As expected, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 on the PlayStation 4 is f***ed. Activision's been reluctant to send us – or anyone else – review code, and judging by this Eurogamer.net hands-on with the final version, it's easy to see why. In the clip we see the Birdman bugging out in a variety of ways – be it clipping through geometry or simply floating up into the air.
As the website so aptly puts it, skaters gonna skate – but this really does look like a pathetic attempt at reviving a once legendary franchise. There would probably be some appeal to its Goat Simulator-esque antics if it was priced accordingly, but at £49.99 on the European PlayStation Store – well, you'd need to be a complete nollie to spend good money on this.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 29
Oh great, now my kid is going to want a PS4 for this, he's obsessed w/ Sonic '06. Sonic Boom on Wii U wasn't broken enough for him.
I had a feeling something was wrong the first time I saw screen shots for this game. Just looked...half-hearted. Sounds like a flop. Maybe next time around??? (If there is a next time )
Such a disappointment 😞
Horrendous stuff, sorry for anyone who had hopes for this
Yikes, fiddy pound? I thought it was going to be a budget affair. God knows it looks like it.
I aint gunna say it looks nice in that video, but I did see someone streaming some gameplay yesterday and it didn't look all that bad. Sure it's pretty ropey graphically, but it seemed to play like the PS1 games. That's not to say it's going to be any good ultimately but it didn't immediately look like you'd have a worse time than you'd have playing the old ones, either. Hmmm
Should have just re released 1-3 PSOne games on the psn
I knew this wasn't going to be good when I saw the title of the article.
Oh shoot! I saw this guy earlier today posting a gif with a small part of this clip and I honest to God thought it was DreamCast or PS2 footage!
Man, this is so bad! The worst part is that there are actually people really looking forward to this one. The other thing that worries me is the Activion published Transformers game: I know it's a Platinum game, but even they can screw up with low budgets and small amounts of time (LoK).
I dont care about the graphics but i do get pissed off when they wreck the game.....
I don't know who's worst between Activision and Ubisoft
If they fix it with numerous patches I may consider picking it up when its cheap. Although, with so many games releasing over the coming months I doubt I will pick it up for some time.
If they're going to half arse it and charge us through the nose for it, why should I even give them support. With these day one patches its becoming increasingly common for publishers to force devs to release games way to early and before a game is finished. I've now started to not pre order games as I prefer to wait for the game to be fixed and is working the way it should be working on its release day.
Maybe if we all did that it would hopefully make publishers realise they cannot force devs to release games unfinished. I used to pre order upto 30 games a year but, so fair this year I haven't pre ordered one game. I haven't even pre ordered Fallout 4, which surprises myself.
If we all keep pre ordering games things are never going to get any better.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Eurogamer specifically says its with the large day one patch.
I was really hoping for a good Tony Hawk game. I really hope they fix it, and up the visuals a bit and I might get it when its $20.
@WARDIE What does preordering have to do with it? A pre-order is far from a guarantee of a sale, almost all online stores let you cancel before it ships , and most brick and mortar stores let you cancel even after its released. Whats the difference between pre-ordering and going into a store on day one? Or is your argument that you should wait to buy them game for a month or so? Well thats unmaintainable too, if everyone did that, then there would be zero sales day one, so week four would turn into day one and we would be right back where we started.
I wanted this game to be good. Way too glitchy.
I'll be sticking to Tony Hawks 2 on the Dreamcast for now. Lord knows what happened to the series after THUG. I was actually looking forward to this till I seen all these ropey vids, Activision cheaped out majorly on TH5.
LOL You guys called it.
Just retire, Tony.
@thedevilsjester Thank you for setting me straight
@thedevilsjester I'd beat at least 90% (probably more) of pre-orders aren't cancelled, so I doubt it's that far from a guaranteed sale. Why do you think publishers push them so much?
I love Pro Skater 2 but my favorite in the series will always be Underground. They just about perfected the gameplay and the music was top notch punk/rock music with some rap music even I like which is rare. Pro Skater 5 is based on Pro Skater HD which is based on outdated code from the originally Pro Skaters and it feels outdated compared to Underground. But this video doesn't prove it's extremely glitchy. All of these glitches happen after you fall off your board so they don't even matter and I find them funny rather than a bad thing. Graphics wise it's good enough but the gameplay is lacking compared to Underground and the lack of story mode makes the $60 price tag too high. Heck Underground 2 had the Story mode and classic mode so this game feels too high for what you get. Of course if this game makes its money back maybe they will make a Underground 3 which is what I've been dreaming about for the last 10 years before the games after wasteland trashed the series with horrible gameplay decisions. Actually Wasteland was the start of the gameplay evolution going in reverse but I still give Wasteland a pass because the story mode was good and it had plenty of features.
I was the local THPS champ in my teens, I had several grudge matches with kids from my local skate park to prove my epic skillzzzz!
You folks must of forgot about the most legendary skating game in history, made by none other than Rockstar - Thrasher. Skate & Destroy.
I can still play and enjoy that game today!
Why can't developers make games that work this gen? What is going on dude!?
Thank you again Activi$ion.
is this really a vid of the finished product? OMG are we back to PSone days with the graphics? Not to mention the issues with the gameplay. Never was one for skating games as Im useless at them but I can see anything else but this flopping big time. Wow just wow.
If I screw up a trick can I decapitate myself with a skateboard? That's the only thing that could save it for me at this point.
Did they write from the makers of tony hawk ride and shred on the box?
This article might just have the best opening line ever.
Great summary. Jim Sterling's video bangs in the final nail.
Could be playing Pro Skater 3 on the GBA from the looks of this footage.
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