After days of rumour, speculation, and Fred Dutton stalking, Sony has finally revealed March's roster of free PlayStation Plus games. If the drama leading up to the reveal wasn't riveting enough, there's plenty in the selection, too, as a borked European PlayStation Blog URL suggests that we were getting Dishonored originally. Either way, these are the titles that are definitely on the menu – let us know what you think in the comments section.
PlayStation 4

Few games can proudly claim that they're a bona fide PlayStation classic, but Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee will be synonymous with the PSone for many of you. An updated re-release, New 'N' Tasty includes everything that you loved about the original, but spruces it up for a new generation – flatulence and all.

Kleenex recommended. Valiant Hearts: The Great War had a profound impact when it launched as part of Ubisoft's digital lineup last year – largely because it was better than most of the French publisher's retail titles put together. This gorgeous puzzler depicts the lives of four different World War I veterans, and will probably make you cry.
PlayStation 3

This favela-based foray may look like sunshine and rainbows, but it harbours a dark secret beneath its vibrant exterior. Inspired by a true story, Papo & Yo attempts to depict the difficult relationship between a boy and a monster, whose addiction to poisonous frogs puts a significant strain on their relationship. This is an affecting adventure – even if it may sound silly.
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

What happens when Victorian settings and Eastern European developers collide? Well, you get some pretty unusual Mancunian accents – but don't let that put you off Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments. Boasting plenty of taxing murder mysteries and some outrageously detailed environments, this is a surprisingly enjoyable affair.
PlayStation Vita
OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood – Cross-buy with PS4

Controller crunching inputs await in OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood, the sequel to Roll7's seriously slick skateboard-'em-up. Part endless runner, part dexterity workout, this release sees you grinding through movie sets, all in pursuit of a respectable leaderboard place. The addition of manuals make this outing more enjoyable than ever – but only if you've got good reactions.
CounterSpy – Cross-buy with PS4 and PS3

Smoother than a James Bond title card, CounterSpy is one of those releases that simply oozes style. A sidescrolling stealth game at a glance, this ambitious indie harbours a three-dimensional cover system which is cunningly implemented. Surprisingly replayable and gorgeously animated, this Cold War-inspired espionage escapade will warm up your console of choice.
That's your lot – but what's hot and what's not? Has Valiant Hearts: The Great War got your stomach in a knot, or would you rather that Papo & Yo was forgot? Place your vote and then cheer or sneer in the comments section below.
Which PS Plus title are you most looking forward to in March? (54 votes)
- Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War
- Papo & Yo
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
- OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood
- CounterSpy
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 25
Meh! I'd love to have the sherlock game on PS4 but otherwise... I got plenty to do at the moment anyways! Hope others find something in the lineup to enjoy!
I always wanted to try CounterSpy. Still wish it was White Night instead.
I reviewed Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty for another site I write for, and it's one of my favorite games on the PlayStation 4. This is a fantastic lineup!
That is quite a Tasty Line up me'thinks
I like odd world, the rest not so much.
I'm happy for my PS4 free games this month. Like really happy. When can you start downloading that gaming candy?
I've been interested in Oddworld: New n Tasty for a while since it was announced for WiiU, so happy it's free this month. Was kinda mad I missed out on IGNs 'free game of the Month' when they were giving away Valiant Hearts for free on iPhone, but having this on PS4 is even better . Will be playing Papa & Yo and OlliOlli 2, but I don't know about Sherlock Holmes....
Already purchased CounterSpy a few months back but it's cool. Another great free game lineup.
So happy to be getting oddworld
I will download Oddworld but I have no interest in anything else on offer. With the increasing Backlog of games to finish, I see no point in downloading things just for the sake of it or just because they are free...
Nice. I don't have any of these games, so I'm excited for all of 'em! Most excited for Valiant Hearts but most curious and interested in checking out Sherlock Holmes.
OlliOlli: Welcome To Olliwood free, for the PlayStation Vita! I accept. #LongLivetheVita
I already have both those games for PS4, but that's the chance ya takes!
Usually we get an announcement a few days before the new month hits. This moth either somebody backed out at the last minute or a game that was planned for inclusion proved unready for release too soon to the deadline to change things up quickly. Either way, a decent lineup for those who don't already own those games though it would've been nice to get the PS4 version of that Sherlock Holmes game. We probably will eventually tough.
With Sony being a little coy over the past few days and the announcement coming literally on the day of ps store update..i was ready to be a tad disappointed(wouldnt have lasted long tho..i actually love ps+ and never really complain about the games) but this line up is pretty good and varied..well done!
Not big on the Oddworld series but its free so I will check it out.
Voted Oddworld but looking forward to trying them all Valiant Hearts is the weakest of the lot though, or the least interesting, as I played it on PC and didn't think it was all it was cracked up to be. Maybe a second playthrough will help.
Ehh.... Not bad I guess. Might as well download and play them since they're free.
Already have Oddworld so I voted for Counterspy. I've been interested about it for a while.
Surprise 4 games well played Sony [strokes beard]
Counterspy is great but if you have both consoles, don't bother with the Vita. Load times are atrocious (about 2 mins per level) and the controls are a little imprecise, leading to a needlessly frustrating experience.
none of those issues affect the ps4.
want to buy PlayStation Plus, but the problem is that my country is not on your list if countries.Can I, even though I am registered through other state,by credit card to buy Play Station Plus? Thank you in advance, best wishes.
Yet again we're getting games I already own. I've promised myself I won't be buying anymore PSN games for a good while because of the fact that around 80% of my digital library has been free at some point.
I was going to purchase Helldivers but I think I'll hold off as I know it will be free at some point.
Im not complaining as I take the blame for buying so many digital games. Trouble is Im sure that Im not the only person who feels this way and as such this will effect day one games sales of PSN games.
Im happy for those people who wanted these games but couldn't afford them at the time.
This is a pretty solid month. It's good for all systems.
Meh, its not a terrible selection. Doubt I will ever play any of them though. I love indie but not artsy indie, and I own sherlock on the PS4.
I've been thinking about getting Oddworld for a long while (Sooo many memories from my childhood) so am definitely happy with that, as well as Valiant Hearts. Sherlock Holmes...I might play that as a laugh, it looks like a truly horrible game. Overall I'm pretty happy=)
Has anyone else noticed that Papo & Yo isn't in the free games section on the store? It's there for free if you find it elsewhere, but not under free games where it should be.
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