One of the draws of the Uncharted franchise has always been its presentation, and Sony really has hired the best to bring the trilogy to the PlayStation 4. Bluepoint did some outstanding porting work on the PlayStation 3, with both the God of War Collection and the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection to its name – but The Nathan Drake Collection may just be its crowning work. Sony's showing Uncharted 2: Among Thieves at PAX Prime this week, and it looks absolutely incredible.
Embedded below you'll find the Nepal section from the seminal sequel, and the visuals are just sumptuous from the start of the demo right through to the finish. Not only has the resolution been bumped up to 1080p and the framerate increased to 60 frames-per-second, but the textures have been massively enhanced, too – all the way down to minor details like the surface of faraway walls. Honestly, despite being a six year old game, this looks better than most native new-gen releases.
And the developer hasn't stopped with just the visuals either. "One of the biggest issues that came up with Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception was the aiming, so we looked at how that functions, and we were like, 'Alright, when did we actually get aiming right?' BluePoint even did a little more research on that," explained community manager Eric Monacelli. "So, we figured out what the best aiming mechanics were and we tried to apply them across all three of the titles."
We actually think that this is going to be one of the sleeper hits of the holiday season. Yes, it's a remaster that's missing multiplayer, but there are a lot of people that have switched system allegiances this generation, and we suspect that this compilation is going to attract them by the boatload. Moreover, judging by our recent hotly anticipated holiday games feature, there are just as many existing fans looking forward to the opportunity to replay these classics, too.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 21
Mamma mia!
Here I go again!
"there are a lot of people that have switched system allegiances this generation".
I'm one of them, and Sony blows m$ out of the water when it comes to its rich back catalogue. When I "switched" I hoped for remasters of the likes of TLOU & Uncharted. TLOU turned out to be the greatest game I've ever played and Uncharted is hotly anticipated.
@Frazzle I was going to tell the same story. But you've said it well. Loved TLOU can't wait to play this!
"there are a lot of people that have switched system allegiances this generation, and we suspect that this compilation is going to attract them by the boatload"
>raises hand<
@0M3GA @tenderbeefcake @Frazzle All three of you are a shining example of why these remasters are happening. I know established PlayStation fans are a bit disappointed by how many they are, but it makes sense when you consider the number of Xbox converts that have hopped over to PS4.
@get2sammyb I've read many a comment from a disgruntled PlayStation fan about remasters. But these games are "in addition to" not "instead of" new titles. I'm happy at remasters, it's not as if you are forced to buy it if you played the original.
I didn't even have a last gen console so cant wait for this
Roll on October,played them all on PS3 and now improved:)
After watching this, I'm actually disappointed. It looks great graphically, but I was really hoping that they'd update the melee in 1&2 with 3's. It looks great, but I don't think I can justify $60 without those kind of updates to the games.
@get2sammyb always been with playstation and I'm also perfectly happy with these remasters, nothing wrong with playing a fantastic game again but even better than before.
If I wouldn't have played these earlier in the year, I'd get this collection. Since they're still pretty fresh in my mind though, I can't really justify it at launch.
Hmm, I'll probably just stick with the Uncharted games I have on PS3, and just get the 4th game once I get a PS4.
@get2sammyb I'm an established Playstation fan and I'm more than happy with the amount of remasters Sony are putting out, the third party ones not so much as most are simply lazy ports of dull games to begin with. I never had the time to play every game that came out so would have actually missed out on TLOU (now one of my favourite PS4 games) and at least Sony make an effort with them and seem to only choose the best games. I cannot wait to play these again, number 2 is truly amazing and it'll be nice to see the first one brought up to that standard and let's be honest this package represents outstanding value for money even more so for the converts.
@0M3GA @tenderbeefcake @Frazzle
Count me in.
Unchartered is the biggest franchise I have never played, and I cannot wait. Now all I need to play is heavy rain and Sly racoon. Loving the ps4 again with mgs, what a console and what a controller.
I'm still on the fence. 1) If the 1st game looks as graphically awesome as the 2nd.
2) If they included at least Uncharted 3's multiplayer. (ok that's not happening)
3) If the Uncharted 4 beta is included.. and lasts more than just a weekend!!!
@get2sammyb I honestly don't remasters, I double dipped for TLOU and will do for this, heck I'm still hoping that the Mass Effect trilogy and the first two Batman Arkham games get the same treatment. Good content is good content.
I'm up for this, after playing TLOUR (the first time I have), I really enjoyed Naughty Dogs work so I welcome a bargain entry of 3 for price of 1 in updated glory.
Been a Playstation owner since the original, but somehow missed the Uncharted series. I first played it when I got Golden Abyss with the Vita, and saw what all the fuss was about. Then of course played TLOU remaster, so very much looking forward to this and couldn't care less about multiplayer!
bring back red dead redemption on ps4
Although I would have hoped they did the same exercise of identifying the best possible aiming system before Uncharted 3 and that didn't turn out too well initially.
I only played it after the patch though, so what would I know, it was great.
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