The rumours were true: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is set to launch on the PlayStation 4 from 9th October in Europe and North America. The bundle – which is in the safe hands of remaster specialists Bluepoint Games – will bring updated editions of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception to Sony's brand new console. Even better, the package will include exclusive access to the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
"Since the launch of the PS4, we've seen plenty of requests across our Twitter, Facebook, and message boards all over the Internet to provide remastered releases for the first three games in the Uncharted series, which sold an amazing 21+ million copies and garnered an average 92 Metacritic rating," community strategist Arne Meyer wrote. "We couldn't agree more."
All three games will have their single player campaigns remastered in 1080p at 60 frames-per-second, with better lighting, textures, and models. Considering that there's no mention of the multiplayer modes from the latter two titles, we're going to assume that they're out of the mix. Don't let that get you down, though, as each title will include a range of community determined improvements – as well as new Trophies and a fully-fledged Photo Mode.

While the game's only just been announced, you can pre-order the package right now in order to attain access to the Nathan Drake Pack, which will include "single player skins of iconic Drake outfits, as well as everyone's favourite weapons: the Golden AK-47 and Golden 92FS guns". Grab it from the PlayStation Store and you'll also get a dynamic theme which can be downloaded right now.
As for that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer beta, there's very little information on that at the minute – but expect to learn more at E3 2015 later in the month. The game will retail for $59.99 in North America, which seems reasonable to us. The question is: will you be raiding a few tombs to ensure that you add this to your library? Try not to act like last year's model in the comments section below.
[source blog.us.playstation.com, via blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 75
Will be getting for sure! I imagine the visual improvements will be like TLOU Remastered.
In before "I told you so!!"
disappointed there's only the single player campains no multiplayer
@TOMBOY25 Probably so it'll actually work and not need 4 months to fix unlike a certain other collection.
Seems there'll be no golden abyss in the collection.
Actually quite excited to play them again, especially at 60 frames per second.
getting this for sure
HELL YEAH! preoredering that right now
Enter the not another remaster game complaints.
Honestly though I figured this would be the case, now we know why they delayed the 4th one.
@Tasuki Well at least this collection has every game (bar GA), not like the other one cofcofGoWcofcof
Whoaaaaaaa I wish it included Golden Abyss but whoaaaaaaa
Now that it's real... I'm way more excited for this than I thought I'd be, too. Can't wait to play through them again - great games!
I really hope they give us uncharted 3 mp
@get2sammyb - So are we officially referring to this as U:MTC on PS?
@rjejr Absolutely.
I'll probably be getting this as I absolutely love Uncharted, but I want to see the game first to make sure it's worth parting $60 for the improvements.
Also though, that name, that name. I hate it so much. It just irks me. It just sounds so weird and awkward, there are only Nathan Drake Uncharted games. It's like someone at a meeting brought it up, it sounded cool for a second, and nobody reflected on it further to see how bad it sounded.
Or you can pick it up on PS3 to play the exclusive multiplayer offerings...
@get2sammyb -What is that AbFab? (Nevermind, before your time.)
Yeah the name is a bit eh. I would've named it Uncharted: Drake's Legacy.
Was in the store ready to preorder and pow! £50 price tag?! Batman is only £5 more lol
Think I'll wait till its on sale or even come to Ps+
30-35 max for me as played them all twice already with platinum trophy on all.
I'm happy with this but will probably wait for price drop or second hand as I've owned all versions on the ps3 at some point so don't feel I need to rush out and buy it, I would have liked to Play the vita version on the big screen to.
Will be getting this as never played any. Can't see why complain about price its 3 games for price of one
Called it!
No Crushing mode Trophy PLEASE (that killed me that did) :-/ After seeing the PS4 cover i have changed my mind now & will probably get this & play them again.
@Jaz007 The funny thing is you can see they've tried to de-emphasise that part of the name in the box art. The big writing simply says Uncharted Collection, with the Nathan Drake bit in a much smaller, non-bold font.
I am curious why they went with that. Maybe they really want to establish Nathan Drake as a gaming icon or something, so threw his name in there, too? I'm with you, though - I don't really like it.
As for gameplay footage, I'm sure it'll be at E3.
Out the day after my birthday - well this will still be my 'present' to myself....
Is this all the uncharted games or just some of them?
I'm just wondering because I never played uncharted so I would defenetly buy this if its all the games before the 4th one.
I am so getting this...really looking forward to it..even though ive completed the trilogy about three times i'm still getting this for PS4.
it'll totally whet my appetite for uncharted 4!
@Remixora i think its all of them bar the vita one.
@Remixora Yeah, as @unionjack3rd said, it's just missing Golden Abyss. I've sent an email to Sony about that.
It would be nice if Golden Abyss was added but since that game relied heavily on the Vita's features (you had to hold the vita at a light source at one point) it maybe too tricky to port that over. It's a shame that Multiplayer seems to be out but hopefully if there's enough demand then they might patch it in at a later date. Maybe Bluepoint don't have the resources or Naughty Dog don't have enough servers to support 5+ games.
@get2sammyb @unionjack3rd
Alright!! Thank you! My preorder is official! Let's do this!
