You can probably expect more Mirror's Edge news at E3 2015, as the franchise's official Twitter account has leapt into life like an athlete earlier this evening, seemingly confirming the subtitle of the series' hotly anticipated sequel: Catalyst. The news was rumoured earlier today when eagle-eyed fans uncovered a series of trademarks and domain registrations pertaining to the name, but the cryptic message looks like a confirmation to us.
The timing, just prior to EA's big press conference in Los Angeles next week, is telling, as the social media account hasn't been active for almost six months. As part of a financial document earlier in the year, the publisher suggested that the brand will be revived in Q1 2016. Of course, fans of the franchise will probably know not to put too much Faith into stories like this – the name could be connected to a smartphone spin-off of some kind, after all. (Please don't be.)
[source twitter.com]
Comments 4
Awesome, I loved what little bit of the first one I played on Xbox 360. I'm eager to see whats announced.
They already made a smartphone game and even that wasn't half bad - a hell of a lot better than most of them. But yeah, Catalyst better be a console game.
Would love to see Catalyst turn out to be the sequel that was teased last year. Some gameplay would be awesome.
I wonder if this will also have Morpheus/Rift support?
I wonder what twisted contraption Anita turned this into...
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