John Smedley, the former Sony executive whose plane was landed after a bomb threat last August, took to Reddit last night to explain why he's disappointed with the loose sentencing that his plane's alleged caller has been given. "I normally don't weigh in on subjects relating to me personally, but I will this time," he began. "I'm extremely angry that the Finnish justice system chose to let Julius Kivimaki off with a two-year suspended sentence. This guy is the worst kind of bad news. He's been involved for years in every kind of terrible thing you can imagine – including carding, hacking, and swatting people all over the world. He's also participated in a major way in DDoS attacks that caused a lot of grief for gamers and a lot of economic damage to the companies that make and run games."
He went on to explain to readers how Kivimaki has impacted him personally. "He was the guy that brought down my flight with a bomb threat. I've heard the entire recording where he convinced an airline customer service agent that there was a bomb on the plane. He's also, in conjunction with others, sent me pictures of my father's grave with nasty stuff on it. I've had my entire credit history put out on the Internet including my social security number and my family's info. We've had multiple social networks and other things hacked, and had my family members called. I've also been swatted multiple times and had over 50 false credit applications submitted in my name, and had to deal with the ramifications of what happens to your credit when this kind of thing happens. It's not good. And to top it all off, they decided to submit false tax returns."
He then went on to say that he hopes Kivimaki eventually faces jail time, contrary to the sentence that the hacker received on Wednesday. "So, to put this bluntly: I want this kid in jail for a long time. You shouldn't be able to do crap like this without any hint of a consequence. I plan on doing everything in my power to see him get what's coming to him in court – one way or another. What he just got convicted of were over 50,000 separate incidents of hacking and other nastiness. This has nothing to do with the downing of the plane, or the DDoS stuff he did, or the things he did to me (not just me, by the way – he did this to a lot of other people, too). Those cases are still pending, but they have him dead to rights."
Before his aforementioned Reddit post, Smedley tweeted a number of warnings to Kivimaki, calling him a "sociopath" and "dirtbag", and saying that the hacker's parents needed to be held accountable. Lizard Squad has responded by overloading the servers to all of Daybreak's games, rendering them unplayable for many. The issue is ongoing, but we'll be sure to update you as the story progresses. Here's hoping for a clean resolution.
[source reddit.com, via twitter.com, twitter.com]
Comments 42
There are so many complex issues here. I feel like... Y'know, taking down game servers is obviously annoying and expensive - but it's not really the end of the world. However, defacing graves and calling in false bomb threats... That really, really crosses a line.
Here's what I don't understand: if he's got a suspended sentence for crimes not related to the bomb threat, then surely when he gets charged for that he'll be sent down? I'm not sure how this all works to be honest, but I don't see how he can stay out of jail if there are more charges for him to face when he's already on a suspended sentence for prior actions.
I do feel incredibly for Smedley, but he should communicate through his lawyers from now on.
I agree, this guy belongs behind bars!
From the little time I've taken to look into this, the reason he got such a low punishment is because he was 15 at the time and juvenile court in Finland favours councilling over prison. He got a pretty hefty fine for a 17-year-old though.
What that means for any future crimes he might be convicted for, I don't know. The suspended sentence would almost definitely come into play, but I imagine he'd serve it concurrently to any new sentences.
There should be a WWF V WCW Invasion style match. Trolls Vs Developers, losers have to retire
In all seriousness I hope the guy is convicted if there's conclusive evidence against him. If nothing else I hope this incident makes some people think twice about openly criticising devs or companies on social media.
It's always been for whatever sliver of fame they can squeeze out of downed game servers. Let's see them blatantly break international federal statutes. Then I'll be impressed. So far they're not even personally risking anything (evidently) by e-bullying someone already in the public eye. Weak sauce. Nerf hackers. Posers. Wannabes. Kids. 😉
Me wanting to accidentally come across these kids in real life for once to set em straight, made me think of this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BtPL77t5HvQ
Lousy quality video, sorry, couldn't find a better one. The concept is genius though, I dreamed of this so many times!!
I had my identity stolen once and the consequences of that, as simple as they were, were incredibly time consuming and frustrating. Not only that, even once i had "cleared" my name I still had occasionally issues. I have no idea about this case or why this 'hacker' is targeting this man, but all I know is that everything he described sounds like an absolute nightmare.
