Between all of the Resident Evil remasters and the surprisingly strong Resident Evil Revelations 2, you may be forgiven for thinking that Capcom's flagship horror franchise is returning to its roots. Clearly the Japanese publisher has other ideas, however, as it's revealed Resident Evil Umbrella Corps – a kind of competitive shooter that fuses third-person and first-person combat perspectives.
As with many of the titles announced during Sony's pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference, details are pretty scarce right now, but we know that the Call of Duty-cum-Operation Raccoon City spin-off will release on the PlayStation 4 in 2016. We're not sure what to think of this one, but we suppose there's always Resident Evil 2's remake to look forward to if it turns out pants.
Comments 13
This was the worst announcement of the show, by far. Hopefully RE 7 will be announced at Paris or PS Experience, and be more in line with old-school RE, to make up for this garbage.
Isn't this multiplayer-focused though? If so, not interested...
Resident Evil has never been a strong multiplayer experience. This had better have a single player campaign.
I feel like this is a test. As much as people moaned about RE6, it sold very well. The reason they went in a more action direction with RE4 onwards was due to the more traditional experience found in RE1 and RE0 selling poorly - though that was more to do with the pathetically small userbase of the GC, to be fair.
Capcom can see if, despite all the fan bluster online, this sells more than the RE2 remake. You could also argue it's a way of filtering the more action-oriented stuff into a side series of games. I mean, think about it, this is an age-old videogaming thing. Rather than turning Mario into a karting game, Nintendo made a side series while keeping the core series as a platforming game. This is just the same as that.
@ElkinFencer10 I disagree, I love RE solo as much as the next gamer but I've had some great co-op experiences with RE.
Say what you want about 5 but it's lots of fun co-op. 6, less so. But Revelations multiplayer raid mode is good.
So yeah I think there is plenty of room for multiplayer RE. We still need the solo games, though
This looks fun and all, but... Why did they have to slap the Resident Evil name onto it? It's like Nintendo slapping the Prime name onto that stupid-looking cash grab Federation Forces game!
This looks nice.Not anything like a Resident Evil title but what the hey..Not a big fan of the series anyway..might actually get this.
@JesWood13 Agreed! They should have just made this a new ip instead of slapping the re name hoping to make sales based on the name alone.
The game doesn't look to bad imo. I was one of the few who had some fun with operation raccoon city and this is what I feel this game is gonna be like just a little more hard core and faster.
@Matroska RE 6 was the worst RE i ever played i sold it so fast as i got it. It was the first RE i didnt finish i even finished Racoon City crap game 1 time.
Ok "Call of Evil: Residential Duty"....
@JesWood13 Damn straight - this game has nothing to do with Resident Evil/Biohazard. And even then it looks exceedingly dull.
What I love from this is that is only on Ps4 and Pc because probably of the Pc' community and Ps4 sales, thinking that it well sell well but like Arcania and Risen 3, I doubt it. This game looks and plays horrible and it should have been a new ip. Are Capcom making fun of the Ps4 and the western audience? And the whole zombie jammer idea? Terrible. They should have better make Dino Crisis 4 but nope! Let's make another multiplayer focused RE game because yeah, everybody totally asked for it! facepalm
i actually really enjoyed this game. as long as you got buddies to play along with, its really fun.
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