We all knew that it would happen eventually, but we don't think that anyone expected it to be announced quite so early: Naughty Dog has revealed that it's hard at work on a new entry in the Uncharted series for the PlayStation 4. Details are unsurprisingly scarce at this early stage, but a brief debut trailer — featuring narration from American actor Todd Stashwick — offered a glimpse at the vibe that you can expect from the full game.
Chatting as part of the PS4 All Access event earlier this evening, co-presidents Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra refused to touch upon specifics, but did offer a little hint about what we can expect from the sequel. "Graphically, you're going to see a big jump," the twosome teased. Is such a thing even possible? We guess we'll find out when we get a better look at the next generation game in the future. For now, check out the trailer embedded below, and let us know whether you're hyped in the comments section.

Comments 36
Nice tagline
My mind boggles at what this is going to look like. Hope we don't have to wait too long.
Psyched. Psyched. Psyched. Psyched. Psyched. Psyched. Psyched. Psyched.
Give me more Uncharted or give me death!
Sounds like someone Nathan betrayed in the past is coming to get their revenge. God, I love stories of vengeance.
Not sure how true this is but apparently you play as Franis Drake,
Nice i have a happy face!
I have never played an Uncharted before since I didn't own a PS3, I hope this one doesn;t require playing the previous ones to understand whats going on.
Love Naughty dog. They always know how to mix things up just enough to keep them fun and interesting. They'll take something conventional and put a new spin on it. Looking forward to seeing how they handle Uncharted 4... with the power of the PS4. Imaging The Last of Us on steroids, with a world that has 2-3 times richer environments. Like combining random materials from anywhere to make unscripted tools and weapons that really work.
ohhh does that mean a new protagonist? if so what about Nate?
We knew this would most likely be the next ND and I absolutely can't wait.
this...is...what...PS4...is all about!! EXCITED
It would be cool if the story centered around this new character and the plot of the story was to seek revenge on Drake. Kind of like what they did with Prototype 2 which was great.
Don't kill me, but who needs another one? Sorry y'all : ) I'm way full on Uncharteds by golden abyss
@charlesnarles The world needs more Uncharted.
I will play this but I'm disappointed it's nothing new. If ND was a Wii U comapny everyone would get so pissed off it would be unreal.
I would say Jak 4 But After seeing the reboot art maybe they should just leave it how it is.
The fact that the logo isn't the same, and seems more like the TLoU logo, hints to me that some major shakeup is happening in this one.
It might seem that I'm reading into things too much, but more than one developer has done something similar this gen.
don't want a Jak, Jak HD got platinum but I really hate all Jak series afterwards... on the other hand one game really great for Vita is surely Uncharted Golden Abyss
Didn't have much time to get hyped for this last night, but now I do: OMG OMG UNCHARTED ON PS4. This is going to be so good. Just please fix the difficulty spikes and constant waves of enemies.
A little disappointed in truth. I know people love Uncharted but Ive always been under the impression that ND start with a fresh IP each generation.If they were going to continue an IP, I would've preferred a new entry in Jak & Daxter series. Playing the HD collection only makes it more odd that we haven't had one. Then again with 17+ million lifetime sales for the Uncharted series, why not?
I just replayed Uncharted 2, so I am incredibly excited for this. That game's visuals hold up so well nowadays, so if this will be a "big jump" it's going to look stupidly good.
@MadchesterManc Someone who sees sense. Seen people - including one in the comments above me - slag off both Nintendo and Microsoft on here for relying on sequels yet a fifth Uncharted game in six years is why PS4 is best. Nothing like hypocrisy.
I'm sure the game will be decent (no Uncharted has been better than decent for me) and will do well but this 'next gen hype train' is still nowhere near my station.
I have spend some time this afternoon googling based on the trailer and this is what I can come up with. I believe that the games will be about pirates from around the turn of the 18th Century.
The map is clearly old, and there is a reference to P.Dauphin at the SE corner of Madagascar which is Fort Dauphin based on its location. It was only called that in 1643 after the French took over, which means it cannot be anything to do with Francis Drake as he was earlier. The port called Tôlanaro today. So the narrative takes place after 1643
Every has betrayed us all – is text that appears to be a reference to Henry Every who was a pirate around the turn of the 18th century.
Pirate figures were spotted in the background of a shot during one of The Last of Us development diary videos.