I really like to read about problems of CEOs. They deserve everything that comes their way =). And I really think that he acts like a moron, trying to put 15 years old in jail.What about showing those kids an example. But as most CEOs he is just a moron who can think out of the box only about money and how to make them and about himself.
Anyway I downloaded Planetside 2 recently,but now I'll delete it, without even playing. It is sad when grownups trying to put kidsin jail, only because they can't find a way to communicate with them.
I'm not saying that kid is right in what he's doing. Just saying that this guy is wrong and I don't like him.
That "kid" knows what he's doing, he should be prosecuted as an adult. I'm sorry but swatting and doxxing is criminal, not some prank. Rot in jail for all I care.
I'm not a fan of most CEO's and suits but I agree with this guy.
@Gemuarto He's not 15 though, he's either 17 or 18 (I think it's the latter). He's been doing this for years, and has committed a number of serious crimes that have caused great harm to others. This kid is way beyond just getting a talk.
Hope he is gonna get a retrial or whatever...isnt a bomb threat an act of terrorism?....re-trial and jail scentence...he deserves for that one act alone, never mind the other 50k offences
@ryanorly @Jaz007 So you telling that to put someone in jail is less cruel thing than this kid's doings? And you telling that Finland justice system is less effective than US justice system? Statistics shows otherwise. This kid was already being accused and instead of showing an example of generosity and forgivness, this guy just shows that he is typical soulless CEO moron.
@ryanorly @Jaz007 The truth is that this guy just trying to create an example from this kid. An example that other kids would fear. So I am asking myself, if he wants to creare an example, why not make good example, instead of example of anger and fear.
@Gemuarto Why do CEOs deserve bad things to happen to them? You seriously believe all CEOs are soulless evil -doers? You do realise many of them have worked hard all their lives and haven't done anything that would merit being attacked in such a way. I know it's cool to hate on suits but think about what you are saying.
The Finnish justice system sound's like the UK version....useless, regardless of if we think he should go to jail or not this young man clearly hasn't learnt from his punishment and it send's out the wrong message to other would be hacker's. My personal opinion is he should of got at least 2 years jail.
Lol, in Europe? Fat chance. A Dutch guy I know got into a fight over a parking spot , he ended up killing this other man on accident (he fell really nasty and broke his skull). He ended up serving no extra time in jail than the months he was held in custody till the trial began and had to work in a retirement home for like 120 hours or so. In Europe it's all about rehabilitation and 2nd (or 3rd) chances, in America there will be more people in jail then out in 2060 at this rate (literally).
I feel there must be something in between.... But looking at crime rates, Europe is simply doing better than the U.S. how unfair the punishments might seem. The guy I talked about has a family and his own company now, he employs 16 people, pays lots of taxes; in America he would've been sentenced to life (he's black, so life).
I know exactly what you mean.. Im from england and justice system here is terrible.
@hi_drnick This one doesn't look like nice person. Can't you see that all this guy wants is to create an example to secure his business. And that personal stuff is a manipulation to justify his otherwise pretty evil words and wishes. If not manipulation, he still looks like evil and angry person.
I don't like CEOs because I never met even one decent person among them.
@Gemuarto really, that's what you're going to stick with? What a load of crap. HAHA Seems like you're trying to justify the kids actions regardless. There is no grey area here, the kid was clearly wrong and should be punished without getting a slap on the wrist, but then again look where this is taking place.
This is some heavy ish! That hacker should serve his time properly. Feel bad for that guy thou..... Dam u hackers......
@Bigdoggy I never tried to justify that kid. I just don't want to jusify that CEO guy.
And sorry I don't believe in hate. And punishment is for monkeys. Smart person always can find better solution than punishment. But the problem is that most of us are beyond stupid to find it. We think that punishment is not a sin, but it is a sin nevertheless.
Airplane bomb threats are counted as a terrorist threat, and that should have been a harsh punishment no matter what the age is. Other than that, taking down servers isn't that bad, but threats towards someone or family members...and the bomb threat, is a terrorist and serial killer thing. What would have happened later on, the kid goes out and kills the CEO or a family member over something stupid of not getting a game he tried to illegally get? This world is nuts anymore and what's more nuts is this judicial system. Before I get into a big rant here, I'll go back to the topic...yeah, the kid should be tried as an adult for the bomb threats and threats to the family members...just saying...no matter what the age is, they know what they are doing.
