It's a hard knock life being a Kingdom Hearts fan, so when seven seconds of the series' forthcoming PlayStation 4 sequel arrive – well, you need to cling on to them for dear life. The off-screen clip has emerged out of D23 Expo Japan 2015, which was actually held in Tokyo last month. In it, we see footage of a Buzz Lightyear-inspired Attraction Flow technique, which turns the game into a pretty bog-standard rails shooter. Yay?
Alright, so maybe we're not overly enamoured with this clip, but we're sure that franchise fans will be delighted to know that the game's actually making progress. You can view the footage from the 1:27 mark in the clip embedded below. To infinity and beyond, etc.

[source youtube.com]
Comments 15
Never got into this series. I know people have been clamoring for sometime, but I just don't see the appeal. Maybe I am just to old, lol.
@SonyInfinity It's twee in a way that I don't personally like, but as you suggest, it's cool that people that want it are getting it. I just hope we're not kept waiting another five years for it.
Why does it look like an HD port of a PS2 game? I know it's all cartoons and cell shading but shouldn't it look better than that? Too jaggy and faded.
Kingdom Hearts 3, coming.....someday after FFXV.
Odd that the new footage is not even battle related, seems more like a minigame.
@rjejr I thought it looked quite nice. Hard to judge from this footage anyway, though - I'm sure when we get HD video it'll look much better.
Two points, one good one bad.
The good first. Was that last few seconds of the seven a hint that the games gonna be designed for VR headset compatibility?
The bad: a lot of the game clips, including this one have awful, unimaginative 'summons' that look like nothing more than blatant marketing plugs for various Disney land/world rides. These put me right off the whole thing. So disappointing.
7 seconds of gameplay done... for like a 50 hour game. Hmm. Release date 2025? Or am I being optimistic?
Really enjoy the original, sequel is on my wall of shame... I still feel like I have lots of time to get around to playing it before III comes out.
@XCWarrior its 7 seconds because this is a recap of the d23 conferce they actually showed a full on trailer there but only people that went there got to see it
@nathanSF really that's what I'm loving about it but the my opinion
@SonyInfinity I'm 32 years old and one of the biggest Kingdom Hearts fanboys
@DualWielding I'm 30 and right there with you. I loved the e3 trailer as a whole but I feel like this is gonna be stuck for a long time.
Coming soon to PlayStation Network in 2027...
@ztpayne7 At this point, I'm more hyped about Birth By Sleep 0.2 than 3... I know its going to be shot but Aqua is my favorite character and I really want to see what's Mickey Explanation for having left Aqua in the realm of darkness all this years
@DualWielding And that's totally fine, I just feel like personally were a little to old when it released, and missed out on what many consider one of the best out there. I'm sure KH3 will deliver.
@SKC_Diamond I'm of course kind of joking, but kind of not. We've all been waiting for KH3 going on like a decade it feels, and there is no end date in sight.
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