Oh Sony, what secrets does Jump Festa hold?

But it nearly always leads to a bunch of wild and unattainable expectations. So let's keep our hype gauge in check, then.

Jump Festa, a Japanese games festival, is set to take place in Tokyo later this year. Awkwardly the event will coincide with the launch of PlayStation Vita, with the exposition taking place on December 17th and December 18th.

But Sony's not letting the launch of is latest major platform stop it from making an announcement or two. Teased on the festival's website is a cryptic clue from SCE, pondering: "Will the veil come off a surprising new game?"

Given the tease, we're pretty sure the veil will come off. But what could it be? We're guessing Ape Escape Vita. Feel free to do some pondering of your own after the jump.

[Thanks Andriasang]