PlayStation 3: Now Totally Secure And With Online Storage Features.

You'll be prompted to update to the latest firmware when you turn your system on, just scroll to the "System Update" tab on the PS3's menu.

The new firmware brings with it the Online Storage feature detailed yesterday. Online Storage will allow you to back up save files online. You'll get space of up to 150mb or 1,000 save files. The service is only available to PlayStation Plus members, however. An additional feature allows you to set the intervals at which you'd like the DualShock 3 to turn off if not in-use.

Further reports are suggesting that Sony has fixed the "unfixable", completely locking hacks out of the PlayStation 3. Earlier in the year, hackers gloated about how the platform holder would "never" be able to regain control of their system. Well, errr, looks like they just did. We don't want to go too heavy into the details (because we don't understand them!) but it looks like the issue of PlayStation 3 hacks is all but dead for the time being. Which is good news for those of us that want to use our system legitimately without having to deal with the nonsense a minority of hackers subject us too.