SCEE may have beaten, er, SCEA to the PlayStation Plus punch, but the latter has been prompt to respond with May’s content lineup. As in Europe, strange side-scrolling platformer Stick It to the Man will be your free PlayStation Plus game for the month, offering a mixture of point-and-click puzzles and old-school navigation in one delightfully presented package. We loved the original PlayStation 3 and Vita release, so we recommend giving it a try, even if you do so grudgingly while complaining about indie games on your social network wall.
Japan Studio’s underrated Puppeteer will also be part of the Instant Game Collection in North America next month, allowing you to finally explore Kutaro’s stage-based escapade without having to spend a cent. It’ll be accompanied by soccer simulation PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer and beautiful brawler Skullgirls Encore. Over in handheld land, freebies will include quirky puzzler Surge Deluxe and Limbo. That’s perhaps a little weaker than Europe’s offering of Muramasa Rebirth and Everybody’s Golf, but both are still excellent games.
As always, SCEA hasn’t attached a date to these titles, but it’s safe to assume that you’ll get Stick It to the Man first, and then be drip-fed the remainder of the lineup throughout May. And of course, these giveaways will be accompanied by the usual roster of savings and discounts, which will be announced a little closer to the time. What do you think of this little lot then? Express your rage at free games in the comments section below.
Which PS Plus title are you most looking forward to in May? (22 votes)
- Stick It to the Man
- Puppeteer
- PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer
- Skullgirls Encore
- Surge Deluxe
- Limbo
Please login to vote in this poll.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 20
Meh... 0_o
Can you really complain about 'free' games? Even if they are indie? Even if you own them? Even if you insert reason here?
Cue more complaints in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
Dang I was hoping Vita would get Maramusa for Us to. I stocked up on the free Vita games for when I get my Vita Slim when it releases next month. A have a lot to play all ready.
@Big-Boss No doubt there'll be complaints as Sony haven't given everyone the games they want Sony will never please when it comes to PS+ on Ps4. I'm a little peed you guys get Skullgirls tho, I'd take that over Payday 2 every day of the week
Puppeteer is supposed to be fun.
And $50 / 12 = $4.16 per monthly offering of multiple games = $1 or so for the $10-20 indie game is still worth it
I'm interested in Puppeteer and Skullgirls. I probably give PES 2014 a shot but I'm not really interested in sports besides football (NFL).
Well I already bought Puppeteer so I voted for Surge deluxe. I'm glad it's free bc I hadn't decided yet if I would double dip.
I was really hoping for muramasa and golf as I have puppeteer. Not really complaining. I love plus. Just not the best month for me.
I got the Vita version of Limbo free as the PS3 version was given away on plus a long time ago in the EU. Did the US not get that too?
Muramasa ;_; y u no give?
Well I have none of the games but maybe like this month's games... I might not play it after 1 or 2 stages
@RawShark I believe we did but for whatever reason it was a temporary promotion.
Too bad I suck at fighting games because skullgirls is gorgeous
Meh, so sad... Second month for US with 2 indie games for PSV instead of big ones in EU. So sad that stupid Sony don't let people play games from one account on another. I need to sell my Vita =(
Time to conquer my fear of puppets.
No, really, while Vita is a good handheld overall, but those limitations are just meh... The funny thing is, they restricted PSP and PS 1 games again, for US accounts. LOL!!!
Smeagoal,Gives us the Pro Evo Soccer 2014 precious.
We wants it. Goalem
yet another month not much for the four .I just want a game simple that it may be to show what we can expect when the programmers go to its limits or even Sony doing a short demo of what the four is able to do still love sony still waiting to be impressed..
@charlesnarles Hell, I paid $30 each for my two years of PS+, so it's more like $2.50 a month. Seems worth it to me whatever games Sony offers and they've offered some good ones so far. I've already beaten Stick It to the Man on Vita, but for no extra charge I'll probably give it another shot on PS4.
I could care less again for this months junk for the PS4. Another re-release.
And before the whole "you cant expect AAA" **** starts, that is not what I expect.
It may be free, but the odds are high that many PS4 owners have already played this rubbish, myself included.
Ill stick to playing Battlefield 4 online along with Assassins Creed until they actually throw us a bone, in the form of better quality.
Take this however you folks want, I don't care, this is just my opinion.
Getting Limbo :3
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