Killzone: Shadow Fall 1

Of all the titles set to launch alongside the PlayStation 4 next month, Killzone: Shadow Fall is probably the one that you’re going to want to show to friends. The likes of Knack and even Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag have pretty graphics on the impending next generation machine, but there’s a definite ‘wow’ factor to Guerrilla Games’ impending release.

And these brand new screenshots illustrate that perfectly. There are a mix of single player and multiplayer pictures here, but they both look equally stunning. The most impressive thing is just how clean the image quality is – there are barely any of the aliasing issues that were common on the PlayStation 3.

A number of outlets recently got the chance to go hands-on with the title prior to its fast-approaching deploy date, and that’s kicked up a number of previews around the web. We’ve embedded Revision 3’s video below, not only because it includes plenty of new information – but also because there’s some slick gameplay footage for you to lust over in the process.

[source, via,]