Courtesy of a couple of new screenshots from Final Fantasy XV, people are busy losing their minds over the fact that the game features product placement. For those unfamiliar with the term, this means that real world objects, complete with their branding, will appear in the release.
Coleman, a relatively popular brand as far as outdoor gear goes, has its logo plastered onto Noctis and the gang's camping equipment, as the image that we've embedded shows. In truth, we're not really sure what to make of it. On one hand, plenty of games make use of product placement if you know where to look, but on the other, having real world items appear in a fantastical universe does seem to break the immersion a little bit. Next we'll be pointing out tins of Heinz beans.
So what does publisher Square Enix have to say about this? Well, it reckons that having such branded objects in the title keep the whole thing based in reality. We're not sure about that, but what do you think? Are you already seething just reading this? Cancel your pre-order in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 34
FFS its a brand name it wont change the game, get over it.
That's..strange. But I kind of like it.
Not sure I want GlaxoSmithKline branded Phoenix Downs, mind you..
I think I would prefer it if they straight up said, "revenue generated from product placement aids us in game production".
That being said, I really don't think subtle product placement is a big deal.
@kyleforrester87 Or a KFC where the C stands for Chocobo.
Really doesn't bother me, I actually feel that it makes the game world seem more real and would aid in making my brain think that the world I am immersed in actually exists. Simply walking around in a single day (real world not game world) means you will see thousands of brand names.
As well as this, if it puts more revenue into SE's pocket to assist with them bringing better games to the public, I am all for it.
Kinda ticks me off actually. Can I please just sit and chill for two minutes without being marketed to...sold to....etc? Don't get me wrong, I've no problems with it on sports titles, open world driving games and such. But in a fantasy world, it does kinda pull me out into the 'real world' somewhat.
I just think time and a place for this stuff and FFX isn't it in my view.
It's SquareEnix, I'm pretty sure the game will have far more serious problems than this.
@ShogunRok Ha! amazing! They'd probably specialise in green Chocobo.
They can put all the ads they want, I still won't get it.
Hahah! Now thát would cause outrage
@Mrskinner - " it makes the game world seem more real"
If they did it on purpose to imply this game happens in our own world - which I was kind of under the impression that's whats going on - normal guys from a normal world somehow wind up in Harry Potter land, and I'm expecting all wake up in the end and it's only been a dream - then this makes sense.
If this game takes place on a made up planet then it's out of place product placement and it will be annoying.
Though I'm a person who needs things set in time and space. I hated the first Hunger Games movie b/c it bothered me they never explained what was going on. Was it Earth? Was it the future? Alternate timeline? I never read the book, my wife asked me to it watch the movie w/ her and I spent the whole movie looking for clues of if it was earth or not. After the movie ended I stll didnt know so she looked it up and told me it was future Earth. Haven't watched any more HG movies.
And the product placement isn't all that bad. I watch the TV show Grimm, and everybody uses iPhones and Apple laptops and they take up half the screen when they use them. ugh
"Well, it reckons that having such branded objects in the title keep the whole thing based in reality."
The reality of them pandering to other companies in order to make money that they desperately need to fund this game in the first place. Before you know it, the company's renamed Square-ColeMan-Enix and the main character is named John Deere.
Sorry everyone who's angry at people who find this stupid for a Final FANTASY game. It is stupid. Lame, even.
I guess bloated development costs led to this crap...it has been in development for over 6 years and money has to come from somewhere
This is what you get when you give the wrong people a game to work on.
Seriously? Who cares, it's a game! Product placement shouldn't matter one bit, and if it does, quit playing games! That's just my two cents though.
This is crazy, lets accept it and move on??? This isn't the same as product placement in films - more akin to Gandalf slipping on a pair of nike, shampooing his hair with head and shoulders and driving to the big battles in a ford ka. Flipping get rid.
Product Placement means more money for Squeenix. It doesn't bother me that Product Placement is in the game.
Are you guys serious? This is a dumb thing to get mad over. Really dumb. So dumb. Dumb.
Wow, despite all the flak SE's gotten in recent years for being up its own butt, this may be the first thing I've ever seen that has me seriously considering passing on a (non-MMO) Final Fantasy game. A world with a technology path that's paralleled our own I can buy, it's kind of charming in its way, but real-life corporate presence is exactly the kind of jackassery I turn to video games to get away from.
So much for escapism in gaming; this really takes the Fantasy ouf of Final Fantasy.
"Well, it reckons that having such branded objects in the title keep the whole thing based in reality."
Translation: We gotta make some of that bloated budget back SOME how!
I really don't care, as long as it isn't thrown at my eyes every 5 seconds like music videos these days I doubt I'll notice them.
meh not bothered
[Noctis pours clearly labelled Cheerios into bowl]
NPC 1: Cheerios again, sir?
[Noctis wipes his brow with his Nike armband]
Noctis: Yes, I love the texture of this particular cereal. It's also very hot today.
[Noctis leans over to nearby fridge, pulls out a cold can of Pepsi]
Noctis: Good job we spent our Gil on this delicious soft drink.
NPC2: I concur, although I also love the taste of the new Pepsi MAX.
I'm actually kinda flabberghasted at how seriously everyone is taking this. I doubt it'll really be that noticeable during gameplay unless you deliberately try to pick it out, even with the logo color.
I've never viewed product placement as an issue. It's been in gaming for years, with even product placement games being made. Even if it's not actual products it's an obvious mock up. Yeah, it's a bit odd in a game like Final Fantasy, but again it'll probably be barely noticeable.
"Well, it reckons that having such branded objects in the title keep the whole thing based in reality."
Although product placement has been used effectively in games such as crazy taxi and McDonalds world. This is not the same. Final fantasy is a story of good versus evil, saving the world, building bonds with a variety of people and things and riding chocobos. Square enix have lost the plot its finally official. Its more realistic??? What the actual what??? Its called final FANTASY. Not backpacker simulator. @ShogunRok this goes on in kids films alot and drives me insane. It all starts like this and will get worse and worse.
That's kinda hilarious actually..,..but as long as it doesnt affect the actual storyline or dialogue I don't mind.
@ShogunRok lol that's the best idea i have seen on the internet, today.
I'm gonna go buy a Coleman Cooler Quad Chair when I play this game, so it'll feel like I'm right there sitting with them in the game. I'll wear my all-black Supra Skytops with the red soles too.
I wouldnt buy any of the products from the placements, they don't affect me, but I can understand why people would not like it.
I don't like it, and here's why:
If it were ever so subtle (maybe a brand logo on tennis shoes or something- inconspicuous and only noticeable if the camera zoomed in) I might not mind, but that Coleman logo is NOT subtle, in fact it dang near jumps out of the screen at you. That's intrusive, and it feels like advertising dollars at work, regardless of whether or not that's really the case.
Secondly, even if it was ever so subtle, it's still a line that's being crossed and once it's been crossed who's to say where it stops? Just a little larger logos, just a few more brand names... and before you know it, it's like you're in Time Square.
Uhhhh... and we should care, why? Everybody should be focusing on the game itself, anyway. I would barely notice anything like that if I was playing the game, but that's just me.
@General_Spiller "Can I please just sit and chill for two minutes without being marketed to...sold to....etc?"
Yes, I agree with you very much
I'm more curious as to why it's there in the first place
Not one mention of Loveless in ff7?
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