One of the more predictable announcements at Sony's pre-Tokyo Game Show conference today was of brand new feature length downloadable content for Bloodborne. The expansion - which is ominously titled The Old Hunters - will be let out into the wild on 24th November.
If that wasn't enough From Software goodness for you, though, it was also revealed that a new physical version which includes both the original game and the extras will release in the Land of the Rising Sun on 3rd December. It's not clear yet if this edition will Western shores, but we certainly wouldn't be surprised.
As for the expansion itself, it appears to play host to both new and revised content, including new weapons and boss battles. Arguably the most exciting addition, though, is what appears to be a gnarly looking circular saw, which will undoubtedly allow for some particularly gruesome combat. Do you like the look of this new DLC? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 19
Absolutely cannot wait for this. That new weapon looks brilliant, and also what the hell was going on at 1:13 when he went all beast mode? Is that possible in the regular version and I just didn't realise? Although I unlocked them all, I didn't really experiment very much with the hunter tools in my playthrough, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was one of those that I have skimmed over.
My body is ready for more Bloodborne!
Woohoo cannot come quick enough and will tide me over until DS3
Ohhhhhhhhhh yes. Can. Not. Wait. Now to get all my various builds up to speed in preparation for the new stuff. That 'beast mode' stuff looks like it might finally bring the beast stat into play - potentially very exciting! New weapons and abilities all look amazing too.
More Bloodbourne?!
Only a fool would turn that down!!!
Bloodborne is still my favourite game of the year. The chance for more of it is something I will savour with the thirst of a most gruesome hunter...and I'll probably dance around a bit.
@Churchy @ToOGoodOfAPlaya @SegaBlueSky @SegaBlueSky @Mrskinner @get2sammyb sorry to spam but not sure how many people come back to re-check comments unless they've been specifically tagged!
The PS blog EU have made a post with some new images I thought you'd all be interested in -
Loving the "bow-blade", and also Ludwig looks like a brilliant boss! I wonder if they will try and work the Ludwig's Holy Blade into the boss fight somehow.
Either way the more I think about this, the more excited I get! Literally just lent it to my stepdad, but will definitely be getting it back early Nov to see if I can finish the plat in time for the dlc.
Interested to see how they make it work re player stats etc, as if they make it insanely high level it'll be too hard for people who have just finished the game once without a grind. But conversely, if it is only at the same difficulty as the late game content in the main game, then anybody who's put in time doing the chalice dungeons will be way too overpowered and there'll be no challenge at all.
@SteveButler2210 Thanks man. I'd say it's always best to link as we know for sure that way.
I'm in agreement. The bow blade looks fantastic. What I love is that it looks to explore the old lore of the world and the old Hunters. Bloodborne had a wonderful sense of history about it and I was always intrigued by what happened in the past.
The difficulty issue is interesting but I have faith that From Software will have a solution. Perhaps a system which detects the player's stats and changes enemy stats accordingly? Or maybe it'll be a standalone DLC?
Who knows? But I can't wait to find out!
Damn game. It's brilliant!
The low price (€14.99/£11.99) for this DLC is making me a little concerned there's not much content here though?! Hope I'm wrong!
@SteveButler2210 Wow, Ludwig looks insane! This for me has been my personal GOTY, closely followed by Witcher 3.
@Churchy Yeah I can't wait to see how exactly they expand the lore with it! I was thinking exactly the same. Making it standalone could be a bit of a kick in the nuts to players who've done a lot of leg work, but making it all scalable just seems a lot of effort. Also, a problem with making all the enemies scalable is that you'd never get that surprise factor of wandering into a new area earlier than planned and getting torn apart! Would also make it tough on players who find the game harder, as scalable enemies would mean remove for them the option of grinding a bit to level up then going back. But as you say, I'm sure FS will work it out!
@Dodoo I would argue that £11.99 is a highish price. I mean, I'm certain it will be worth it ten times over, but I'm certainly not worried the price is too low. We've all just been too conditioned lately by some of the big names charging disgusting prices for DLC and expecting us to just lap it up.
@Mrskinner I know right, looks like it should be one hell of a fight! Wasn't quite GOTY for me, but it's not far behind MGS V and The Witcher 3. That's not a bad thing about BB by any means, just shows how lucky we've been this year with quality games!!
Sorcery, shields, flaming Hammer, bows, strange pale webbed monster, and BEAST MODE?!?!? MY BODY.IS.READY.
@SteveButler2210 True. Though I also should have said I am very happy with the price being low!
I died today.
I am in heaven.
Bloodborne is still my GOTY.
I honestly mistook this for Dark Souls 3 today, and vice versa
I've been playing so much of this game again with friends in the past few weeks. Super excited.
Ooh,very exciting -i'm going to enjoy this
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