Japanese PS4 Games

At this point in the PlayStation 3's life, many disgruntled gamers would have told you that Japan's software outlook was bleak. Sony's homeland was struggling to adapt to the new high definition era, with developers seemingly unable to get a firm grip on working with fresh hardware. It was a tough time to be a fan of Japanese games, then, and a time when some would argue that home consoles were dying a slow and painful death in the Land of the Rising Sun.

We're now just over two years into the PlayStation 4's existence, and thankfully, things are looking far better in the East. Even though Japan's home console market has shrunk, it's safe to say that the nation's current output inspires much more confidence. In fact, we'd go as far to say that 2016's offering of Japanese titles is the best that we've seen in some time.

With that in mind, we've constructed a list of 20 games that we think are well worth keeping an eye on this year. All of the releases featured in this article are, at the time of writing, penned to launch at some point in 2016 - so please don't go blaming us when your favourites are delayed.

Digimon PS4 PlayStation 4

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: 5th February (EU), 2nd February (US)

Regularly referred to as the best Digimon game to release in quite some time, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is a turn based role-playing title in which you're free to assemble your dream team of digital monsters. Kitted out with some lovely looking visuals and a catchy electronic soundtrack, Cyber Sleuth may be able to scratch that more traditional RPG itch - a genre that's not brilliantly represented on Sony's latest system right now.

Naruto PS4 PlayStation 4

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: 5th February (EU), 9th February (US)

CyberConnect2 is a seriously underrated studio, and it'll likely be reminding us of that when we're gazing in awe at Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4's immaculate presentation. The Ultimate Ninja series has always been solid, and with this latest entry covering the chaotic end of the Shippuden storyline, we're expecting great things. Whatever happens, we have little doubt that this'll be the best looking anime based brawler on the market once it's released.

Arslan PS4 PlayStation 4

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend

Publisher: Koei Tecmo

Release date: 12th February (EU), 9th February (US)

The next title to make it West from Omega Force - the studio that supposedly never sleeps - Arslan: The Warriors of Legend sees the developer take yet another Japanese property and apply its trademark Warriors formula. A stylish looking hack and slasher, some of you may recognise the art style, and that's because it's based on the work of Hiromu Arakawa - otherwise known as the talent behind Fullmetal Alchemist. In any case, we're reasonably confident that this'll be yet another enjoyable musou romp, complete with a tactical twist.

Street Fighter V 5 PS4 PlayStation 4

Street Fighter V

Publisher: Capcom

Release date: 16th February (EU and US)

One of the big console exclusives of 2016, Street Fighter V is destined to be a smash hit. By the time that this year's big fighting game tournaments come around, Capcom's upcoming brawler is going to be just about everywhere, and the plan is to keep the game in the limelight with regular title updates and additional playable characters. The Japanese publisher's got a plan, then, but more than anything, we'll just be happy to see the back of Street Fighter IV - it feels like we've been watching the pros play that game for an eternity.

Samurai Warriors PS4 PlayStation 4

Samurai Warriors 4: Empires

Publisher: Koei Tecmo

Release Date: 11th March (EU), 15th March (US)

A series that feels like the more refined - and generally more serious - sibling of Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors depicts the life and times of some of Japan's most influential warlords, albeit in over-the-top fashion. Samurai Warriors 4 and its sort-of-sequel Samurai Warriors 4-II are both fantastic musou titles, so we've got high hopes for their Empires spin-off. Typically adding a touch of strategy and a slew of RPG mechanics to the beat-'em-up formula, the Empires games are usually a lot of fun if you're prepared to get stuck in.

Dark Souls III PS4 PlayStation 4

Dark Souls III

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: 12th April (EU and US)

FromSoftware's back for more blood, and this time, it's bringing what promises to be an ambitious and dramatic closer to the Dark Souls trilogy. Boasting slightly quicker combat and bosses that will more than likely haunt your dreams for the rest of your gaming life, it'll be interesting to see how the studio's experience with PS4 exclusive Bloodborne will influence the project as a whole. Unless something goes horribly wrong, we're sure that Dark Souls III will end up being a firm favourite of 2016.

