Merry Christmas

The carpet of discarded wrapping paper beneath your feet and the ill-fitting party hat atop your head suggests that your Christmas is well underway. As we write this a few hours before the big day, we’ve got our fingers crossed that everything goes to plan for you and your families. However, before you get back to your roast dinner and gifts, we just wanted to share a few words.

It’s been an epic year on Push Square, with the PlayStation 4 pretty much dominating our lives over the past twelve months. We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading the build up to the launch as much as we have writing about it, and now that the system’s here, we absolutely can’t wait to see what surprises the future holds. Virtual reality headsets, anyone?

But it’s not just been outstanding overall year for Sony's gaming brand, but also the very site that you’re reading right now. Once again we’ve gone from strength to strength behind-the-scenes, adding new writers to our roster and generally improving as a group. We’ve taken a massive stride forwards over the past few months, and we know that we're building something special here.

However, we couldn’t do any of it without you. For every article that you read, every comment that you post, and every link that you share we are truly humbled and honoured to have such a loyal and likeable community to take this journey alongside us. Thank you so much for believing in us and visiting the site every day. Truly, your support means the world to every single one of us here.

We’ll let you get back to your day, but don’t forget to check back over the Christmas break. In addition to the usual roster of reviews and features, we’ll be kickstarting our Game of the Year coverage imminently, so get thinking about your own personal favourites, and be prepared to discuss some of our picks.

Until next time, though, from all of us on the Push Square team, we wish you a Merry Christmas – and we’ll see you on the other side.