Another day, another PlayStation 4K rumour. This time the news comes courtesy of the most trustworthy of venues: NeoGAF. [That was sarcasm - Ed]. According to OsirisBlack, he/she recently attended a meeting where information was disclosed on Sony's hypothetical hardware half-step. The member has been verified by a moderator, but only to the degree where he/she may work in a position where they'd be familiar with the details that follow. In other words: only the user has been verified – not the information itself. Time to put those Postman Pat-themed salt and pepper shakers to good use.
The so-called leak follows in the footsteps of recent rumours: the Japanese giant is plotting a new platform that will include a 4K Blu-ray player, an upscaler, and, apparently, an upgraded GPU which will run at twice the power of the current one. Apparently, the device will retail for $399.99, and there are currently no plans for the platform holder to offer an upgrade path for existing owners. All of these details, the poster stresses, are subject to change.
The user continues that existing games won't take advantage of the new hardware unless they're patched to do so, which the manufacturer anticipates will be unlikely. Allegedly, there are already developers working on the new hardware, and while continued compatibility with the vanilla PS4 is guaranteed, some games will purportedly run better on the new platform – first-party releases like Gran Turismo Sport and God of War 4 were mentioned, alongside Robinson: The Journey on PlayStation VR.
According to the leaker, forgotten exclusive Deep Down is one such game being built with PS4K specifically in mind, which may explain its absence of late. It may also flag this entire rumour as bogus, as Capcom hasn't mentioned that title for over a year – it's honestly difficult to believe that it's still in active development. We're also struggling with the suggestion that Eve: Valkyrie will supposedly be enhanced by the new hardware – that's already confirmed to be a PlayStation VR launch title, after all.
There are elements to this rumour which have us questioning its legitimacy, then – and so should you. However, it's becoming increasingly clear by the day that a new PS4 is on the way, and we have to imagine that Sony will make an official statement soon. The idea of segmenting the system's userbase with hardware upgrades seems absolutely wild to us – but we can't deny that the name PS4K, whatever product it's ultimately associated with, is an absolute corker.
Comments 49
Pinch is salt taken. But even if I were to give some credence to this, honestly, has there ever been an upgraded games console that's been an essential purchase? Gameboy Advance SP maybe. More often they're more appealing starting point for brand new buyers, but existing owners are better sticking with what they already have. Just look at the New 3DS for example. The reasons to upgrade to that from a regular 3DS are extremely few. It just doesn't work.
And I will be buying 2 right off the bat to replace my current ps4s. Figure I can sell them for enough to pay for a little over half so 350-400 for 2 new ps4k would be highly justifyable.
2x gpu and the same price as Ps4 was a couple of months ago?
Tidus laugh
Hmm, maybe I am being suspicious but all these rumours feel like they are all just made up to hurt PS4 sales because the PS4 is kicking the Xbox ONE's ass at the moment + why the hell would SONY do such a thing??? I can understand putting in a 4K Blu-ray drive in the PS4(PS4K does sound SEXY, the name that is) but making it more powerful is just stupid. This would put people off getting a PS5 in the future to because they would think I'll wait a few years and get the better version. Oh well.
The idea of an upgraded console in itself isn't the problem. The problem is that when developers start prioritizing games on PS4K over the old one, it will end up hurting the people that made the PS4 what it is. The only possible reason they could be doing this is because developers are pressuring them for more power rather then learning to work within the limitations like before. I hope Sony change their mind about this because it will kill all the momentum they have.
And if the system only carries a new GPU then framerates are going to be awful without a more powerful CPU and according to Digital foundry that's a tough ask if Sony want to put it into a console form factor and at a reasonable price. The whole thing just screams NO!
@RawShark I thought the 3DS to N3DS was a viable upgrade, extra buttons, better (even though not by that much) specs, the nub analogue and extra buttons eliminated the need for a very horrible thick accessory and made games Like Monster Hunter and Smash a hell of a lot more easy to control, the improved 3d graphics actually blew me away it's perfect no matter how your holding it.
