There are only two more pieces of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's downloadable content left, and this week's penultimate offering is likely going to be the most deadly that we've seen. Taking a step away from quests, bits of gear, and haircuts, the upcoming add-on will actually add new finishing moves to the game.
If you're like us and you've been playing Wild Hunt for hours upon hours, you're probably well past the point of excitement whenever Geralt decides to decapitate a baddie, so we're quite looking forward to seeing his new techniques.
Will you be riding off to lop apart a few bandits after this DLC hits? Go ahead and imagine the bloodiest finishers possible in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 13
Yeah, I'll take that. I hope they're good!
It would be nice if we could choose what selection of finishing moves we want Garalt to perform and in a certain order.
Its probably a bit premature since im nowhere near finished (thank god, as I never want it to end) with the main story or side quests, but im really excited to see what CD Projekt Red have planned for the upcoming paid expansions.
I wish they would/could support The Witcher 3 with yearly expansions running at around 30-40hrs a piece. I'd rather that than a new Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty every year.
Excellent news.... Think I'm coming to the end if the story but got shed loads of side quests to do and have the season pass thing in my basket on psn ready for nxt months wages
This sounds cool, atleast its not a dlc that puts me off my second playthrough. It will kinda fell like an upgrade.
Just finished the main story last night. Time to put it down and move on to Batman. I'll probably get back to it later, but right now I've reached my saturation point with this title.
@bepcsngsf Right. Great experience but one time is enough for me.
Still not got this so looks like I'll have a lot of DLC to download before booting it up for the first time!
Bandai Namco tag??
@B3ND3R - Bandai Namco is the Publisher for the game in EU I believe while Warner Bros is in the US.
@Splat that makes sense.
Is it just me or is anyone else having problems finding the finishers animation dlc on ps store?
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