Ile de Sainte-Marie (which is circled at the end) is an island off the East of Madagascar, which is legendary for pirates. Particularly William Kidd, Robert Culliford, Olivier Levasseur, Henry Every, Abraham Samuel and Thomas Tew
For God and Liberty - Was the Motto of Libertatia, which was a supposed pirate utopia/colony at that time based near Ile de Sainte-Marie Thomas Tew featured strongly in the stories around Libertatia as did James Misson (who may have been fictional). Henry Every is also linked to Libertatia.
There is a section of code < .> [ ] etc, which is called the Pigpen cipher and has been used by Templars, Masons, and a certain pirate called Olivier Levasseur who is also associated with Ile de Sainte-Marie. Unfortunately there are not enough letters to decipher the text (at least I can't).
“Hodie mecum eris in paradise”, means today you shall be with me in Paradise, which was the last words spoken by Jesus to the two criminals crucified on his left and right. Interestingly on the skull, there are 3 vertical lines drawn and a horizontal line drawn through them, which could represent the 3 crosses of the crucifixion, matching the text. What this has to do with everything else escapes me.
I still have no idea who exactly the narrator is, as I cannot find any good reference to the 15 years, buried alive etc. I also have no idea how or if Nathan Drake will fit in. This could all just be the back story for Drakes treasure hunt.
@rastamadeus I honestly hadn't realised there had been that many. Only Uncharted 2 stands out as being a great game from the few Ive played so that's probably why (Not played Golden Abyss on Vita yet but Ive got it on PS+ so I may try it) on the subject of Microsoft & Nintendo, at the Xbone hands on a couple of weeks ago I actually snuck off to play Super Mario Brothers U on a WiiU hidden in the corner. Funnily enough, it was more fun than the Xbone line-up (Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Killer Instinct) Not bad for another remaster of Super Mario Brothers
@rastamadeus I ask the same thing to the Nintendo Community about SM3DW which I have the same feeling you have about Uncharted which is the same title we keep getting over and over........and the hype is just so false to my opinion. Sadly I don't see anything new about the series besides new powerups etc.
@MadchesterManc To be fair to Naughty Dog, you got your new IP with The Last of Us. I can understand why people would want something new, but this is a franchise that, with Uncharted 3, was left on the very cusp of giant blockbuster status, so it makes sense that they'd do another one. I mean, this is going to be a serious system seller for sure.
I agree with @rastamadeus, though - I obviously enjoy the franchise more, but it's not perfect and there's definitely room for improvement, particularly in the combat encounters. Naughty Dog is a developer that just seems to keep getting better, though, so I have faith this is going to be exceptional.
@D3athBr1ng3r187 The thing is there is nothing wrong with another Mario, another Uncharted or another Halo or COD or whatever. People like them and want to play them. It's the hypocrites who slag off one company for doing something that the company they like (in those case Sony and Naughty Dog) are doing themselves. "Why are Activision making more COD, wah wah wah, oh look, another Uncharted - PS4 is the best thing eeevvvaaahhhh!"
With Mario, for example, you now have three different series, 2D platformers, the 3D series and Galaxy. To people who don't enjoy them they are almost identical. To people who enjoy them they are glorious. But if you like FPS games you can't moan about Nintendo making more Mario when you're playing games that do exactly the same.
@rastamadeus Look I play games in general I don't have a best "genre" I understand that these "Best game evvvver gamers" play the same titles like CoD etc which doesn't never change but that's them. Me I play what I like or don't like so if you feel that next gen isn't for you then power to ya. But I have my own opinions about titles too and not to start a fight or debate but I'm loud as much a you are and guess what bro I appreciate that because you don't take crap to consideration you are brash and bold about your opinions and people hates that so feel free to understand that. I feel though about the Mario thing in my opinion to me its you play one you play them all type of situation to me and that's why i'm sadly passing on SM3DW for now but I probably play it down the line though.
@D3athBr1ng3r187 I think you're misunderstanding me, I wasn't saying it at you (as in having a go) I was saying it to you. What you've said above is pretty much what I was saying.
@rastamadeus Ok.....I'm sorry I took it out of context then LOL.
@D3athBr1ng3r187 No worries. But how could we not be on the same side when you have Gunstar Heroes as your avatar, haha.
Nobody cares about Uncharted anymore.
But if they'll make Uncharted about pirates, I'll be hyped like a virgin.
I think its because Mario is two decades old if not more,
@banacheck 15 main Mario games in 25+ years, this will be the fifth Uncharted since 2007 and there's been (rough estimate) twenty seven thousand CODs since 2010 is what I would answer back. Nothing wrong with that if people like them and buy them.
@Ginkgo I'm working on something based on all of this. Your research has helped out a ton. I will credit you in the piece.
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