I'm all for this to be honest. The PS4 is clearly under powered. Especially for Sony's VR aspirations. I'll more than likely buy this new PS4.
If I do get one it won't be on launch, which is also rumoured to release this holiday. Purchasing a PS4K and a PSVR would cost over £700. Can't see it flying on the shelfs like the PS4 did, atleast not right away. Im seriously considering going over to PC as I could build a gaming PC that will still be more powerful than a PS4K. I will just get the VR sometime later.
I can't find myself being excited about getting a half-step system. I don't want to buy a 4K TV either when there is so little available streaming/cable in the format let alone in the Blu-ray market. This system is rumored to be a lot more powerful than the PS4, but I would rather wait for PS5. The thing that will bother me is if a large swath of developers start optimizing games for the PS4K that struggle to run well on the standard PS4. It is always good to future proof with technology (PS3 with Blu-ray drive over XBOX 360 with DVD drive), but jumping too soon is a sure way to lose money when the demand is not necessarily there yet.
I still don't buy the upgraded GPU comments. I think PS4K will be the PS4 Slim with a 4K Blu-ray and an upscaler. Exact same innards otherwise - albeit optimised to fit in a smaller chassis.
God of war 4 is gonna be a beast!
@Tekken179 not to mention quicker load times, download speeds, snappier OS and fps improvements in quite q few games. Hyrule Warriors being the latest example.
The DSlite had my favourite form factor of the DS line and the DSiXL sure felt great with the large screens.
Al in all, I tend to go for upgdated systems anyway, so I don't have a problem with this at all.
Not even interested in the 4K part at all since I bought the final high end release of panasonic's plasma line last year, so I'm good for another couple of years at least.
But the performance improvements and more chance of 1080p 60fps games certainly justifies it for me personally.
I hope it comes sooner rather than later.
This "leak" just took the things that would be almost mandatory for an "upgraded" version of the console. Like, seriously, anyone could guess "4K Blu-ray and slightly stronger hardware."
If there is a trade in upgrade option. I'll get it, otherwise, I'll live without.
PS4K out of stock all over again !!
@get2sammyb "It's been 23 hours, isn't it time for a new PS4.5 article?"
Only took ya a day, not too shabby.
From my comment a few days ago about price -
"So, is PS4k a more expensive model, maybe $400 while old PS4 goes to $300 MSRP? As a reminder, PS3 sold 2 models at launch, $500 and $600. (Nintendo Wii U also had 2 models at launch, $300 and $350.) So is PS4k a new replacement model to entice people who haven't purchased a PS4 yet, or is it an additional high end model to get people to upgrade? I think it can go either way. Remember all those Xbox 360 names - "Core" and "Arcade" sold alongside "Pro" and "Elite". $300 PS4 may sell alonsgside $400 PS4k."
"as Capcom hasn't mentioned that title for over a year – it's honestly difficult to believe that it's still in active development."
Tell that to Nintendo, they haven't shown Zelda U in 15 months, but we're supposed to believe that is still in development, and on the Wii U no less.
2x...... PS4 was already underpowered before it released. That's why there are many games that cannot meet that 1080p 60fps. This might just be a half step that should have been available from the start.
Sounds totally awsome except total lack of 4k reasons to upgrade. Look at the bluray situation (ignoring the screw up with the start & 2 formats).
We had 3d tvs wave of the future (oh they have mmmmmm gone)
Then another dozen gimics.
Go to any shop in uk selling dvds & blurays. Look at display area of dvds vs blurays the dead format wins all the time.
Our lovely big 42" hdtv died last month we got a 32" tv to replace it I play both pc & ps4 on gaming monitors & the 2 little ones watch tv more than we do. I cant see pepa pig being released in 4k any time soon.
....ahem....cough.....B**sh#t....Sony would be crazy to split their userbase....
