Outlast 02

If you fancy yourself a glutton for punishment, and you've access to an endless supply of clean undergarments, then we're delighted to inform you that utterly terrifying survival horror Outlast will be receiving downloadable content. Positioned as a prologue to the main story, the Whistleblower pack will see you playing as the anonymous tipster from the first game, and aims to detail all of the blood curdling nastiness that led to Mount Massive becoming such a messed up menagerie of masochism.

The story will also cover the events directly following the main game, which is terrific news for the three of you with sufficient internal fortitude to have made it all the way to the nail biting finale. We'd love to provide some searing journalistic insight into what all of this might mean in the grand scheme of things, but unfortunately, this particular reporter is not equipped with the cojones required to play a game such as Outlast, let alone its DLC.

Will you be picking up this devilish add-on, or was one trip through a mental asylum more than enough? Scream for dear life in the comments section below.

[source polygon.com]