Biker dudes

Few would disagree that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is the best looking game at E3 2015, and that means that it's not going to hit its original 60 frames-per-second target. Speaking on a GameSpot livestream earlier in the week, lead game designer Kurt Margenau revealed that the studio's now targeting 30 frames-per-second for the single player mode, and 60 frames-per-second for the multiplayer.

This is obviously a bit of a bummer, especially after The Last of Us Remastered, which felt like a different game at 60 frames-per-second. However, considering the sheer amount of eye-candy that the studio's pushing, it's not all that surprising. As long as the controls feel tight and responsive, then this won't be too much of a concern – and with Bruce Straley leading the gameplay team, we doubt that we have much to worry about in that department.

[source, via]