Before we get to the subject at hand, we have a tale of our own to share: office weeaboo Robert Ramsey has taken some time off, so forgive us if we don't grasp the anime intricacies of this Tales of Berseria trailer. The game, which is due out on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan next year, will see you assume the role of a character called Velvet, a sailor with a particularly potent left hand. You wouldn't want her touching your crown jewels, innit.
The combat system promises an evolution of the Linear Motion Battle format found in previous forays, where you'll have free reign over the battlefield. Artes – a fancy name for attacks, we assume – will be attributed to the DualShock's face buttons. As mentioned, the game's due out in 2016 in Japan, with a Western release likely to follow thereafter.
Comments 9
This needs to be really, really good or I think the Tales franchise will be in trouble. It's been too long since there's been a great game in that series.
Holy crap... Ditch the PS3 already! Also, I hope the open world in Bersia will be worth exploring and the story worth telling. I didn't finish Zestiria because the whole package was just bland...
@Kellanved It sold above expectation in Europe thats what I heard.
Holy crap. The tone is way darker than any other Tales game. After Zestiria, I want something more along the lines of the Traditional style games like Xillia. Yes, I liked both Xillia 1 and 2. They were great games
Tales franchise is far from dying. In fact, it's blossoming. In the past, we barely got Tales games localized but now every single entry since Graces F came to us, even translated in other languages than english. cough Capcom cough
Keep them coming!
werewolves! bet there must be vampire along the way as well...
I'm still like 6 games behind on the the tales of series! I really need to catch up of they are already planning another game for next year.
@hYdeks I'm in the same boat as you, I've only played Tales of the Abyss (PS2 version), and I stopped playing it after Chapter 1 or 2.
However I do also own Tales of Graces f, Symphonia Chronicles, Xillia 1, and Xillia 2.
Delay it another year and forget about the PS3. Seriously. The horse is already dead. I want a new gen Tales of game already not a game riding on Xillia's graphics engine. Seriously why do they never learn. Most of the PS2 Tales games were in freaking 2D too.
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