My Dualshock already needed a new R2, L2 and the X button is getting worse by the day... Any chance it comes with a Dualshock 4.5? Ahahah
The only way I'll get one is if there's an upgrade/trade-in deal. This is a bit ridiculous, in my opinion, that Sony or Microsoft are even considering doing this kind of hardware revision instead of the typical slim. I'm worried it would fragment the player base, which people are saying it wouldn't, but I wouldn't believe it until I actually see it myself.
Unless its Sony playing trick with MS. The x bone is trailing even its exclusive games arent running at full HD. A cunning plan to make them rush out a kinect 3.0 xbox. Then sony just add one with a 4k bluray drive nothing else different.
Or the other way would be a VR special ps4.
@stevie85 Same here. I'll buy it on day one
@Anguspuss I really doubt it's a trick..
it would be a great trick.
Any leak with this level on detail that doesn't mention HDMI 2.0 output is a little off in my opinon.
Seriously, if they lock a new god of war behind a hardware upgrade, i'm selling my PS4 and i'm done. I'd rather go without than have to worry about .5 upgrades every few years to play a few games.
@rjejr All of the different versions of consoles you mentioned were different in storage capacity only, there were no changes to the cpu or gpu. So that puts the PS4K in a different category altogether if they offer "enhanced graphics"
next question would be what about retailers. If there is a new improved ps4 no one will want old version unless at a serious discount. Then could have a situation were they burn they screw over the retailers. & anyone who isnt spending time reading pushsquare could end up buying a ps4 one week & next week ps4 2000 comes out will be mighty upset. As much as nintendo are rolling in cash & new super console comes out. Anyone but a total ostrich isnt going to get burned again by them.
This was also my initial thought. If Sony upgrades much more than graphic capabilities to 4k, then it would be more appropriate to call it a PS5. I'm sure their saving up the big gpu upgrade for that.
I kind of feel the opposite. I think if ever there were an iteration worth upgrading to, New 3DS would be it. Never has any iteration boasted as many noticeable uprades- stable 3D being a huge, HUGE selling point since it actually works how you imagined it should have to begin with, and it's so awesome now that it's been perfected. Also adding a second analog is a pretty big upgrade. Extra buttons so no CPP is needed too, and amiibo support built in for the 20+ million amiibos out there. Download speeds that won't rot your brain watching the progress bar, wireless data transfer to/from microSD... And it's one of the only upgrades to actually boast new games exclusively playable. Xenoblade is one of the greatest games of last gen, and all the classic SNES titles are available. Couple that with improved performance in countless games- be it Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Zelda Majora's Mask or Super Smash Bros, I think it's fair to say there's never been a more appealing upgrade.
Compare that to Microsoft's 1TB SSD Xbox One. Better storage-nice. Boots up a couple seconds faster- ok. But uh, is that worth upgrading to a $500 console?
Now let's look at this PS4.5. 4K upscaling? That's huge. I would equate that to the stable 3D feature. It's an improved viewing format exclusive to the upgrade- it's more valuable than solid glasses-free 3D, but it's also more expensive and requires the purchase of a 4K display whereas 3D can be enjoyed out of the box by everyone. Then, if it's faster, some games will run better. And download speeds should improve a little. Again, similar to New 3DS. But still no exclusive games, no added buttons or core functionality.
All in all its a lesser upgrade. BUT. And this is a huge but. If most VR games are going to need the extra power to run properly, this will be almost mandatory for anyone looking into PSVR. Like me. And I do suspect that is the case. I really have no interest in upgrading my PS4 since I don't have 4KTV. But I have a feeling I'm going to need to because of PSVR. I think they just haven't told us yet that games and virtual reality are going to require more horsepower. I'm sure games will run but I think that it's definitely going to be pushing it and for the platform to remain viable over the years they are going to need a more powerful system in the market that can handle it.