Attack on Titan PS4 PlayStation 4

Attack on Titan

Publisher: Koei Tecmo

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

The third title on this list from Omega Force, Attack on Titan certainly looks the part, and fans are excited by the fact that this could finally be a game that lives up to the popular anime and manga property that it's based upon. Given the source material's somewhat gruesome nature, we're eager to see how the developer handles things, especially when it comes to watching in horror as your allies are eaten alive by giant naked people. All jokes aside, we're really hoping that this one hits the mark.

Final Fantasy 15 PS4 PlayStation 4

Final Fantasy XV

Publisher: Square Enix

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Having stated several times now that Final Fantasy XV will definitely, absolutely, 100 per cent be launching in 2016, director Hajime Tabata's career is going to sway one of two ways later this year: he'll either be praised as the saviour of Final Fantasy, or he'll be labelled the destroyer of hopes and dreams. Final Fantasy XV has to be brilliant - there's no other option after ten years of waiting - and for that reason, we're pretty excited to see the finished product. The question is, do you believe?

God Eater PS4 PlayStation 4

God Eater 2: Rage Burst

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Massive monsters, massive weapons, and a cast of ultra stylish teens are all things that are generally associated with anime these days - but that's no reason to discount the credibility of God Eater. We've been waiting a long time for the addictive action RPG franchise to makes its way West, and now it's finally shredding onto our shores at some point in 2016 alongside God Eater Resurrection. When it rains, it pours.

Gravity Rush PS4 PlayStation 4

Gravity Rush 2

Publisher: Sony

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Whip out some Whiskas and get ready to lap up another topsy-turvy adventure with blonde bombshell Kat, as Gravity Rush 2 is coming to a PS4 near you – and it's armed with enough anti-grav ammo to dispel ol' Isaac Newton's theories once and for all. Leveraging the power of Sony's super machine to bring its beautiful Franco-Belgian art style to life, expect this Japan Studio developed outing to turn your world upside down in late 2016.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure PS4 PlayStation 4

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Something of a successor to the rather good JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven is a 3-D arena brawler that practically sweats detail - as you'd expect of the meticulous CyberConnect2. It goes without saying that JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is, well, bizarre, and that in itself is grounds for an intriguing fighting game stuffed with crazy characters and their ridiculous individual powers. We're just hoping that the prior PS3 title's combat makes a smooth transition to a whole new style of play.

Nier Automata PS4 PlayStation 4

NieR Automata

Publisher: Square Enix

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

A sequel to PS3 action RPG NieR, Automata looks pretty darn cool, and with Platinum Games developing it, you can bet that it'll be practically oozing style as its no doubt blistering combat mechanics sizzle and crack in spectacular fashion. Admittedly, we haven't seen much of this one just yet, and to be honest, it's probably the least likely game on this list to actually make it West in 2016, but hey, let's get that hype train rolling all the same.

Odin Sphere PS4 PlayStation 4

Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir

Publisher: Atlus

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

An enhanced remaster of the already beautiful PS2 action RPG, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir comes from Vanillaware, the studio that brought us the equally stunning Muramasa Rebirth and Dragon's Crown. Essentially a side scrolling beat-'em-up supported by a host of RPG systems, the original was a little divisive, but we're optimistic that this re-release has been polished up just enough to warrant the title's return to the fray.

One Piece PS4 PlayStation 4

One Piece: Burning Blood

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

A fantastic looking fighter that's got one heck of a big character roster, One Piece: Burning Blood may end up being the beat-'em-up that One Piece fans have been dreaming of for years. As we've seen with the One Piece: Pirate Warriors games, Eiichiro Oda's stupidly popular manga and anime property makes for a very strong basis when it comes to developing a brawler, the crazy cast and their varied powers lending themselves perfectly to such a product.

