The marketing cycle is back in full motion for Mirror's Edge Catalyst, one of this author's most anticipated games of 2016. In addition to beta sign-ups, DICE has deployed a brand new story trailer for the long-overdue PlayStation 4 prequel. In it, we meet some of the uber-trendy characters from the title's wider cast, while also getting a better look at the City of Glass.
We're not particularly confident that this is going to have a compelling story, but we absolutely love the art direction here, and having spent some time with the release, we already know that the gameplay's going to measure up. It's due out from 24th May, and we're already counting down the days.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 6
This trailer would be approximate 8% better with the original theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1xyCOE8fNQ
This looks great. Not holding out too much hope for the story, but as long as the gameplay is as excellent as in the first game - and there's no reason it won't be - then count me 100% in!
C'mon Sammy, you really gotta have Faith!
@sinalefa I gots plenty, my man.
The only thing I got from this trailer story-wise is either Faith's a jerk, or everyone else is a jerk. I'm cautiously optimistic about this game, but I'm concerned that good level design will be eschewed in favour of another open world. If the level design is still good this may be a day one buy.
@get2sammyb @Quintumply Going by what we played back at EGX in September I'm calling it now that this will be a GOTY contender for sure.
First impressions article here: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2015/09/first_impressions_reflecting_on_mirrorrs_edge_catalyst_ps4
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