Alright, excuses time. So, the North American PlayStation Store update was not only posted late this week, but it also happened to go live the same time this author booted up Yakuza 5 – and if you'd been waiting, like, three years to play the brawler, then you'd skip on the already delayed software selection, too. Better late than never, though, right?
PS4 Games
Among The Sleep
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow Of New Despair
Guns, Gore And Cannoli
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub (Free To Play)
The Four Kings Casino And Slots (Free To Play)
PS3 Games
Battle Trivia Knockout
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 myClub (Free To Play)
Yakuza 5
PS Vita Games
Bombing Busters
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space
Taco Master
EA Sports UFC 2 Deluxe
LEGO Marvel Avengers Deluxe Edition
LEGO Marvel Avengers Deluxe Edition
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 0 HD
PS4 Add-ons
Destiny: 5000 (+800 Bonus) Destiny Silver ($49.99)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow Of New Despair
Blood Storm ($0.99)
Bm03 Vegalta Gold ($1.99)
Gleipnir ($0.99)
Ifrit ($0.99)
Reflectron Laser (Free)
Spark Lancer ($0.99)
Sting Shot (Free)
Volatile Napalm (Free)
Farming Simulator 2015
Hustle Kings Free to Play
Extra Modes Pack ($2.49)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Amy Pond Costume ($1.99)
Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume ($1.99)
Doctor Who 11th Doctor Costume (Includes Weeping Angels Swoop) ($5.99)
Silents Costume ($1.99)
Sontaran Battle Suit Costume ($1.99)
Yamaha Historical Bikes ($1.99)
Rock Band 4
'Heir Apparent' – Opeth ($1.99)
'Nevermore' – Symphony X ($1.99)
'The Coma Machine' – Between the Buried and Me ($1.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Tenacious D – Master Exploder ($2.99)
Tenacious D – The Metal ($2.99)
Tenacious D – Tribute ($2.99)
Samurai Warriors 4-II:
Exclusive Costume 1 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 2 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 3 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 4 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 5 ($1.99)
Star Wars Battlefront
Battle of Jakku (Free)
The Escapists
Santa's Sweatshop (Free)
The Four Kings Casino And Slots (Free To Play)
Bodyguard ($5.99)
Dancing Weasel ($5.99)
Monkey ($4.99)
Stagecoach ($3.99)
All-in Starter Pack ($19.99)
Double Down Starter Pack ($9.99)
150,000 Chip Pack ($9.99)
400,000 Chip Pack ($14.99)
5,000 Chip Pack ($0.99)
50,000 Chip Pack ($4.99)
Armored Car ($3.99)
Auto Dabber ($4.99)
Baby Buffalo ($4.99)
Baccarat Badge ($0.99)
Big Six Badge ($0.49)
Bingo Badge ($0.49)
Black Cat ($1.99)
Black Hole Exit Effect ($4.99)
Blackjack Badge ($0.99)
Chained Ankle Boots ($1.99)
Colored Trim Blazer ($4.99)
Craps Badge ($0.99)
Crop Top Printed ($2.99)
Dance Shuffle ($3.99)
Donkey ($4.99)
Double Buckled Shoes ($1.99)
Eagle ($4.99)
Enlightened Suit Jacket ($6.99)
Fire Trail ($4.99)
Frost Trail ($4.99)
Golden Aura ($4.99)
Jellyfish ($2.99)
Lacy Black Dress ($6.99)
Loafers ($1.99)
Machine Games Badge ($0.49)
Make It Rain ($4.99)
Meteor Strike Exit Effect ($5.99)
Modern Rugby Shirt ($2.99)
Orange Tabby Cat ($2.99)
Owl ($2.99)
Pai Gow Badge ($1.99)
Plasma Strike Exit Effect ($4.99)
Poker Badge ($0.99)
Rattlesnake ($2.99)
Roulette Badge ($0.99)
Shiny Sparkles ($4.99)
Slots Badge ($0.99)
Smoke Exit Effect ($3.99)
Sweetheart Top ($4.99)
Tank ($3.99)
Tortoise Shell Cat ($2.99)
Transporter Exit Effect ($4.99)
Walking Slime ($4.99)
War Badge ($0.99)
White Husky ($3.99)
Frost Prime Access Vault Pack ($59.99)
PS3 Add-ons
Ace Combat Infinity
Extra Contract & Special Supply Ticket Set J ($8.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set Ab ($8.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set Bb ($26.99)
Stocked Fuel & Special Supply Ticket Set Cb ($44.99)
Destiny: 5000 (+800 Bonus) Destiny Silver ($49.99)
Farming Simulator 2015
Yamaha Historical Bikes ($1.99)
Rocksmith 2014
Tenacious D – Master Exploder ($2.99)
Tenacious D – The Metal ($2.99)
Tenacious D – Tribute ($2.99)
Samurai Warriors 4-II:
Exclusive Costume 1 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 2 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 3 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 4 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 5 ($1.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
Castle and Scenario Pack 1 ($5.99)
Equipment 2 ($3.99)
Equipment 3 ($3.99)
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space
88mm Artillery (Free)
Floating Mines (Free)
Monster-zero (Free)
Pure Decoy Launcher – Anju (Free)
Pure Decoy Launcher – Chirl (Free)
Spark Lancer (Free)
Sting Shot (Free)
Samurai Warriors 4-II:
Exclusive Costume 1 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 2 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 3 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 4 ($1.99)
Exclusive Costume 5 ($1.99)
Samurai Warriors: Chronicles 3
Samurai News 24 (Free)
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 11
What the heck is Taco Master?
@ericthecheese Dunno, but it sounds cool. XD
Yakuza is a series I've always wanted to try, but where is a good place to jump in? I'm not sure if I could track down the ps2 entries at a reasonable price.
Oh I can finally download Cannoli. Bad first impression for the store in my case.
@flummerfelt Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4 include videos that detail the plots from the first two games.
Yakuza 5, finally
The U.S. playstation blog site is a joke. I hate how it stutters and it never updates properly. I love giving them bad reviews whenever it asks me to do a survey. (--_-- )
That's disappointing. I was really hoping they'd throw some more PS2 games up, with Dark Cloud 2 being among them. I'm actually quite puzzled as why they didn't put the second one up at the same time as the first, though I suppose they may have been working on it and just wanted to get the first batch of games up as soon as possible.
wtf taco master is not out in Canada its on the store but you cant buy it why , also this sucks i thought yakuza was coming to ps4 not ps3 as i am not supporting old systems just stop making games for them already its been 3 plus years move on and most have but i will not pay a cent for it unless it makes its way to ps4 or ps now free with subscription.
@thatguyEZ is there no way to stretch the screen the ps2 game rouge galaxy feels like $^% having giant bars on the sides at least if they were on the top or bottom but even my x1 with the rare replay games i played like conker and banjoo gives you a option to stretch it out , and i doubt it would make it loose its pic quality.
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