Those of you who grew up during the Nintendo 64 era will likely be familiar with Turok – after all, Dinosaur Hunter and its sequel Seeds of Evil were two of the most popular third-party titles available on the console. There's good news, then: Night Dive Studios, a team dedicated to remastering old games, is considering bringing the classics to the PlayStation 4 – assuming y'all want them, of course.
While the group's only announced Xbox One versions at the time of typing, it's said that it's "evaluating" Sony's system. With the install base of the PS4 being so large, we reckon that all it will take is a bit of noise from PlayStation fans to twist the developer's arm. But is this a series that you're interested in replaying? Yell 'I AM TUROK' in the comments section below.

[source twitter.com, via xboxachievements.com]
Comments 31
is that the same version as the one released on PC about 4 months ago ?
yeah, im not sure i would call it a remaster, they added extra resolutions, clean up the textures and the fog, thats about it.
Its still a great game though.
@Faruko Yeah, it'll be that version. I think the idea is just to clean these old games up so a new audience can play them/revisit them.
I never played them, how are they?
Why doesn't a good, reputable studio try to do a proper Turok revival? I think a current gen open world Turok reboot would be absolutely amazing.
@Faruko Ain't that what a remaster is though, just cleaning up the graphics and performance?
Was an enjoyable game back then. Not so sure how it would be welcomed in this current climate, but if the price point is good then they'll hopefully have a winner on their hands.
Traded in my N64 for a PS1 its turns out 18 years-ish later thats still paying dividends.
@JesWood13 Exactly this, would rather just have a brand new Turok instead of an HD port. I am sure it will find an audience though.
@adf86 Its more like an HD port, theres no new textures or stuff, just an upgraded resolution + higher "settings".
@get2sammyb Hopefully they put a decent price point something between 15-20 would be nice, higher would be like a hard buy.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi the only thing that those games share is the setting... and thats about it.
Thats like saying i wont be playing SC2 because Alien Isolation exist, and both have humans, xenomorphs and futuristic weapons.
I loved Turok back in the day. Turok is absolutely not worth playing in 2016.
@Wesker I bought the PC version, its still a fun game, and to be fair, those mindless shooter with tons of enemies and collectives are not common anymore, so its a nice change of pace.
If they have online multi-player with Turok 2, then I shall recite the words of Bernard Black: "Which one of you b*tches wants to dance?"
Turok 2 was great, who doesn't remember the cerebral bore? (IE weapon which shot a little gadget that would attach to a baddies head and start drilling towards the brain.)
Must have been a PS1 owner! Get N or get out buddy.
I just need this or Ark Survival and I would be gold!
I didn't like playing Turok on N64, the controls were complete crap.
I wouldn't mind if they were completely overhauled graphically and 'mechanically' too as these are definitely showing their age - even on the recent PC version.
Seeds of Evil though had the 'best' weapon ever created in a video game - the Cerebral Bore!! Would be great to have a fully remastered or even a brand new Turok with that weapon!
It was the N64's marketing logo in North America, or one of them, get N or get out......the N64 wasn't as successful at the PS1 in NA, but it held it's own and did respectfully well. I kinda killed off the Saturn to be honest, after fall 1996 (when the N64 launched), the Saturn fell off the charts for good.
I'd prefer remakes of Turok 2&3. I loved those games when I was a kid, even though they scared the hell out of me.
This was back when Nintendo of America had much more say, after all, a good percentage of the developers who supported the console where western, not Japanese.
What was more popular in Europe, the Saturn or N64?
Heck ya I'll take a remaster/port! I grew up on games like these
The Saturn did pretty well in Japan, not as good as the PS1, but quite a bit better than the N64. The Japanese still loved arcade like 2D shooters and fighting games well into the late 90's......and that's where the Saturn trumped the PS1 and N64, in pushing sprites.
I dunno about Europe, it seems like the PS1 dominated everywhere and the N64 had a decent following in the UK at least.
No problem with them being available to play. Won't interest me. I wonder what the price point will be though. If it's in line with the PS2 remasters I would be a little disappointed to be honest, as they have been choses for (mostly) being best in class. These games weren't amazing on their original release really.
My first ever n64 game. And it cost £67.99! £67.99 people! That was a lot of paper rounds! Daylight robbery I tells ya...
And to make matters worse it wasn't until I got home and fired it up that I found out I needed a bloody memory pak as well! Some harsh life lessons right there!
I remember owning the games on N64...they were fun, as the N64 was a pretty decent system too (just hated the controller). Was hoping that they would eventually make their way over to other consoles...like the Dreamcast, but sadly never were even out on another Nintendo console (which they could have put on their virtual arcade shops). Will look forward to them, depending on price of course, and it would feel really nice to be able to play them on the next nintendo console (but, I doubt it). I'm still one wishing for Sega to actually make another console (another doubt, but high hopes). Still, glad they're giving some of the older classics a new try! Now, make me feel really old and re-release all of the old Atari games in a nice collection on PS4 like they did on 360 and give them trophy support! Then I'll be in high-heaven!
@AhabSpampurse I found an old receipt tucked away in my Mortal Kombat 2 box for sega genesis...it was a $60 game. Back then, that was a lot of money (probably about an $80 game or more now-a-days if you factor in price points). People don't realize how expensive gaming was back then...even Atari was a big steep price and the games for that! We ended up paying almost $300 for the Atari when it came out...imagine what that would cost today if it appeared as it was then! Going back, yeah, I remember paying a lot for Turok Dinosaur Hunter too...I then waited for the other 2 to drop down before picking them up. I think Conker's bad Fur Day was the only other game that was expensive that I bought, and I hated the N64 memory cards...they were hard to see what data was on them and where to go in the menu. I remember only being able to see what was on them through Gameshark Code Enhancer (miss the Game Genies and Game Shark code enhancers).
@Grawlog i've never played either of the 2 but thanks for sharing that.
I am Turok ps4 version of 1 and 2 they are my childhood and everyone’s
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