Well, we always thought that early 2016 was too good to be true. As Mirror's Edge Catalyst's retreat has already shown, the period is absolutely packed with new releases - and today, we're sad to report that we have another casualty in this war for your hard earned money.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided has been hit with a delay - and it's a big one. The game was originally slated for launch on the 23rd February, but now it's been pushed all the way back to the 23rd August. Told you that it was a big one.
According to an official blog post, the delay will ensure that the title lives up to the franchise's legacy. The studio plans on polishing the futuristic escapade as thoroughly as possible - but we can't help but feel that a six month delay points to bigger problems. Either way, we'd rather wait for a better game than have a broken one thrown out onto the market.
[source deusex.com]
Comments 16
I'm all for the game releasing in a working state, but stop putting f'ing release dates on games that developers can't hit. A six month delay and you're telling me SE and Eidos Montreal didn't see this coming when the original release date was announced? Bullsh*t. Also more evidence that PS4 is not as easy to work with as previously stated (not mentioning Xbox One because I don't ever remember reading that it was easy to work with, I read the opposite in fact). Even Naughty Dog has said it was a struggle and that's a first-party team.
@Gamer83 It's easier to work then the PS3 ever was but game development is never easy, especially when your trying to make it for three different platforms to be released together.
More good news for Street Fighter V's potential sales since it comes out a week before. A month ago they had Far Cry, Deus EX and Mirrors Edge for company, now just Far Cry.
Well at least summer has a big title now. The delay sucks but its for the best. And I feel ps4 is more easy to port to rather ran develop from the ground up for. But as said AAA game development simply isn't easy.
@WebHead I wonder if PC is more at fault? (In general not Deus EX) I was reading the other day on Digital Foundry that said PS4 and xbone adopt a "unified architecture" in it's RAM but PC doesn't, maybe that explains why some PC games get held back like AC Syndicate.
@adf86 I'm starting to think that AAA game development is simply getting too difficult and expensive
Just thinking about it, the good news is SE's brilliant marketing team now has six more months to plan how to promote this. We all know the suits at SE are about pleasing gamers, especially those of us on PS4, and we know how awesome the initial pre-order plan was for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Can't wait to see what they use the extra half year to come up with.
@Gamer83 wouldn't shock me if square felt first half 2016 was too busy. Summer is always the weakest so the game will have a better shot at selling more.
Wouldn't surprise me either, and again, they can now impliment 'Augment your pre-order' 2.0.
This was the big one I was looking forward to in Febuary, other than Naruto and Fire Emblem Fates. I'm so sad, but delays aren't necessarily bad things...
@Gamer83 The PS4 (and Xbox One) are easier to work with. It's just that making games, particularly on the scale of something like Deus Ex, is really, really hard.
I agree with you that the developer and publisher would have known that they were never going to hit February months ago, though. I'm not sure why things get announced/dated so early to be honest!
Considering how much work they put in the last Deus Ex and how well it was localized (maybe one of the best localization I've ever seen along with Dishonored) I'm sure the delay will be justified.
Edit: Gamers and reviewers from US and UK may sometime forget about other countries, but for us in Italy, France, Germany, Spain etc. a good localization is very important and it may worth a +1 at the final score.
They just release dates to hype up the lineup, get people to buy consoles and then delay. It's an ongoing problem. It may not be a huge conspiracy, but I guarantee you Sony (and MS) have no qualms with publishers announcing unrealistic dates. Just makes their console that much more appealing now.
That's a shame, February is my birthday month and was looking forward to this. Oh well, as long as it's good when it arrives.
I got enough games to play that this doesn't disappoint me at all.
Two of my top three games for 2016 are delayed. Well No Mans Sky wasn't delayed per say, but I was expecting an earlier release date for it. At least I have Uncharted 4 in march, unless..(knocking on wood).
It seems this console generation the first release date is more like a suggestion.
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