Forget about all of the excellent LEGO crossovers that have come before – this is the one that we’ve been waiting for. 18-year-old model designer Joris Blok has constructed an army of Helghast soldiers out of LEGO, providing a sneak peak at Guerrilla Games’ blockbuster Killzone franchise in plastic form. Despite their somewhat softened appearances, we still wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of these elite troops.
Joris has quite a few video game homages in his Flickr photostream – including this exact replica of the PlayStation Portable. You can peruse the full set through here. Would you play a LEGO Killzone game? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source flickr.com, via flickr.com]
Comments 5
I would not play a LEGO Killzone game, however. As it would simply be just like playing the rest of them!
At least he's got an appropriate name.
They look like 10th Gen. Stormtroopers. XD
I think if a FPS was going to get the Lego treatment it would be Halo, not Killzone, though they would need to get the license from Mega Bloks.
Would a WOW Lego game be any different from WOW? Again, licensing issues.
After Lego Marvel this year I think Lego Hobbit next, to coincide with the 3rd film next summer. I want a Lego Smaug toy.
If the eyes glowed red they'd be even better.
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