Dissapointed they didn't include Golden Abyss
Im just hopping is just more than an upgrade to 1080p and 60fps, hopefully with textures redone and stuff, this could be a very very good collection with some work.
New trophies? Better graphics? 60fps @ 1080p? Photo mode?
I'll be HAPPY to platinum the 3 games ONCE again.
Having never played any of the series (as PS4 is my first PS console), I am really happy to see this and other remasters coming along. Now just have to find time...
Damn, I was going to skip this, but the UC4 beta though.....
Brilliant news can't wait ) just lets hope this works unlike some other collection ive been hearing about
Please don't advertise in the comments - get2sammyb
Awesome news never played any uncharted so def be picking this up
Great. Day 1 buy for me. Surprised there isn't much complaining on this thread. It'll inevitabley come.
@Faruko They say they're improving textures and lighting, but I want to how much they are personally.
I never got a chance to play the third one, so heck ill just buy this while I wait for thief's end.
@Jaz007 Bluepoint did an amazing job with God of War and ICO/Shadow of the Colossus, so I'd imagine these will be a decent step-up. Clearly they won't look as good as a native PS4 game, though.
I'm sure we'll get screens and gameplay at E3.
Yeah, great news on my Xmas list for Santa this year.
So happy this is real I can't wait to play through them again especially uncharted 2 it would be a shame if it didn't include the multiplayer but I can live without it I filled my boots on ps3
the lack of multiplayer turned this into a maybe for me $60 for 3 singleplayer campaigns I already own is hard to swallow, even with the U4 beta. :/
Well, I think we all saw this coming.
I would personally leave it at that, but that beta for the fourth game actually made this pretty tempting.
Halo did it, im pretty sure they could include the multiplayer. Not that im too interested on it, but it would be make the package much better
@Faruko Halo did it and failed. It's what happens when you pack too much content in such a short period of development time. It's good that the Uncharted collection isn't including MP, or else it'd probably be a buggy mess at launch.
@SecondServing thats assuming this got "low amount" of developing time, do we even know that is naugthy dog thenselves doing to port ?
And because Halo failed doesnt mean this one has to
Yeah Bluepoint probably doesn't have enough time or disk space to include golden abyss.
I like the Uncharted games but honestly to me this ain't worth £40 for 3 old games I can easily play on my PS3 right now.
Hell yeah!!
@rjejr Arrested Development, I think.
I'm glad that this trilogy is coming to PS4 especially for people who have not owned a PS3 to play them. Personally I do not like 3. The second one is my favorite. And I played the first a lot, but that in particular needs more than a graphic update. Drake's Furtune needs an A.I update. Because the cpu's autotracking is extremely unrealistic.... I got use to it at that time, and I beat the campaign a lot on the hardest level. But still, that autotracking A.I is ridiculous... So I'll wait for feedback to purchase that. I'm not spending 64.19 just for the second game which was flawless in my opinion.
@get2sammyb I wonder how I can talk you out of ever posting that face again?
@Artie No need, I think it served its purpose!
Would've considered this if it had Golden Abyss, but I'm not interested in replaying three games I can already play whenever I want to. The Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta access is nice, but I can wait for the full game.
I'm throwing my money at the screen and nothing is happening.
@KAPADO Lol Insert Fry shut up and take my money pic here.
@Tasuki That was my first thought.I have no idea how to do that, maybe it is because I'm on mobile.
Did they confirm that there's no multiplayer or is just an assumption for now?
If there's no multiplayer I'll wait for a price drop, but if there is I'll definitely pick this up.
@rjejr Arrested Development. One of the greatest sitcoms of all time.
Hmmm, very tempted. I love this series, especially the first two games.
@Johnnycide True but so is 'Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia'
@XFsWorld that's what I was asking for in another forum. I will wait and see at least what the graphical improvements look like before preordering. I wish we had MP. But I understand why we aren't getting it. Probably t make sure people gravitate towards UC 4 MP. When it comes out plus it saves them money. The UC 4 beta us where I'm entice to want the collection. I love UC series and nice to have it on ps4 but it does feel like double dipping again. Good thing best buy gives 20 % off on new games so I'm paying $50 after tax
People are so quick to preorder before they see the product. People all we saw was a movie teaser and not one ounce of gameplay.
@ApostateMage very true. Couldn't choose between them if I'm honest.
@SecondServing I dunno, unlike 343, Bluepoint know what they're doing.
Eitherway I couldn't care less, Halo was known for it's MP while Uncharted was not.
Halo Campaigns were pretty awesome thou
Im getting this anyway, hopefully it has multiplayer (with every posible map, that would be godlike) but if it doesnt, its not exactly THAT bad.
@Ewflex Well they did show gameplay last year in October..
I'm so excited for this, always wanted to replay the series in remastered quality.
@Storytime7 @DualWielding @get2sammyb @XFsWorld @WebHead Same here, but I'll probably end up buying this anyway...once the price drops down to $40 New or cheaper though.
@adf86 Bluepoint could always release Golden Abyss HD as a standalone DLC or retail version later.
@ToddlerNaruto Oh yeah that's possible but like I've said to others "if you want it, demand it" if enough voices were heard then they will listen.
@adf86 True, I also would still prefer the collection to come with Golden Abyss.
Hopefully the fans will start demanding and Bluepoint will listen.
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