@Gemuarto you sound like the kind of guy who thinks murderers, rapists and the like can be reformed and don't deserve punishment.... Free to carry on after some 'counselling'. There would be more evil in the world if everyone had your standpoint. Frightening.
I actually agree with @Gemuarto's sentiments about CEOs. Not all, but the vast majority are straight up scumbags who would sacrifice their own family members if it meant any little bit of self gain. That said, these kids have to learn and giving them a pass for everything and forgiving them certainly isn't going to teach any lessons. It starts with this stuff, which to be fair isn't the end of the world, but if they get away with this now, when does their bs stop and how far are they willing to go if they feel they are invincible?
@Gemuarto Would anyone actively smoke a spliff inside a police station? That's actually what these guys are doing.
@Picola You are wrong about me. But with murderers I prefere to use word isolation from society, not punishment. I mean, we must protect ourselfs, don't we?
And I am telling one more time, that I'm not protecting that kid at all. I'm just telling, that since then 3 years have passed. And that kid is now officially found guilty in his crimes. And if he will do something like that again, he will go into jail. So, what the hell? Why not forgive him?
Partly this conflict is about power. I mean, there is a powerfull guy and kid that shows that his power is nothing. And you know, when you show to someone powerfull that his power is nothing, it is just BOOM..... Power is a drug, after all. And I don't see that this CEO is a person, who can control that addiction.
What we need is an Anti Lizard Squad Squad that inflict's the same damage to these scumbag's parent's/familie's as these scumbag's do to thier victim's but maybe ten fold, it would stop then.
@Gemuarto but by that logic if my house is burgaled by a 15 year old that doesnt get caught until a couple of years later that I should forgive him? I'd like to think he would have to answer for his crime.
@xMEADx I am sorry, is this guy burgaled someone's house? He was accused and found guilty. What else do you want? Judge him again for the same crimes?
Answering your question, though. I think that it's better for your mental health to forgive him right away. Do you know the most common thing among criminals? They can't forgive. Themselfs, their parents, society, god or whatever. They just can't.
The kid was found guilty but still got off easy so how 'guilty' was he really in the eyes of the law? To me this isn't a case of a CEO showing his power it's a case of wanting just consequences for some pretty serious stuff and I don't blame him. This kid will learn nothing from this experience other than he can do what he wants and get away with it.
@Gemuarto criminals is a pretty broad spectrum.
However most low level criminals steal for drug addiction. Your cold blooded murderers usually having an issue with their frontal lobe. Your good guy who steals from work and family usually has a gambling problem. I also forgive people - however I will forgive this numpty when his friends stop harassing people.
@Gemuarto Its looking to me that hardly anyone agrees with your view on this matter and to be honest I can't blame them. The crimes committed by this guy no matter what age he was, he needs to be punished, otherwise its only going to encourage others to do the same. He has also shown zero remorse for his actions and see's them as a big joke. I believe that he should be made an example of, but thats my opinion.
@Gemuarto Tell that stuff to the IS...
The moment you threaten a person's family and make their life miserable you cross a line, no matter if he's a CEO or not. And you know what, SOME CEO's just worked their ass off to get where they are just like the average joe, being a CEO doesn't automatically make you evil. Greedy perhaps.
@Scollurio Looking at comments here, I'm starting to think that our society is not too different from IS.
I always say to people that say "they don't believe in hate" to be full of it. Hate is real, deal with it and stop making more out of it than it really is, seriously. It bugs me to no end when people try to sound righteous is one way or another. ugh
@Bigdoggy Where did I say that I don't believe in hate? Funny how many things people told about me here, things I never told myself, and never meant.
@Bigdoggy Oh, but my words have very different context, don't they? You understood them like I've told that I am clean from hate. But that's not what I meant at all.
I am full of hate, that's why I know that hate is not OK. My hate pains me a lot =).
Hate is real, deal with it.
@Bigdoggy lol, anyway I don't like thatCEO guy.
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