"Buzzin' It".

HQ is heading to Sony's Playstation Home platform very soon. In the area you can chat and meet up with other quiz fans in a new lobby area or take part in a multiplayer Buzz! quiz game extravaganza. Rob Rutter, European Product Manager for Buzz! had this to say on the new Playstation EU Blog:
The game works by making you run around the studio to answer questions, all of which are taken from the best content that you’ve created on the MyBuzzQuiz.com website. Four coloured answer buttons are laid out on the floor and you need to make sure you’re standing on the right answer when the time runs out. The winner’s decided over four rounds, and there are a number of exclusive prizes up for grabs for the greatest players. I’m hoping this is going to be really great fun, and bring a great new Buzz! multiplayer game to PlayStation Home.</blockquote>

It sounds like it could be a lot of fun.