Persona 5 PS4 PlayStation 4

Persona 5

Publisher: Atlus

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Easily one of the most anticipated Japanese RPGs in years, Persona 5 could quite easily catapult the series into stardom, releasing off the back of the highly successful Persona 4 and its numerous spin-off titles. Following the story of a student who has a penchant for rebellion, the franchise's fifth entry looks a little darker than the adventures of Yu Narukami and friends. All that we know for sure, though, is that this has the potential to be something truly special - let's just pray that it doesn't shadow into 2017.

Star Ocean 5 PS4 PlayStation 4

Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness

Publisher: Square Enix

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Ignore the crap name and Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness could turn out pretty good, even if the series' most recent instalments haven't quite hit home. Once again, we're looking at an expansive action RPG complete with a hectic, skill based battle system. With any luck, the franchise's first foray onto new-gen hardware will be a memorable one, putting this often forgotten property back on the map in the process.

Sword Art Online PS4 PlayStation 4

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Following on from the success of Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment and Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Hollow Realization appears to be yet another attempt to solidify Sword Art Online as a basis for some pretty decent action RPGs with a distinctive anime tinge. Okay, so maybe the two aforementioned titles aren't anything amazing, but they definitely have a certain charm to them, and with a little more polish, we don't see why this upcoming release can't take things to the next level.

Tekken 7 PS4 PlayStation 4

Tekken 7

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

The time feels right for Tekken to step back into our lives and smash us right in the face, so we're eager to find out whether Tekken 7 can grab the series and hurl it back into brilliance. That's not to say that Namco's fighter has been poor in recent times - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was great, for instance - but it just doesn't feel like the franchise holds the same weight that it once did. Thankfully, this seventh main instalment is looking absolutely stellar, so now we're just patiently waiting for our invitation to the latest Iron Fist Tournament.

The Last Guardian PS4 PlayStation 4

The Last Guardian

Publisher: Sony

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

It feels like we've waited an age for this one, but seeing the game resurface during Sony's E3 2015 press conference reminded us why we need to be patient. The Last Guardian is an ambitious game from an ambitious team, and even though we grow increasingly desperate to see more of it, we have faith that this is a title that'll be a real show stopper when it does finally release. Will that be in 2016? We really, really bloody hope so.

World of Final Fantasy PS4 PlayStation 4

World of Final Fantasy

Publisher: Square Enix

Release date: TBA 2016 (EU and US)

Supposedly a sort of kid-friendly introduction to Final Fantasy and what it's all about, World of Final Fantasy looks like a charming take on Square Enix's long running series. However, just because it's a game for all ages doesn't mean that it should be overlooked. From what we've seen of the turn based adventure so far, it may end up offering a neat, tidy, and traditional RPG experience - something that's currently in short supply on the PS4.

And there you have it: 20 Japanese titles that we reckon you should keep an eye on in 2016. Which one are you most looking forward to? Did we miss anything that you're hyped for? Vote for your favourite in our poll, and then go full weeb in the comments section below.

Which Japanese game are you most looking forward to in 2016? (113 votes)

  1. Arslan: The Warriors of Legend  0.9%
  2. Attack on Titan2%
  3. Dark Souls III6%
  4. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth4%
  5. Final Fantasy XV14%
  6. God Eater 2: Rage Burst2%
  7. Gravity Rush 29%
  8. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven  0%
  9. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4  0.9%
  10. NieR Automata4%
  11. Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir  0%
  12. One Piece: Burning Blood3%
  13. Persona 526%
  14. Samurai Warriors 4: Empires2%
  15. Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness3%
  16. Street Fighter V2%
  17. Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization  0.9%
  18. Tekken 73%
  19. The Last Guardian14%
  20. World of Final Fantasy2%
  21. Other4%

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