It beta be good

Battlefield Hardline's delayed launch is now fast approaching, and somewhat unsurprisingly, publisher EA has announced that there will be an open beta on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

Shooter enthusiasts should be happy to know that the download will be available sooner than you may have thought, too, as it'll be catching criminals from the 2nd February. It'll last until the 8th, so that gives you roughly a week to test your skills. As for what you'll be able to play, the beta will come with three modes: hotwire, conquest, and heist. Fans will already be familiar with conquest, but it's worth noting that the mainstay will only support 24 players on PS3, while on PS4, you'll be part of a massive 64 player battle.

Have you already strapped flashing lights to your car? Have you got handcuffs at the ready? Play cops and robbers with us in the comments section below.
