Among the reeds

Before you start giggling back there, it's probably worth mentioning that work on Shenmue III has only just started. As such, this new trailer may look crude, but considering fellow Kickstarters such as Mighty No. 9 and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night didn't really have anything other than concept art to show at this stage of their respective campaigns – well, it's better than nothing.

Having said that, let's not sugar coat it: this new footage certainly isn't anything worth getting overly excited about just yet. We get a look at protagonist Ryo Hazuki, whose character model has improved a lot over the past few weeks, alongside Shenhua, as the twosome share a tender moment in front of a lake illuminated by lantern bugs. There are some sharp lighting effects on display, but not much else.

Of course, the Kickstarter's not even concluded yet, so this is reflective of a product that's still very much in early development. Fans will no doubt be taken aback by the music, which certainly holds a nostalgic place in this author's heart. There are just 61 hours left on the Kickstarter now, which should cross $5 million by the end of the day.
