There are many areas where the Gran Turismo series is ahead of its nearest competitors, but it's at the back of the pack when it comes to sound. Since its inception, Sony's series has been letdown by weedy engines and screeching tires – and at a time when DriveClub serves up some pretty mesmerising audio effects, that's simply not going to cut the mustard in Gran Turismo 7.
Fortunately, it looks like Polyphony Digital is aiming to solve the problem. The developer recently recruited Mike Caviezel, an audio engineer with experience on Microsoft's popular Forza franchise. He's only been working with the developer for two months – perhaps suggesting that the simulator's new-gen debut is still some way away – but hopefully his presence will have a big impact.
It's interesting that the typically introverted developer is starting to look outside of its native Japan for recruits. According to Caviezel's resume, he's working with the company from California, and there is some speculation that the studio's also snagged a user interface designer from UK-based outfit Evolution Studios. This should have a net positive on the property, as it has started to feel a little stuck in its ways of late.
[source linkedin.com, via neogaf.com, playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 11
Thank god!! Before I was graced with my PS4's presence, I did have a PS3 and pre-ordered GT6 anniversary edition via the PSN store
The audio was SO dissapointing - to come from Forza 3, Forza 4 and Forza Horizon, GT6 was SO disappointing
Also, personally speaking, I found the 3rd person view camera for GT6 a bit "elasticky" when turning corners... Was almost feeling sick doing 2 laps however I would tolerate that if the thundering V8 of a 1966 Ford GT40 didnt sound like a Dyson DC04 upright being whizzed along at full chat!
please watch the language -Tasuki-
Though graphically impressive, and vast in its scale, I have never really been a fan of the series. It's always seemed too mundane to me. Poor sound, odd camera angles and mediocre handling always left me wanting more. I'm putting big hopes on Project Cars , due out in 3 days, and if that lives up to my expectations then Gran Turismo won't be on my shopping list.
@Eldritch Both are very similar, but Project Cars can't quite match up with the amount of content Gran Turismo has obviously. I can't speak for the handling model personally but the sounds in Project Cars are excellent. Hearing that Gran Turismo might be getting better sounds makes me just wanna wait and see, but I'm also one of those people who only need one sim racing game per gen.
@T7L3RB I totally agree on GTs content being vast. Also, like you I like to stick to one. I'm hoping the handling is going to be as good as advertised. I've watched a few videos of famous drivers showing a split screen of them doing the real life race vs the Project Cars race and to my, albeit unprofessional eyes, it looks pretty darn close. I guess I'll find out in 3 days.
One of my favourite games was gt4, the amount of content was great, licenses (which I love) pit stops, rallying, drag racing, 50 tracks, hundreds of cars, modifications, races, time trials, 1 v 1 etc etc. Forza started off great and then at Forza 4 all the content I got on the other 3 I had to pay extra for and after playing the lacklustre forza 5 the allure of a shed loads of content was gone replaced by microtransactions. None of the Forza games have come close to GT4 as I was playing that for well over 2 years, and the microtransactions have killed it for me. I need a rejigged gt4 - keep everything the same apart from sorting the graphics to ps4 standard, sort out the few slightly unfinished tracks and pump up the engine sounds. I haven't played gt 5 or 6 so I'm unsure what they were like.
@Eldritch Since I don't use a wheel, super realistic handling isn't a big concern for me. I just want something that is manageable with a controller, and from what I've been hearing the handling model in Project Cars is pretty customizable to your needs so I'm sure you'll be able to find something you like. Check out the Project Cars thread in the forums for some valuable info from @Scollurio about the game, he knows much more than me.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
@get2sammyb I work closely with several Japanese companies and I can tell you that Sony is quite ahead of the game when it comes to recruiting non-Japanese in Japan.
Recruiting anybody who's worked on Forza is definitely a positive. I don't expect GT 7 for a quite a while though. 2017 at the earliest if we're lucky.
@themcnoisy GT4 is the only gran turismo I completed 100%. After that it wasnt really progressing in my eyes. Especially the sounds were very disappointing on the ps3. But also the carreer mode and the licenses stayed pretty much the same. You can only do the Toyota Yaris Cup so many times before ir gets tedious..
What I also hate about GT is that even though I completed GT4 100%, I still didnt have enough money to buy all the cars. They expected you to grind the game for hours just to inlock the content. What is this, a MMO? I paid money for the game and I want to drive the frigging cars..
I really hope Project Cars can take its place because to me GT is kinda done.
There was somebody streaming Project Cars on PS Live the other day, the car sounds were fantastic.
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