Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor's PlayStation 3 release date has been pushed back slightly, Warner Bros announced today. Originally planned to launch alongside its PlayStation 4 counterpart in September and October, the last-gen version of the game won't be arriving until 18th November in the United States, and 21st November in Europe.
While this news may be slightly disappointing for those of you who haven't yet upgraded to Sony's next-gen system, it will hopefully give you a lot more time to explore Destiny, as well as the stack of games that will be launching in the coming weeks. Or, if you'd prefer, you might like to rewatch the film trilogy. You'll probably want to be quick about it, though, as those are long movies.
Are you disappointed that you won't be able to explore the middle earth as soon as originally planned, or were you giving this madcap medieval crusade a miss? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 13
I pre ordered PS4 version muhahahaha
Pfew still on Oct the 7th for the PS4 version?
As long as it comes out at all (and if it's good), then it's ok.
For the record, the 360 version was delayed as well, so it's a "last gen" problem. Or is it a "current gen" problem as everyone still refers to the new systems as "next gen"?
Anyway, WB also said - "more time in development," - which seems weird for systems they've been making games on for 6 or 7 years, but some how the systems they just started working on this past year are able to finish first. Does that make any sense to anybody?
@rjejr well I'm really hoping this means that the games were designed for current gen and they need the extra time to flatten it down to fit on last gen. I wish developers would do it this way round than design for last gen and flesh out for current gen!
I would rather it be delayed then get a rushed version of the game.
@Mrskinner - Well that does make sense I suppose.
@N711 Yes, the PS4 version is unchanged.
@rjejr I think it's a scam to make last gen gamers buy current gen, just my opinion.
Anyone taking bets on what game's going to be delayed next? lol
@molee94 - That was my initial reaction. If the new gen versions were $60 and the old gen were $50 I'ld really believe it.
@kensredemption - The Last Guardian.
No matter what the question is around here, the answer is always TLG.
Happy that I pre-order the Special Edition for PS4 so I don't have to rush through the game in November, which already have a insane among of games
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