@JaxonH I think the big thing here is if AAA developers start to have the multiplats unoptimized on the original PS4, which results in a similar performance to Hyrule Warriors Legends on the original 3DS models. That's the big fear here, and is why NeoGaf users have been having a meltdown.
"This time the news comes courtesy of the most trustworthy of venues: NeoGAF. [That was sarcasm - Ed]."
... And yet you guys still made a news story out of this.
@get2sammyb I agree. I believe it would alienate too big a part of the userbase, and furthermore the ps4 is selling so well that the cost of manufacturing what is essentially a completely new product seems...well...a little stupid. Either you're 100% right, or this simply turns out to be the first steps towards ps5. I do like the idea that this was started by ms to anger sony fans
This can't be a rumour anymore as surely Sony would have released a press statement by now saying that it's not true.
Anyhow I welcome this move it's about time consoles started to move forward at a quicker pace. I'm actually hoping it's going to be the CPU that's updated as this is where the bottle neck occurs I really don't think anything else needs to be changed.
@Napples Not many people know but the PSone was upgraded with an new cpu later on in its life.
Its not that bad. BUT I am afraid of one thing: Developers will not do So much optimizing and polishing.
Third party developers will not optimize at all saying their engine looks best on ps4k and on ps4 you will get some Basic play. There will be some medium detail setting and lower framerate.
First party developers will have to work on best experience on ps4k and so will not have time to optimize fully on ps4.
And then instead of patching for ps4 to achieve better framerate, their support through game life time will get worse and much worse for ps4...because there will be more and more of them.
Its not prediction. Its little Anger and fear. Just bought ps4 on january. If I knew this, I would Wait.
Another thing...One big reason I have ps4 is awaited Gran turismo. If ps4 will be only some stripped down version that will be unfair to players. But imagine how gt5 and gt6 looked stunning on Old ps3. So even on ps4 new gt should look perfect.
Technically two times more powerful gpu -> two times more framerate if CPU isnt bottleneck. So maybe there will be only 30->60 fps or fhd->4k benefit and nothing more in many games. So for developers no need to make better textures, better effects,......we will see.
Pre order for me if it's true, need to replace the PS4 asap, unless it's just a blu ray update then i'll not bother.
@Tekken179 Yeah just the 3D feature alone was worth the purchase
If this is true then I will be pissed off.... Never thought I would have been able to afford a new ps4 when they came out but managed to save.. So if this is true sony is making a mistake surely it would piss all those people off who have just brought one and split their user Base up?
So its the 1st of April tomorrow, what if this is one big elaborate wind up??
For me personally, if true I will be cancelling my PSVR preorder - I'm not buying that with the knowledge that the experience will be significantly better on a new PS4K system. Having had to buy a second PS4 this gen already due to the launch one melting I have serious issues with having to buy a third one. If this is the path Sony are taking I find it all very strange - and for me personally I think I'd probably just go back to PC gaming. The whole reason I stopped PC gaming was to avoid these bi annual upgrades. I have to have a PC for my job, so I might as well spend the £400 or so extra and get a decent gaming GFX card in there.
Not believing this. It it is true it will mean that gamers know with the PS5 that the console will be upgraded after about 2,5 years. Why even buying the console when there will be a new one soon?
And why should someone even buy a console when he knows that he had to upgrade even faster than he has to do with a PC?
If it is true, you will have difference in graphics on the PS4, not good for the name of PS.
If it's not true Sony need to say so now
I think it will need a faster CPU too to prevent bottlenecking. Current PS4 has a 1.6ghz clock speed and I would think it would need to be 2-2.4ghz minimum. RAM could be increased too but 8GB GDDR5 could be sufficient. Having an upgraded or even dual standard GPU's is of course potentially the way to go. AMD (who supply Sony with its CPU and GPU) are due to launch new versions this year which are smaller, more efficient and more powerful. If Sony opt to use 2 of its current one, the price of the GPU will be a LOT lower than launch. One of the reason consoles drop in price is because the components drop in price. Therefore its not unreasonable to get a more powerful PS4 for the price of the launch model.
