"No... Not more"

As our Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City review established last month, Slant Six’s squad-based spin-off isn’t exactly the most polished entry in Capcom’s traditionally high-quality horror series. But if you’re enjoying the title regardless, you might be, ahem, thrilled to learn that there’s some free DLC on the way.

Starting next week you’ll be able to download the first of a seven-mission campaign featuring the US Spec Ops squad for free. While it sounds like a legitimately great deal, the fact that you have to buy the other six missions seems a bit sly. Could someone wake us up when Capcom gets a grip on this whole DLC thing, please?

We’ve included a trailer for the new content below. As you’d expect, it includes lots of shuffling zombies and questionable voice acting. Sounds true enough to its parent franchise to us.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]