Oh dear, we're not sure who to blame on this one. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture got a slew of great reviews yesterday, but many critics were quick to call out the slow pace of the game. The title sees you exploring a deserted Shropshire with seemingly no way to speed up your movement speed, and as a result, reviewers have been slowly trudging through the virtual countryside, wishing that there was a run or sprint button.
Turns out that there actually is - it's just that no one bothered to find it. By holding down R2, you can sprint, and somehow, no one figured this out. "We probably should have announced the run button before launch, but we didn't," Dan Pinchbeck of The Chinese Room stated on the developer's blog. He goes on to say that the team perhaps regrets that the run button wasn't signposted, and the studio's "paid for it in the reviews".
Now, while we think that the controls probably should have been hinted at, we can't quite believe that no one managed to stumble across this. By the sounds of it, though, holding down R2 builds up gradual speed - it's not instant - so we can sort of understand why such a thing was overlooked. Still, it doesn't reflect particularly well on the gaming media, does it?
[source thechineseroom.co.uk, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 23
You couldn't make this up.
It shows you just how incompetent some of the reviewers are, half the time they expect everything to be sign posted for them instead of...Oh...I don't know... trying things out for yourself.
On the one hand, the developer is at fault for not making the controls clear. On the other hand, as a reviewer I like to think I would have checked the R2 trigger for a run button if I was going to criticise the walking speed.
At least people know now.
Surprise, surprise..most reviewers are sh*t.
There was one review I read which does actually mention the run button. Right at the start, in fact: http://www.gamesradar.com/everybodys-gone-rapture-review/
I think at the end of the day, if you're going to heavily criticise a game for something in particular, then you need to make sure that you're not overlooking something - just to be on the safe side.
I appreciate the review and it looks like a ton of people overlooked that feature. Live and learn. Now we can add +1 to any reviews and that probably reflects a more accurate review. I'm still picking this up sans run button or not.
No walking simulator would be complete without a run button
-10 for the gaming media
(except PushSquare of course!)
@get2sammyb hi, this is my first time commenting but longtime reader, I was confused reading all the reviews that said "there's no run button" because I have seen allot of gameplay footage before the release and it clearly shows that you can sprint, I thought that they must have removed it before release. With this new discovery can everybody's gone to the rapture be completed in 3 hours?
In the settings it only shows the left stick,right stick and X as being active buttons. I can see how this could be over looked.
I was even saying how much more I'd enjoy this game if they patched in a run. Turns out they did, before launch. They just forgot to tell anyone.
Out of curiosity, can you view controls in the options menu? If so, I think there are a lot reviewers being really stupid here.
That's rediculous haha. I got this today, gunna play tonight
Pretty sure its the same in Vanishing of Ethan Carter
To be fair it's not exactly sprint, more like walk slowly or walk normally.
The devs are at fault here, not explaining the control system at the start of the game
If I'm totally honest, I did press the R2 button when I was playing it, but the change in speed was so gradual that I couldn't figure out if I was actually running or not.
At any rate, I didn't have a problem with the walking speed, so it made no difference to me.
Possibly this was added in the patch I had to dwnld for it last night?
I thought "us gamers" hated hand-holding and tutorials and stuff? REAL GAMERS figure it all out for themselves, it's only casuals that need things explained? It's one thing if a regular player didn't figure this out, fair enough, but as ShogunRok says above, it's quite different if you're a supposedly professional reviewer that's marking it down for not having a run button.
As someone said above, it's the same in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (as well as, admittedly with no obvious association, the same in racing games).
After playing the game a good amount I can tell you R2 doesn't make you run. You move slightly faster but it's not even close to running. That said it's not really a big deal. It only sucks if you need to back track.
Even I figured this out. However I can see how nobody else found it. There are a lot more buttons these days than in the SNES days, so it's important that most First Person games have the same control schemes. Don't know any that use R2.
Nice game <3
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