Naughty Dog may well regret suggesting that all of its future PlayStation 4 projects will run at 60 frames-per-second, because it sounds like it's already backtracking when it comes to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Speaking as part of a Game Informer podcast, creative director Neil Druckmann said that it's going to be "really f***ing hard" to get the release running at the coveted refresh rate – and that it hasn't made any decisions yet.
"It was really hard on The Last of Us Remastered, and that's a game that we have finished, and we knew exactly what the end result needed to look like," he said. "Here we're trying to push the boundaries of what this game can look [like] and do real-time cutscenes, and trying to do 60FPS is really hard." He added that the firm hasn't made any final decisions regarding the title's framerate just yet, but that it will "re-assess" at a later date.
In more positive news, game director Bruce Straley said that a photo mode similar to the one in DriveClub and inFAMOUS: Second Son would be "awesome" if the team's got time to implement it. Seeing as this is borderline expected in most exclusive titles these days, we'd honestly be disappointed if the developer didn't deliver. Can we get the awesome 'extras' menu from the first two Uncharted titles, too?
[source, via]
Comments 26
It must have been really f###ing hard to get TLOU running on a ps3, but they did it.
To be honest, 60fps or not I have 100% faith that whatever they come out with is going to be special, if they manage that 60fps then that's just a little extra icing on the cake.
@SteveButler2210 Yea that's right. These guys are a development team you can trust to make the right calls. If 60FPS isn't hit then you know it wasn't worth it.
Disgusting, no buy, Sony doomed.
Oh my God! My life is over! How dare ND destroy my faith in humanity like this?!! How can I ever game again! Life is so unfair!
And other comments to that effect.
You know, a part of me wants to rant and rave about how the PS4 struggles with 60fps...
... But I honestly couldn't care less. 30 or 60 - I don't give a toss. Just as long as the game runs smoothly, I'm fine. The game will be great, regardless.
The last time I actually cared about FPS was when trying to get my PC to do at least 20 FPS on Vanguard Saga of Heroes. I don't care one way or another so long as the game plays great.
There's always that guy.
Looks like there is a downside for PS3 to PS4 ports after all, inflated ego. Well they said it was a target, so yeah.
It's not about whether the game still will be good or not... But when the tech part of ND (forgot their name, they specialize in optimizing the Playstation) came out and told pretty much the same I already said this was only to make excuses for the inevitable "downgrade". People got really mad at me back then, and they'll probably be now, but it's not only about what you deliver, it's about what you promised too. Why not BEGIN by saying it'll probably run on 30fps and surprise us in the end if it turns out 60fps is doable.
I'm not saying those guys don't know their jobs, they clearly do, but I think the PR team should tone it down a little, because this isn't the first time a Sony studio doesn't quite live up to the expectation...the expectation they set themselves.
I hate it when people say 30 or 60 FPS doesnt matter...just switch between them playing TLoU and you will definitely want to play with 60fps enabled.
I get faster eye strain when I play 30fps games that actually should have 60fps.
I personally couldn't care less what the framerate is as long as it's above 30 fps. Sure, 60 looks better, but 30 still looks great and I'd much rather have a high resolution game running smoothly at 30 fps than a buggy game that only ran 60 fps some of the time.
With next gen consoles it really should be the standard.
I've no doubt the game will be good, let's face it ND games are always awesome but if they can't get a new game to run at 1080p & 60FPS on the PS4 then no one will.
And then later this generation, they'll have an even better looking game running at 60fps. I don't buy it.
This is just one guys opinion of how developing the game is. I know this game will still be awesome. Naughty Dog has not gone wrong yet
Ohhhhhh Noooooooo.
30 - 60 .... As long as there's non of those 15fps drops it'll be fine but what ever frame rate it hits I hope it stays steady.
A jumpy frame rate at 90Fps is worse than a locked 30-to 60FPS
Yeah 30 or 60 is whatever. If it plays well is all that matters, to me at least. I rarely get caught up in the frame rate debate.
Ah remember those days when "1080p" and "60fps" were alien phrases to the console players? When definition and framerate were not the topic of EVERY release. Waaaaaay back to... oh, thats right, last gen.
I am gonna sell my ps4 tomorrow because of this
Thats right get the excuses out early so people won't be as shocked later.
I really don't care that much sure 60fps would be lovely but it looks great and playing games with 30fps hasn't ruined any experiences I have had with my games, nobody really talked about fps or res last gen
I'm no longer picking this up
Not bothered by frame rate its gameplay and story that's important
I'd say I'm disappointed but at this point I expect every PS4 and Xbox One game to be 30 fps. It's not the end of the world but it is sad that in 2015 consoles still can't reach 1080p, 60 fps.
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