While Sony's big Move title Sorcery has been curiously silent since its unveiling last year, EA is ready to step into the magic gap by releasing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II for the controller in July this year.
The first part of the Deathly Hallows had no Move support, so it'll be interesting to see how EA Bright Light handles the motion controller in the game. Last year's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I for Kinect was a great example of how not to do motion controls in a magic game, so fingers crossed the technical wizards at EA can pull a better game out of the hat this time.
Here's the first trailer of the game, due to hit Europe on 15th July.
Comments 11
Meh. Balls to Potter. Give me Sorcery.
WOW!!!!! Instant Buy! lol
Move looks exactly like a Wand. Has a glowing Orb. If it changes colors a lot this will be a perfect fit!!
But sorcery looks great too and has a different style of play, so I'll get both.
Well, I'm not forgetting Sorcery too soon... ;P
Sorcery has this awesome looking original style of play. If Harry Potter is more of a patch-on control system, Sorcery will probably be a lot better then.
Wow this is great news and unexpected. I think Harry Potter will be best played with the Move. I'm getting this and Socery for sure.
not a fan of the films or the books but i have to say that is a very cool trailer but its an ea game so i would expect it to be highly poshiled, but gameplay wise i'll not hold my breath i'm guessing that they have bolted move support on to the game to help it sell and as stated by others sorcery is built form the ground up to use the move, lets hope there is a game to go along with all that move coding...in both titles
I wonder how they're going to use Move — last year's effort had poorly-received first-person shooter sections, so hopefully they'll be a little more ambitious with the Move controls. Gesture-based spells are a must!
Use the Mic too! You actually have to say the spell and move the wand accordingly to cast it! Might be hard but would be a lot more immersive if worked properly!
Think I'll hold off for Sorcery.
Wow! The bits of the video look great! I love the book series and the movies have been spot-on, here is hoping for an awesome last film and game!
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