Reel big fish

As one of the more bizarre offerings gracing the PlayStation 4 in the coming months, we've been awaiting Octodad: Dadliest Catch with bated breath and firmly crossed tentacles. The indie darling sees you take on the role of a bumbling octopus who must undertake mundane daily chores, such as mowing the lawn, without his family figuring out that their father figure is actually a cunning cephalopod in disguise.

We had previously thought that the humorous title would be making a splash sometime in March, but it seems that that's no longer the case, as a recent Tweet from its developer's official account has revealed that it won't be releasing until early April. In truth, it's a shame to have to wait any longer than we need to for this hilarious gem, but with that said, we wouldn't want to rush its creators. After all, they'll need as much time as possible to come up with increasingly amusing octopus puns.

Does this game octopi your every waking thought, or are you allergic to seafood? Go fish in the comments section below.

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