As someone with a 4K TV, I would certainly be interested in getting a more powerful PS4 - more so than PSVR. If all it does is upscale 1080p, My TV does that anyway (othewise I would have 3/4's of the screen black) and I know native 4K is unreasonable at $400, BUT having native 1440p and a guaranteed minimum 60fps for example, would be an acceptable upgrade - It also means that either my Console or TV aren't having to 'guess' what colour to show for 3 out of 4 pixels. I can see a lot more games dropping to 900p to keep the frame-rate high enough in the future unless Sony do release this model.
@Kohaku If the PS4 lasts as long as PS3 did/has, PS4k still has 3-5years left. We are approaching roughly half way. When PS4 launched, It couldn't play BF4 at 1080p/60fps which gaming PC's were doing. Uncharted 4 has a 1080p/30fps campaign but a 900p/60fps multi-player. PS4k 'could' make the campaign run at 60fps and the MP at native 1080p for example. Point is BOTH PS4 and PS4k will play the same game and have the same online lobbies - its NOT splitting the userbase!!
Why would people still buy a PS3 on the months before the PS4 launched? Why are people still buying a PS3? The point of PS4k ISN'T to replace the PS4. Its just a PS4 with more power. The library of games will be the same. PS4k though will have games that look better and maybe play smother.
If you don't own a 4K TV or 'graphics' aren't that important to you - I mean the difference between 900p upscaled and 1080p for example, then the PS4 is going to be a 'cheaper' alternative. I wouldn't be surprised to see the PS4 drop to $200 if/when PS4k launches. For MANY that haven't upgraded to next gen, maybe even for those with an XB1 too, this means that next gen - in particular the PS4 - becomes a more viable option.
If, as analysts believe, this launches before Christmas, buying a PS4 for $200 (£150-£175) or the 'premium/elite' version for $400 (£350) is certainly tempting. If you own a PS4, there is NO need to upgrade because you will still be able to play the same games.
@Napples "All of the different versions of consoles you mentioned were different in storage capacity only"
Wrong. There were other differences - Wi-Fi, media card reader in the $600 PS3. Xbox had HDMI added to the more expensive models, and the newer models were less prone to dieing due to redone internals. Wii U was the same hardware, though I did make up the $50 w/ the DDP but that wasn't hardware related.
Fact remains, different models w/ differences other than price. If Sony wants to make other changes, well the practice of "different models" has already been in place for years. And Sony removed "Other OS" not just from newer models, but from consoles IN PEOPLES HOMES that they had already paid for. Sony has never cared what people think, like any company they do what they want to make money. If they think a newer model will make them more money, well then they'll sell it.
Hmm, I'm not sure this is a good move, unless it's literally just to allow 4K support. I suspect this is what it will be, with the mainstream move to 4K TVs now underway, it makes sense that people can buy a console with 4K written on it, and marketing wise may well sway more to PS4 rather than Xbox One.
Any other changes in terms of better graphics even on standard HDTVs is a bad move I think, as it risks p*****g off an existing, currently very happy market, especially those who've only purchased recently. So given Sony's track record, it's a possibility, but I hope not!
Either way, they need to come out with a statement to stop the rumour mill!
Yeah, I still don't fully believe this yet. But if it is actually real, my guess is it just has added 4K resolution support for video and movies. I really don't expect it to have an upgraded GPU.
I can't choose between being less excited for a PS4K or for FFXV...
Now I just want Dark Souls 3 since I finally decided my next build: Hank the Beeromancer
It's a sad state of affairs when consoles begin truly emulating PC upgrading and I don't agree with the business model of Sony here, which I believe will cost them fans, at least short term.
However, as a gamer I can't help but be fickle and want the biggest and best console gaming has to offer and anything that offers better graphics/performance/loading times/etc alone could be tempting.
The fact is that the PS4 and Xbone aren't powerful enough to play games on close to the way they were intended.
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