Occupying just three PlayStation 4s at Sony's Eurogamer Expo booth, Digital Extreme's free-to-play co-op sci-fi romp shared the same floor as juggernauts like Killzone: Shadow Fall and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Warframe's presence brought a homey feel to the otherwise bustling show, as members of the development team talked us through the three player demo with healthy enthusiasm.
Taking place on an icy map, our trio was tasked with protecting a frame housed in a cryo tube against waves of increasingly difficult enemies. It's one of the more basic game types, but its simplicity allowed us to get a decent feel for the title's combat and often acrobatic movement. Our initial impressions were comfortably positive, as the release appears to lend itself especially well to the DualShock 4's button layout.
The responsive L2 and R2 triggers are used to squeeze off shots with your favoured firearm, while quick taps of R1 allow you to get in close with deadly melee combos. On top of these basic forms of attack, each class of warframe sports its own special abilities, which are triggered by swiping in different directions on the controller's touch pad. At first, the method proved to be a little unwieldy, and there's no doubt that the control scheme will take some getting used to - especially since a number of close range powers require careful accuracy - but the interaction itself is inherently unique. One quick flick of a digit is all it takes to send your character slicing through the enemy at extreme speeds, and the visual effects that accompany such displays are impressive, particularly when your foes become lost in a sea of colourful sparks after a successful offensive.

In contrast, navigating the environment is easy and fluid thanks to rapid jumping and a dexterous sprint, a mixture that gives traversal a hectic pace. And much like Platinum Games' Vanquish, your chosen character can power slide on their knees, allowing you to surprise your adversaries in style. While our field of battle wasn't of a large size, it still managed to provide plenty of verticality, sporting a few narrow paths and stairways that led up to more advantageous positions where we could rain down bullets on our pursuers.
Although the demo didn't offer any sort of substantial challenge, the makings of a great co-op experience are clear when the title's many player classes are taken into account. From the extra-speedy, sword wielding Excalibur warframe to the bulky, powerful Rhino specialisation, the range that's currently on offer within the PC version is incredibly promising, and the developer was eager to confirm that all of the patched-in features will be integrated into the PS4 release from day one.
All in all, we were impressed with how easily Warframe appears to have made the jump from PC to console. Although it's unlikely to topple Sony's next generation retail launch titles in terms of popularity, its blend of RPG elements, chaotic gameplay, and the absence of a price tag should ensure that it's well worth an early download.
Will you be downloading Warframe for your PS4 on launch day? Which other free-to-play games are you interested in trying on Sony's next generation hardware? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 16
All these ftp games are really exciting.. but will they really be anything but superficial unless u buy stuff in game? the more ftps released the more sceptical I become
@rykkchii Actually, this game is so good, you don't need to spend a dime on it. There are two forms of currency, Credits and Platinum (Platinum being the currency you actually buy). Through the game's Market, you see that you can immediately buy weapons, with an upgrade enclosed, with Platinum, OR you can buy the Blueprint for that weapon and build it using items you find when farming missions. If you want to potato the weapon (upgrading the weapon with an orokin catalyst), you'll have to find the blueprint through Alert Missions, Nightmare Missions, Orokin Tower Missions, or Orokin Derelict Missions. I have a friend of mine who ONLY spent money on this game when he received a 75% off Platinum coupon from his daily login roll, and even then he only spent $7 US. Other than that, he just gets blueprints and builds stuff while farming for the stuff he needs across the various planets. Same with the Mods that are necessary for buffing up your weapons. He and I have been playing Warframe since Update 8, and I can tell you that this game is great. You basically need to treat this game as Ninja Gaiden meets Dead Space with superpowers.
@xMonk Nice one, thanks for that. your enthusiasm has sold it to me.
@rykkchii I should also tell you that the best weapons, and two amazing Warframes, are found through the Orokin Towers / Derelicts. You have to find their components and their blueprints through the towers. However, It's one component or blueprint per run. Basically, it's more free to play than most people think. LOL.
Sweet to see it looking good, this is my most anticipated launch title to play. Hope it's not designed for co-op too much as I will be playing it alone for a long time.
@Jaz007 It's designed for co-op. Although it's a drop-in / drop-out co-op. I would go look at some YouTube videos to see if you're up for it. Or if your computer can allow it, try the game out. But yeah, You won't go far doing Solo missions.
I think that this game looks great, and will certainly be trying it out. I am intrigued by all the FTP stuff coming to PS4. I don't mind the business model depending on how it is structured. (i.e. you don't have to pay to progress its just slower and if each micro transaction is small.)
Played it at Eurogamer Expo today. I was stunned. I did not at all expect it to be as fun and engrossing as it was. You could easily sink an evening into it. Great co-op game. I will be downloading immediately on launch day.
This game is so much great, shame my pc is not one of master race. Hence the lowest setting I can only
Will definite one of the fave ps4 game for me.
I both love and hate this game.
The FTP model really is great,Actually not requiring any money so long as you don't mind grinding a bit. The almost Monster hunter like loot system is seriously addicting.
Your character controls great too, after just a bit of practice you'll be wall running,shooting,slicing and using special abilities like a cyber ninja.
What I don't like that the Enemy AI is dumb as a box of stumps and provide little challenge.( At least from what I've experienced Soloing through the first two planets)
Also it's way too easy to sink a ton of time into the game.That may ordinarily be a good thing but I have a large backlog of game to play.
@ohhaime You should join a T3 Defense Mission. The later planets get QUITE nasty.
Can't wait for this one.
My favourite moment came when I turned around to see Robert Ramsey's shocked expression just moments after I violently chopped an enemy into two separate pieces sending them flying across the map.
@SimonSiThornton I couldn't believe the devastation you had wrought in just one attack. The best part was that I was just about to take the guy on, and you appeared and completely annihilated him from nowhere. Good times were had.
Of course I'm gonna get the free stuff. Are you crazy? Unless the other game installs take up my entire 500gb lol (srsly o.o) I'm real excited for every FTP I've heard about, especially Ace Combat.
This reminds me of the old pirate vs ninja thing. Warframe or Black Flag?
I've played a little bit of it on PC and its pretty fun so hopefully the PS4 version is just as good if not better.
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