The curse of 2014 shuffles on, as physical copies of Dying Light have been delayed in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Speculation was rife yesterday regarding a global setback, but we couldn't sniff out a firm source. Fortunately, a spokesperson on Facebook has explained that this only applies to retail copies of the release for now.
"As physical production has a longer lead time than digital there is some delay in the aforementioned territories," the company said. "We will share information on the availability of physical copies as soon as it is confirmed." It doesn't appear that North America will be affected at all, while digital copies will be available everywhere from 27th January.
Of course, this isn't ideal, as prices in the PlayStation Store are significantly higher than their retail counterparts – especially in Europe. Amazon.co.uk is still showing the game's launch date as 30th January here in Britain, so it's unclear whether this setback will hurt all nations. Either way, Warner Bros needs to get this game out now – its promotional parkour video hit BBC's homepage this week.
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[source facebook.com]
Comments 17
Developers have been a bunch of freaking failures to this point in the current gen. The level of incompetence is staggering.
@Gamer83 Yeah, it sounds to me like they went gold too late, which means that they're late printing the discs.
Great to see 2015 kicked off the right way. The only company that hasn't been a complete joke with its big releases is Nintendo. I'd like to think what's happening here is just a minor hiccup but after the pathetic display that was 2014 nobody making or publishing games for PS4 and X1 gets the benefit of the doubt.
@Gamer83 captain toad treasure tracker was delayed around 2 months in UK and ireland at least, don't know about the rest of Europe.
@sackninja Not so much delayed as "Not released in Ireland for a month after the rest of the world because Nintendo are crazy"
And it was a month, course that didn't stop a lot of retailers from selling it early
I buy everything digitally, and now i am especially happy that i do
bummer. was really waiting for this.
But the "other system" didn't ....... I just hope that "some" system makers don't use the lots of money that they have to stop games coming on to systems "like ps4 (for example)" and not pay off developers or CD making companies...... just putting it out there 0.0
As I've said in a previous forum I still can't understand why the digital versions of games on playstation store are so high compared to their Physical copies from retailers especially when there is no packaging, physical blu-ray disc, distributors involved etc which should make it a hell of a lot cheaper. On average Playstations store are selling games £15+ more than the physical copies and considering Sony want to push console users towards Digital they are totally missing the plot.
Techland. Theres always something they screw up.
Im hugely jaded by these fools.
@chris730920 ive been saying this for ages. Its a con i swear
@mikey85 its a con that sony is suffering from the most, for 10euros extra profit they sell only half the amount of games they otherwise would. They can make far more profit by having competitive prices. Also, as Sony you should WANT people to buy digitally because you cant sell those second hand. Its a double loss for them..
@mikey85 hear hear as they would say in the house of commons , if Sony sold the games at the same price as the retailers they would sell a hell of a lot more especially with the pre-order download option to download the game before release and then able to play it on release day, saves waiting to see if Mr postman delivers my pre-order on the day of release if I've booked the day off for it , I have been let down on a couple of occasions waiting for re-lease day delivery (not mentioning Amazon).
Carrying on a little more on this subject, Amazon Kindle sells digital copies of books cheaper than their Physical copies and in some cases up to half the price of the physical copy so why doesn't Sony follow suit???
@chris730920 exactly. What are the production costs of digital games?must be next to nothing compared to buying a case printing a manual and cover,and writing a disc not to mention the price of the disc aswell. It is a con and iv wondered for time how a game can be 50 on the store and 40 in a shop.they really need to sort it out. Cus i prefer to buy digitally nowadays due to the inevitable laser breakdown of every generation of ps consoles
@chris730920 @mikey85 There a lot of costs associated with digital distribution - data centres, servers, banks of storage, networking, redundancy and disaster recovery planning and implementation for all of the above + the bandwidth to actually cater for thousands of people all trying to download gigabytes of data without too much slowdown (hence the massive delay when everyone tried to download GTA 5 on release date!).
None of this is cheap (I work in the cloud IT industry), and I wouldn't be surprised if it cost more to keep all this up and running compared with pressing Blu-rays and printing manuals.
professorhat thanks for the info, fair enough that it may cost a bit more to support than a physical copy but I think an increase on average of 33% extra (in some cases a bit more) is a bit steep and should be looked at by Sony especially when they want to encourage digital downloads. cheers again
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