way to go. MW and MW2 were two of the best games of that gen, MW3 not so much. But they would be great additions to the remake family. I'm tempted to dust off the old 360 to play those campaigns again, they were the muts hairy dangly bits. I can't stand all this futuristic fps poo, I don't want to strap on some w*nky exo suit and jump 50 miles in the air. I want the good old days of crawling around in the grass with my camo suit on in an old Ukrainian town. Much more fun.
@BigDaddyT0101 It had its flaws but I loved Infinite. The scope of the story and the design was just amazing.
I'll buy it.
Would love to see Mass Effect and Dead Space full HD trilogy remasters too.
@Gavin_Rozee OMG Dead Space yes!! I've been waiting on a full HD remaster before I play those games. I hope they make it (and Mass Effect Remastered) a reality
I'd be tempted just because Rapture is one of my favourite game worlds of all time, didn't quite feel Columbia as much tbh
@BAMozzy I personally really liked BS2 the mechanics of the game (combat especially) were much better than the original, it also had the best story of any Bioshock game with Minervas Den DLC
@FlaccidSnake to start your comment with I'm not a CoD fanboy makes you sound like a massive CoD fanboy
It'll be down to activision to do a MW trilogy (it'll be 2k doing this after all not Sony) and while the new game sells like crazy every year they won't waste there time
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