Sorry Cloud, we were sure that we'd want to main you in Dissidia Final Fantasy, but after seeing Squall's trailer, we're not so sure. The sulky Final Fantasy VIII protagonist attacks with rapid gunblade strikes in order to keep enemies under constant pressure. Plus, look at that jacket - it's pure style.
Once again, we're now stuck praying for some sort of official PlayStation 4 announcement as the game currently only exists in Japanese arcades - but it's essentially running on Sony's new-gen hardware. For the record, we don't see why it wouldn't happen, but with Square Enix, you never truly know. In any case, take a look at the video, and let us know if Squall's got your attention in the comments section below.
Comments 14
I'm hoping for a PS4 announcement at PSX next month.
Final Fantasy VIII.... SO BAD
there is a video on the Official Square Enix Japan YouTube page that shows the game on PS4
i think that the announcement is just a matter of time
@FullbringIchigo Yeah, we did a story on it aaaaages ago: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2015/04/heres_another_two_new_trailers_of_dissidia_final_fantasy_running_on_ps4_hardware
It's crazy when you think about it. The game is basically built on a PS4 engine, and like the linked article says, the arcade machine uses (or at least used) DualShock 4-esque controllers.
It wasn't Final Fantasy VII part 2 like everybody wanted at the time, and the final sections didn't feel like they had the emotional pull for me (I thought the antagonist behind the antagonist behind the antagonist - the lateish reveal of Ultimecea behind Edea behind Seifer was ultimately just one late step too far and felt a little limp) but I'd certainly said it holds up with the VI - X "peak" the series enjoyed.
I personally didn't feel too engaged by, and am generally apathetic towards IX, I wasn't a fan of the art or character design, it still was a good Final Fantasy game objectively though.
Oh Squall, you gorgeous, gorgeous man.
@RPE83 Agreed pretty much with what you said. I think it's just not what people really expected after FF7. Still a great game though.
@ShogunRok so surly the fact they are showing the game running on PS4 pretty much confirms they are or have made a PS4 version
if they release it though that's another matter entirely
@kyleforrester87 @RPE83 It's not about it not being VII-2 that's a ridiculous strawman argument. The game is easily breakable with the Draw system, the characters are pretty bad outside of Irvine and Quistis. The story turns into nonsensical rubbish after disc 1 and the "Squall is dead" (google that) theory only shines a light on how stupid it all became. The orphanage thing was the straw that broke the camel's back and the game is carried by Triple Triad.
FFVIII is one of my favorites. Yeah, I said it.
That said, Squall was a load of fun in the PSP games. He's the only Lv.100 character I have. He looks like he's still got that flair here too.
@DominicanGlory Well it's your opinion that the story is rubbish, and that's fine, and I can see why a lot of people would agree with that to be fair as I'm not the biggest fan either, especially after FF7 and it's significantly different tone. But I wouldn't hold it against anyone who found the story of 8 to resonate with them. It's simply that people who went into FF8 expecting FF7-2 were potentially going to be disappointed, as was I.
Still, good game.
"Final Fantasy VIII.... SO BAD"
Apologies for any straw man impression, but well, you gave me so much objective and well thought out criticism initially to work with!
I do remember OPM UK and other mags at the time discussing whether Square would break their own rule and have a direct sequel in light of the massive popularity and fan expectation or whether they'd stay true to their history and have a new adventure with similar themes.
I also remember all my friends loving VII, all getting VIII but trading in VIII almost immediately because "it's not the same as VII". Lightning in a bottle for a lot of people, i actually had people who no longer play games at all send me the VII remake trailer with childlike excitement.
Not particularily aiming anything at you, or even trying to put words into your mouth, but it just made me think how disappointing VIII felt to a lot of people at the time (Just like MGS 2) because it wasn't what people expected, despite the 10/10 reviews.
Now MGS 2 is hailed as a "post modern gaming masterclass" and a genre deconstruction on reflection, which I totally get now, being old enough to actually know what a genre deconstruction is.
I like VIII, inspite of all it's faults. I don't recall the draw system breaking the game, though I remember having the impression without gridning, it felt like you were perhaps way underpowered to start with, then overpowered at the end? Poor difficulty curve?
I agree with you the wheels came off the plot, though perhaps I am more forgiving because I loved the art and premise, it also sits very nicely in my teenage years nostalgia/guilty pleasure sweet spot with Will Smith, Oasis, Tekken 2, X-Com Apocalypse and the Nokia 3210 amongst others, so you'll have to forgive the rose tinted specs.
Absolutely loved Triple Triad too. Infact, that game up when I was talking about how much I love Gwent.
Had a quick skim over "Squall is dead" and it would probably make more sense than the turn the story actually took to be honest.
@DominicanGlory The game is a masterpiece, the fact you can break the game by drawing makes it all the better - you don't have to, and without prior knowledge won't. Yes discs 2-4 were a lot worse than disc 1 - but almost every game since ff8 has been worse than that first disc. Its a whipping boy - but I never saw it. "its too complicated" cried some "where's cloud?" Cried others. Get a grip the games fantastic. 20 years on and you cant see that? The card games the best card game in games, Seifer is brilliant, Edea is a great enemy and the characters graphics were a revelation.
@DominicanGlory The orphanage part of the plot is actually pretty good if you realise that both Cid and Edea were pulling the strings all along to ensure that all of them meet. It was the experience of the orphanage that brought them together, not the other way around. The fact that writing wasn't the best to deliver this properly is another matter. That, and the whole amnesia thing due to holding GFs in parts of the brain... I however can forgive as it's still one of the best games ever for me.
Good to see people are still willing to stick up for Final Fantasy 8. Saves me a lot of trouble.
With that said, I'd like to point out (though I doubt anyone cares) that the whole "Whatever" thing was never in the original Japanese version. Squall said "Sorry", not "Whatever", which is a pretty heavy contrast between being an apologetic and socially awkward person looking to keep others at bay, and just being a gigantic ass.
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