Remasters are always a tricky subject, but with the sheer popularity of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it's no surprise that many players are wondering what it'd be like to have the first two games in the series re-released on new-gen consoles. Of course, it goes without saying that the PlayStation faithful have never had a chance to sample the prior escapades of Geralt in the first place, so in that sense, remastering the originals seems like a reasonable idea.
However, such a thought has been shut down by the ever-reliable CD Projekt Red community lead Marcin Momot, who told a fan on Twitter that it's probably never happening: "[Remastering the first two games] is a really cool idea. Sadly, doubt this will ever happen."
And there you have it. To be fair, we wouldn't call the first two titles essential; both have been thoroughly outclassed in the gameplay department by Wild Hunt, and the initial release in particular would need a lot of additional work to make it seem more suitable to a newer audience. That's not to say that both games aren't worth playing - especially if you're into the story - but we wouldn't get too upset about unlikely remasters.
Have you played the first two Witcher titles? Do you think they deserve to be remastered? Be disgusted by the fact that Geralt never used to have a beard in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via vg247.com]
Comments 14
The Witcher 1 has not aged well at all and the same can almost be said about the second game. However I think with a bit of polishing and maybe 're working some aspects of the older games they could be released on PS store at a relatively fair price. However I can't see it happening unfortunately.
Makes sense, but for a reasonable price on the PlayStation Store I reckon these would have sold okay.
digital versions of the originals would be fine of course if they don't have the time ot money to do it, they could always out source it to another studio
TW2 and TW3 entirely ignore TW1 for the most part. I think in both games there's are two references to events in TW1 and one of them is arguably just a reference to the books. One is a mini-quest in a bookshop in Novigrad where a character from TW1 - someone akin to Geralt's son yet has been totally ignored since - has left a hidden message for you. Then in another quest someone mentions Shani once. That's one of the two love interests players could choose from in TW1, the other being Triss. Shani basically vanished into thin air even if Geralt dedicated himself to her in TW1, and regardless of how you treated Triss, she's chosen for you in TW2.
Also, the combat in TW1 is pretty bad. I got used to it and learned to enjoy it, but it basically involves tapping buttons at a certain rhythm based on one of three stances. It doesn't really feel like you're doing much, it just feels like Geralt animates and does more or less damage depending on your rhythm. It wouldn't translate well at all to controllers either.
The Wtcher3 destroys the other two games, it would be taking a step backwards.
The REMAKE of the witcher for ps3 and xbox360 was in the make but was cancelled not long before the ps4 released, even though the changes for REMASTERS of the first 2 are low he didn't exclude the changes of a REMAKE of the witcher. (I always hopes they cancelled the remake for ps3 and xbox360 in favor for the ps4 and xboxone)
I'd rather prefer they will work on witcher 4, or use their beautiful engine for a new franchise...
No thanks, I wanna see Cyberpunk 2077 in the near future, so don't divide resources for a remaster please!
No thanks I'll just skip the first 2 and play 3
Yeah I remember when CDproject was letting a french dev make witcher one for ps3, they missed a ton of milestones and blew the whole thing.
Just watch the movie versions on Youtube. That's what I did and it was fine.
I'm very thankful they released Mass Effect 1 on PSN even though it didn't age as well gameplay wise. I needed the story of 1 to care about ME2.
That being said, I felt Witcher 3 stood on its own very well, and if the previous games haven't aged as well, I would be very conflicted about playing it.
No thanks
just make new Witcher games, none of this remake or remastered crap. gah
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